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Has anyone solved this problem?


We send out a lot of automatic notification emails to our partners.  We want our Partners to be able to click on links within the notification emails and get directed to the relevant records within their partner portal.


The problem we are experiencing is that even though they have an already open Partner Portal when they click on the link they get force to re-login.  Very frustrating and annoying experience.  


So, we are wondering if anyone else has this problem and has perhaps solved it? 

  • November 11, 2009
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Hello..and thanks in advance for any and all help! 


I'm traditionally not a coder..so I apologize for my lack of knowledge up front :)


I've sucessfully added a Java Script pop-up to my salesforce.com page using custom links.  It first checks to see if the window is already open...and if not it opens the pop-up.


var newwindow;
function popUp(url, w, h, namn)
newwindow=window.open(url, namn, 'width='+ w +', height=' + h + ' resizable=no, scrollbars=auto, toolbars=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, copyhistory=no');
if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
javascript:popUp( 'url', w, h, 'name' )



What I need now is to pass salesforce.com variables to the java script above.  I want to have the script pass login/password information that can allow the application that's being opened to auto/login. 


The next question would be...whats the best way to secure this login information if I am able to get it passed.

If a sales rep using salesforce wants to assign a lead to a partner to view through the portal AND send the partner an e-mail notification, the partner will receive the standard notification text....

Lead: xxxxxxxxxxx has been assigned to you.

To view the details of this lead in Salesforce click on the following link:


This is a problem, because partners don't use na1.salesforce.com.

Please consider enabling customizable e-mail templates for this to accomodate partner portal users.

