• AndySkelton
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I want to add new fields(columns) to this.  i can do that, but I get crzy JS errors when i do.



columns = [ // 'AccountId', 'Name','Sites','StageName','CloseDate', 'Amount', 'Id'
{ name:'Account',sfname:'AccountId', comparator: nameCompare ,
width: 128, readonly:true, formatter: turbo.grid.format.link },
{ name:'Name', comparator: nameCompare ,
width: 188, readonly:true , formatter: turbo.grid.format.link } ,
{ name:'Sites', sfname:'Sites', comparator: nameCompare ,
width: 188, readonly:true , formatter: turbo.grid.format.link } ,

[ turbo.grid.columns.sfenumerated, { name:'Stage', sfname:'stagename', comparator: stageCompare, width: 125,
options: getOptionsArray(bean,'stagename'), values: getOptionsArray(bean,'stagename') } ],

{ name:'Close Date', sfname:'CloseDate', comparator: dateCompare ,
width: 75, align: 'left', formatter: turbo.grid.format.dateonly, editor: turbo.grid.edit.dateonly },
{ name:'Amount', sfname:'Amount' ,
width: 86, align: 'right', digits: 4, formatter: turbo.grid.format.sfmoney, editor: turbo.grid.edit.decimal}
,{ name:'Id', formatter:null }


I added the custom field 'Sites' to this.  But i get this error message each time:

"Exception thrown, but not caught"

I downloaded this app which is a great tool that I have been looking for.  I managed to add some new fields and remove some to this process.  My question is how do I get the stages to only pull stages that are related to the opportunity record type?  Currently it shows all stages that are listed some we don't even use.  I want to only show those that are the opportunities record type.
[turbo.grid.columns.sfenumerated,{name:'Stage',sfname:'stagename',comparator: stageCompare,width: 125,options: getOptionsArray(bean,'stagename'),values: getOptionsArray(bean,'stagename')}]
Thanks in advance for any help on this.
  • March 08, 2007
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