• Leigh0725
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Okay, I've been playing around with the Cloud Flow Designer.  We have been able to get this to work with what we want, but we have a lot of fields for the user to input.  Do you know if there is a way to have 2 columns of fields rather than just the one?  Right now I only have 5 fields on my screen, but I have 7 more to add.  Just curious on how limited we are to the look and feel.  I have it embedded in a VF page, but am still new to the coding part.  Just not sure what our options are. 

Okay, I've been playing around with the Flow feature and am now trying to embed the simple flow I created into a VF page.  I can run the flow with no problem, saved it and have an active version.  I have a simple VF page with the following code. But when I try to save it, it says Create_Lead_Test is not found or doesn't ahve an active version.  I'm confused as to why it is saying this. Create_Lead_Test is the unique name.  Am I missing something?


    <flow:interview name="Create_Lead_Test"/>

Has anyone experienced issues with Salesforce closing out while tring to navigate within the app white on IE 8 and having Windows 7?  We just recently upgraded some of our users to Windows 7 and are experience a slew of issues, the big one being that salesforce will just close causing the user to pull up IE again and login.  Sometimes the user cannot even log in.  Is there a java issue or some sort of IE setting that could be causing this?  If the user uses FireFox, no problems at all, but that is not an option, as our IT department will not allow users to put FireFox on the work laptops.  Thoughts?

Okay, this really shouldn't be that difficult.  I have a VF with a custom object for standard controller.  This object has a child that I will be displaying record in a table and then have the details rendered below the table.  Much like the examle in the VF developer guide done with Account and Contact.  I got it to work, however, it seems like the details section is refreshing with the standard page layout for the object.  Now, I did do the override for the 'View' option, so when I click on a single record of the 'child' object, the right VF page is shown. 


My code is no different than the one in the example, just changed the names to fit my objects/fields.  Can you not do a VF page within a VF page?



This is my very first VF page attempt and was eager to jump in after attending some sessions at Dreamforce.  I was hoping someone can assist with how to set each tab to show a specifc record.  I created a VF page - Year to Date History - and it is setup as tabs.  Each tab represents a year and each record in the YTDH__C custom object houses data for that year.  The YTDH__c object is a child of our Program__c object.  So one program can have multiple YTDH__c records.  We would like each tab to show the figures for that year and then if the user clicks on a tab, it will be populated with the corrdinating year's data based ont eh tab's label.  Also have to make sure if a user clicks on a link to the record, the page will open up with the right tab selected. 


I used a Panelgrid (maybe this was a wrong layout choice?), as layout wise, we were able to get the display/format to look how we want.  I took a screen shot, but cannot figure out how to get the image to show.  I tried pulling up image hosting sites, but they're blocked here at work.  Here is the jist of what our code looks like (note: only coded first tab (2011).  I just cannot figure out how to make each tab (year) reflect each program's YTDH__C record.



<apex:page standardController="YTDH__c" sidebar="false">
    <apex:pageBlock title="Annual Program Details">
        <p><b>Client:</b> {!YTDH__c.Client__c}</p>
        <apex:tabPanel switchType="client" selectedTab="{!theSelectedTab}" id="theTabPanel">
            <apex:tab label="2011" name="2011" id="2011"><b>Program: </b>{!YTDH__c.Program_Name__c}
                <apex:panelGrid style="text-align:center" columns="9" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
                    <apex:outputtext style="font-weight:bold;" value="Month" id="Month"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Total Volume" id="TV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="LT Volume" id="LTV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="LVL III Volume" id="LVIIIV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="LT & LVL III Volume" id="LTIIIV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Net Volume" id="NV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Program Average" id="AT"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Combined Average" id="CAT"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Points" id="PS"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="January" id="Jan"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Total_Volume__c}" id="JANTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_LT_Volume__c}" id="JANLTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_LVL_III_Volume__c}" id="JANLVLIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_LTI_LIII_Volume__c}" id="JANLTIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Net_Volume__c}" id="JANNV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Program_Average__c}" id="JANAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Combined_Average__c}" id="JANCAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Points__c}" id="JANPS2011"></apex:outputField>

                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="February" id="Feb"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Total_Volume__c}" id="FEBTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_LT_Volume__c}" id="FEBLTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_LVL_III_Volume__c}" id="FEBLVLIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_LTI_LIII_Volume__c}" id="FEBLTIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Net_Volume__c}" id="FEBNV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Program_Average__c}" id="FEBAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Combined_Average__c}" id="FEBCAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Points__c}" id="FEBPS2011"></apex:outputField>

                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="March" id="Jan"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Total_Volume__c}" id="MARTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_LT_Volume__c}" id="MARLTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_LVL_III_Volume__c}" id="MARLVLIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_LTI_LIII_Volume__c}" id="MARLTIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Net_Volume__c}" id="MARNV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Program_Average__c}" id="MARAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Combined_Average__c}" id="MARCAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Points__c}" id="MARPS2011"></apex:outputField>
            <apex:tab label="2012" name="2012" id="2012">
            	content for tab two - repeat above grid




I am at a loss on what to do.  So we created this update trigger and it worked great in the sandbox.  Pushed it over to production with no issues.  We went through some test records and everything was great.  Then, we try to do a data load.  That's when we found out about bulk triggers. Here is our trigger.  We have a master detail relationship with Account and Program (client__c housing the account id).  Then Program has a master detail relationship with Reward (rm_detail_link__c housing the program id).  Any help would be great.  I've been reading on the maps, but am not quite sure how to do the maps since we need to access 4 objects - User, Account, Program and Reward.  Thanks!


trigger RMrewardupdate on Reward__c (before update) {
    for(Reward__c rs: trigger.new){
        ID pID = [select RM_Detail_Link__c from Reward__c where id = :rs.id].rm_detail_link__C;
        ID aID = [select client__c from program__c where id = :pid].client__c;
        ID rmID = [select relationship_manager__c from account where id = :aid].relationship_manager__C;
        If (rmID  != null) {
            string RMemail = [select email from user where id = :rmid].email;
            rs.rm_user_id__c = rmID;
            rs.rm_email__c = RMemail;
            ID rrmID = [select managerid from user where id = :rmid].managerid;
            If (rrmID  != null) {
                string RRMemail = [select email from user where id = :rrmid].email;
                rs.rrm_email__c = RRMemail;

Can anyone tell me where the " Receive Approval Request Emails" field is stored at?  It's located on the User personal information screen, in the "Approver Settings" section.  Also, is this something that can be locked down or at least changed via a trigger? 





Hello -


We have a custom object that is a grandchild of Account.  The approval process is on that custom object and are doing an auto submit for records to be approved by our users.  However, we don't want the users to get n email for every single 'grandchild' record.  Just receive 1 email per account record (which we have accomplished via email alert and workflow), however, with the approval notification, our users are getting duplicate notofications.


Is there a way to disable the email approval notification?

I'm new to Apex and am trying to get this test script to work so that I can deploy the trigger over to production.  The trigger works in our Sandbox, but my test script keeps returning null.  I'm not sure what is going on.  On our account record we have a lookup field to the user table.  This is the id i'm trying to pull.  The account record is the master and we have a custom object that stems from account called program.  We then have another custom object that stems from program, RS.  The trigger is to take place on the RS record on the before update event.  This field is what will determine who gets an automated approval submission.  It's a funky setup, but due to other objects/setups, we had to go this route.  When I run my test, the system debug is always showing null after the update statement.  I'm not sure what to do next.  Please help!


Tigger Code:

trigger RMuserIDupdate on Revenue_Share__c (before update) {
    for(revenue_share__c rs: trigger.new){
        ID pID = [select RM_Detail_Link__c from revenue_share__c where id = :rs.id].rm_detail_link__C;
        ID aID = [select client__c from program__c where id = :pid].client__c;
        id rmID = [select relationship_manager__c from account where id = :aid].relationship_manager__C;
        rs.rm_user_id__c = rmID;


Test Script:

public class Check_RMUserUpdate{
    static testMethod void testCheck_RMUserUpdate() {
    ID testRMID;
    ID actRMID;

    Account A1 = new Account();
    A1.name = 'Test1';
    A1.RecordTypeId = '01240000000DRwY';
    A1.billingcity = 'Kansas City';
    A1.billingstate = 'MO';
    A1.billingpostalcode = '64105';
    A1.site = 'Kansas City MO';
    A1.relationship_manager__C = '005400000012HxuAAE';
    insert a1;
    testrmid = a1.relationship_manager__c;
    Program__c P1 = new Program__c();
    P1.client__c = A1.id;
    insert p1;
    system.debug('********************Program****** ' + p1.id);
    Revenue_Share__C RS1 = new Revenue_Share__c();
    RS1.rm_detail_link__c = p1.id;
    //RS1.rm_user_id__c = '00540000000xC6yAAE';
    insert RS1;
    system.debug('********************rm detail****** ' + rs1.rm_detail_link__c);

    rs1.tier__c = 'B1';
    update rs1;
    actrmid = rs1.rm_user_id__c;
    system.debug('********************TEST****** ' + testrmid + ' ' + actrmid);

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  We got the bulk of our workflow/approval process built, but there are a few items that we need help figuring out.


1).  Except for disabling the component on the homepage, is there a way to disable the 'Approve/Reject All' feature when viewing the Items to Approve by selecting the 'Manage All' button?  We're not comfortable with the users being able to just select all and then approve without actually going in and reviewing.


2).  Is there a way to require a user to put comments in when they reject a record?


3).  Is there a way to customize the approve/reject page layout?


We have not dug into visualforce or apex coding yet, so if it does require some of this type of build, we're not opposed to it, just may need additional assistance or point us to the proper references.


Thanks in advance!

Is there a way to do this?  If so, please let me know.  This is causing some confusion for our users.  They click this and the reports that are created for the sample are not accurately filtered for the users.  Since we have some users that would look at the dashboard and think that is what is true, we need to have this button removed.  I cannot figure out where to do this.  Maybe I'm overlooking something.


Thanks in advance!

I've been trying to find a solution for this all day and thought I would have better luck posting a message to see if anyone responds.  Here is what we are trying to do.  We want to be able to have a user select a client from a drop down box on a componet on their dashboard.  After selecting the client, a table or chart will display to give the name of the customer service person and how many logged calls they have done for that client.  I have a summary report but when I create the dashboard, it's this huge long list.  I wanted to be able to create something generic for everyone rather than having to go into each person's account and set up a specific dashboard for them (frustrated in trying to get the sales reps to set up their own dashboards or reports - it is just easier to log in as them and set them up).



So we're not sure what is going on, but it seems like every time we create a new calendar event (whether personal or business), the category is populated with salesforce.com and the Save & Mark for sync button is gone.  This happens after the calendar event is saved or sent - basically when going back in to the event to edit is when we noticed this.  We are on 2003 v 11.8169.8172 SP3.  To my knowledge our only limitations are not allowing users to sync contacts.  Thoughts?



Okay, I've been playing around with the Flow feature and am now trying to embed the simple flow I created into a VF page.  I can run the flow with no problem, saved it and have an active version.  I have a simple VF page with the following code. But when I try to save it, it says Create_Lead_Test is not found or doesn't ahve an active version.  I'm confused as to why it is saying this. Create_Lead_Test is the unique name.  Am I missing something?


    <flow:interview name="Create_Lead_Test"/>

Okay, this really shouldn't be that difficult.  I have a VF with a custom object for standard controller.  This object has a child that I will be displaying record in a table and then have the details rendered below the table.  Much like the examle in the VF developer guide done with Account and Contact.  I got it to work, however, it seems like the details section is refreshing with the standard page layout for the object.  Now, I did do the override for the 'View' option, so when I click on a single record of the 'child' object, the right VF page is shown. 


My code is no different than the one in the example, just changed the names to fit my objects/fields.  Can you not do a VF page within a VF page?



This is my very first VF page attempt and was eager to jump in after attending some sessions at Dreamforce.  I was hoping someone can assist with how to set each tab to show a specifc record.  I created a VF page - Year to Date History - and it is setup as tabs.  Each tab represents a year and each record in the YTDH__C custom object houses data for that year.  The YTDH__c object is a child of our Program__c object.  So one program can have multiple YTDH__c records.  We would like each tab to show the figures for that year and then if the user clicks on a tab, it will be populated with the corrdinating year's data based ont eh tab's label.  Also have to make sure if a user clicks on a link to the record, the page will open up with the right tab selected. 


I used a Panelgrid (maybe this was a wrong layout choice?), as layout wise, we were able to get the display/format to look how we want.  I took a screen shot, but cannot figure out how to get the image to show.  I tried pulling up image hosting sites, but they're blocked here at work.  Here is the jist of what our code looks like (note: only coded first tab (2011).  I just cannot figure out how to make each tab (year) reflect each program's YTDH__C record.



<apex:page standardController="YTDH__c" sidebar="false">
    <apex:pageBlock title="Annual Program Details">
        <p><b>Client:</b> {!YTDH__c.Client__c}</p>
        <apex:tabPanel switchType="client" selectedTab="{!theSelectedTab}" id="theTabPanel">
            <apex:tab label="2011" name="2011" id="2011"><b>Program: </b>{!YTDH__c.Program_Name__c}
                <apex:panelGrid style="text-align:center" columns="9" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
                    <apex:outputtext style="font-weight:bold;" value="Month" id="Month"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Total Volume" id="TV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="LT Volume" id="LTV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="LVL III Volume" id="LVIIIV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="LT & LVL III Volume" id="LTIIIV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Net Volume" id="NV"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Program Average" id="AT"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Combined Average" id="CAT"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="Points" id="PS"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="January" id="Jan"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Total_Volume__c}" id="JANTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_LT_Volume__c}" id="JANLTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_LVL_III_Volume__c}" id="JANLVLIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_LTI_LIII_Volume__c}" id="JANLTIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Net_Volume__c}" id="JANNV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Program_Average__c}" id="JANAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Combined_Average__c}" id="JANCAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.January_Points__c}" id="JANPS2011"></apex:outputField>

                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="February" id="Feb"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Total_Volume__c}" id="FEBTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_LT_Volume__c}" id="FEBLTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_LVL_III_Volume__c}" id="FEBLVLIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_LTI_LIII_Volume__c}" id="FEBLTIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Net_Volume__c}" id="FEBNV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Program_Average__c}" id="FEBAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Combined_Average__c}" id="FEBCAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.February_Points__c}" id="FEBPS2011"></apex:outputField>

                    <apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold;" value="March" id="Jan"></apex:outputText>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Total_Volume__c}" id="MARTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_LT_Volume__c}" id="MARLTV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_LVL_III_Volume__c}" id="MARLVLIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_LTI_LIII_Volume__c}" id="MARLTIIIV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Net_Volume__c}" id="MARNV2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Program_Average__c}" id="MARAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Combined_Average__c}" id="MARCAVT2011"></apex:outputField>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!YTDH__c.March_Points__c}" id="MARPS2011"></apex:outputField>
            <apex:tab label="2012" name="2012" id="2012">
            	content for tab two - repeat above grid




I am at a loss on what to do.  So we created this update trigger and it worked great in the sandbox.  Pushed it over to production with no issues.  We went through some test records and everything was great.  Then, we try to do a data load.  That's when we found out about bulk triggers. Here is our trigger.  We have a master detail relationship with Account and Program (client__c housing the account id).  Then Program has a master detail relationship with Reward (rm_detail_link__c housing the program id).  Any help would be great.  I've been reading on the maps, but am not quite sure how to do the maps since we need to access 4 objects - User, Account, Program and Reward.  Thanks!


trigger RMrewardupdate on Reward__c (before update) {
    for(Reward__c rs: trigger.new){
        ID pID = [select RM_Detail_Link__c from Reward__c where id = :rs.id].rm_detail_link__C;
        ID aID = [select client__c from program__c where id = :pid].client__c;
        ID rmID = [select relationship_manager__c from account where id = :aid].relationship_manager__C;
        If (rmID  != null) {
            string RMemail = [select email from user where id = :rmid].email;
            rs.rm_user_id__c = rmID;
            rs.rm_email__c = RMemail;
            ID rrmID = [select managerid from user where id = :rmid].managerid;
            If (rrmID  != null) {
                string RRMemail = [select email from user where id = :rrmid].email;
                rs.rrm_email__c = RRMemail;

Can anyone tell me where the " Receive Approval Request Emails" field is stored at?  It's located on the User personal information screen, in the "Approver Settings" section.  Also, is this something that can be locked down or at least changed via a trigger? 





Hello -


We have a custom object that is a grandchild of Account.  The approval process is on that custom object and are doing an auto submit for records to be approved by our users.  However, we don't want the users to get n email for every single 'grandchild' record.  Just receive 1 email per account record (which we have accomplished via email alert and workflow), however, with the approval notification, our users are getting duplicate notofications.


Is there a way to disable the email approval notification?

I'm new to Apex and am trying to get this test script to work so that I can deploy the trigger over to production.  The trigger works in our Sandbox, but my test script keeps returning null.  I'm not sure what is going on.  On our account record we have a lookup field to the user table.  This is the id i'm trying to pull.  The account record is the master and we have a custom object that stems from account called program.  We then have another custom object that stems from program, RS.  The trigger is to take place on the RS record on the before update event.  This field is what will determine who gets an automated approval submission.  It's a funky setup, but due to other objects/setups, we had to go this route.  When I run my test, the system debug is always showing null after the update statement.  I'm not sure what to do next.  Please help!


Tigger Code:

trigger RMuserIDupdate on Revenue_Share__c (before update) {
    for(revenue_share__c rs: trigger.new){
        ID pID = [select RM_Detail_Link__c from revenue_share__c where id = :rs.id].rm_detail_link__C;
        ID aID = [select client__c from program__c where id = :pid].client__c;
        id rmID = [select relationship_manager__c from account where id = :aid].relationship_manager__C;
        rs.rm_user_id__c = rmID;


Test Script:

public class Check_RMUserUpdate{
    static testMethod void testCheck_RMUserUpdate() {
    ID testRMID;
    ID actRMID;

    Account A1 = new Account();
    A1.name = 'Test1';
    A1.RecordTypeId = '01240000000DRwY';
    A1.billingcity = 'Kansas City';
    A1.billingstate = 'MO';
    A1.billingpostalcode = '64105';
    A1.site = 'Kansas City MO';
    A1.relationship_manager__C = '005400000012HxuAAE';
    insert a1;
    testrmid = a1.relationship_manager__c;
    Program__c P1 = new Program__c();
    P1.client__c = A1.id;
    insert p1;
    system.debug('********************Program****** ' + p1.id);
    Revenue_Share__C RS1 = new Revenue_Share__c();
    RS1.rm_detail_link__c = p1.id;
    //RS1.rm_user_id__c = '00540000000xC6yAAE';
    insert RS1;
    system.debug('********************rm detail****** ' + rs1.rm_detail_link__c);

    rs1.tier__c = 'B1';
    update rs1;
    actrmid = rs1.rm_user_id__c;
    system.debug('********************TEST****** ' + testrmid + ' ' + actrmid);

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  We got the bulk of our workflow/approval process built, but there are a few items that we need help figuring out.


1).  Except for disabling the component on the homepage, is there a way to disable the 'Approve/Reject All' feature when viewing the Items to Approve by selecting the 'Manage All' button?  We're not comfortable with the users being able to just select all and then approve without actually going in and reviewing.


2).  Is there a way to require a user to put comments in when they reject a record?


3).  Is there a way to customize the approve/reject page layout?


We have not dug into visualforce or apex coding yet, so if it does require some of this type of build, we're not opposed to it, just may need additional assistance or point us to the proper references.


Thanks in advance!

Is there a way to do this?  If so, please let me know.  This is causing some confusion for our users.  They click this and the reports that are created for the sample are not accurately filtered for the users.  Since we have some users that would look at the dashboard and think that is what is true, we need to have this button removed.  I cannot figure out where to do this.  Maybe I'm overlooking something.


Thanks in advance!