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It is my understand that it is possible to lend SOAP API Support to Professional Edition users by embedding a 'Partner Token' in the SOAP envolope headers.

I also understand that people have done this to give professional edition clients access to their package that require SOAP API access even though that client has professional edition which doesn't natively support the APIs without an upgrade.


I understand that the same API access rules exist for the REST API (only avalible in ultimate, enterprise, dev. instances) but I'm curious if a similar procedure for 'lending' access to 'professional edition' for the REST API.


Also, anyone whom knows of a good explanation for embedding the 'Partner Token' into the API Calls as described above, as it seems like people have had 'mixed' results...

Case: I have a VisualForce page that requires frequent changes to load new information from the controller and embed that information into a Javascript array for further use.


Curent solution: rI've had success using VisualForce 'Browser Technologies' as described here (in the Wiki): http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Using_Browser_Technologies_in_Visualforce_-_Part_1


I surround the Javascript array.push with the recommended <apex:repeat></apex:repeat> tags:


<apex:repeat value="{!Object}" var="objects">       
		d.push( {
                   element1: "{!objects.id}"			



 Issue: The array is correctly populated when an entire page refresh populates, and when I use my 'dropdown' to modify the filter on the object (in the controller), the DOM Is updated (I Can see new information being placed on the page),


Ultimately, however, the Javascript array doesn't change it's values unless I call a refresh on the entire page, which sort of defeats the Partial Refresh and is kind of shock to the system for users.


This 'necessary post' issue wasn't a problem before, and even when I directly call the Javascript function that contains this array population after the DOM has been updated the Javascript array doesn't change (So I'm assuming that it's loaded once based on what's at the DOM when the page initially posts back and can't be changed.






I have a VisualForce page that has a "Listview' assigned via a "SelectList", when the view is selected, a Cookie is also created via an ActionSupport as such:



<apex:selectList styleClass="" value="{!filterId}" size="1">
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!go}" onSubmit="update(this.value);" />
<apex:selectOptions value="{!listViewOptions}" />

And in the controller:



public filterId {get; set;}

public Controller() {
        if (ApexPages.currentPage() != null && this.filterId == null) {
            Cookie FilterId = ApexPages.currentPage().getCookies().get('FilterId');
            if (FilterId != null) {
                this.filterId = FilterId.getValue();

public PageReference go() { this.errors = ''; // Remember the selected list view for 365 days Cookie FilterId = new Cookie('FilterId', this.filterId, null, 31536000, false); ApexPages.currentPage().setCookies(new Cookie[]{FilterId}); return null; }

 This works fine, and the controller is assigned correctly as well.


But, if I assign the filterId, but selecting it from the list, and than go BACK and 'choose the unselect' option, navigate away from the page and return to the domain where the cookie is: I get the following error:


core.apexpages.exceptions.ApexPagesHandledException: Filter Id value is not valid for the Campaign standard controller


I'm confused because I can't find 'Filter Id' (with the space anywhere, and the Cookie and the StandardSetController filter should be null as well - although I am seeing that the Cookie 'still exists' in the domain (is it just being 'Zeroed' out but not deleted or set to null if I can still see it? And than is it hanging on the standard constructor?



I need to review the results from a SOQL query by ListView on a set of avalible ListViews for an SObject that are returned from SOQL Query.


I can't seem to think of how to do this without using the StandardSetController.getListViewOptions() operation and the StandardSetController.getRecords() operation.





Or to put it another way: Pass the current listview context to the controller for a visualforce page so we can refine the records --

I can't find any documentation on this result


I'm getting when reviewing what's going on in my Salesforce.com System Log.


An ambiguous: "Interal Salesforce.com Error" is listed as the status of the operation: "APEXSOAP"


Furthermore, when I review the SOAP Response on the other end, I am getting a SOAP Fault message: "No Visualforce context has been established", since SOAP Faults Map to Exceptions -


I'm assuming I have an 'Exception somewhere in my code, except:


 As far as I know this issue is only happening on instances of 'na1' (as they have already had the Spring '11 Release Installed)...




Update: The culperate seems to be a SOQL Query within a 'StandardSetController', the query is a pretty straight forward StandardSetController, similar to the following:


Serialization error at runtime?


transient public ApexPages.StandardSetController con { get; set; } //Serializable
public ApexPages.StandardSetController GetCon() {
if(this.con == null) { this.con = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name, A_Custom_Field__c FROM Campaign ORDER BY Name limit 2000])); // sets the number of records in each page set this.con.setPageSize(200); } return con; }



I am running a managed package that queries an established Webservice. 


An error occurs when my Javascript attempts to render the results of the service response, when I examine the SOAP response via Fiddler, I find the faultstring has been set as: "No Visualforce context has been established"--


So the service is breaking when the context of the VisualForce page I'm requesting is being built?


This issue does not appear to affect instances earliar than Spring '11




Updated: Giving it some thought, I think the issue is probably not with the VisualForce page, but the method that is generating it, anyways, here is another post I made in the APEX Section with some more specifics: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/Operation-APEXSOAP-Status-Internal-Salesforce-com-Error/m-p/243403

I am wondering how to do the following which should be easy but I have yet to get anything but a datalist of the same value which is the last value in the List<List<String>>


Here is my visual force and controller methods


<apex:dataList value="{!FieldValues}" var="reports"> <apex:repeat value="{!reports}" var="fieldvals"> <apex:outputText value="{!fieldvals}" /> </apex:repeat> </apex:dataList>


public List<List<String>> getFieldValues(){ List<List<String>> returnVal = new List<List<String>>(); List<String> fieldRow = new List<String>(); for(integer i = 0; i<finalObjects.size(); i++){ fieldRow.clear(); for(String related : relatedLabels){ fieldRow.add((String)finalObjects[i].get(related)); } returnVal.add(fieldRow); } return returnVal; }


finalObjects is just a List<sObject> with a list of different sObjects, such as Accounts and Contacts


relatedLabels is just a List<String> that is a list of string names of the fields that Accounts and Contacts have in common.


I know that finalObjects and relatedLabels have the correct values since I have tested them with many other methods that my reporting tools is using.


Basically I just need to know if I am doing something incorrect or how to go about iterating over a List<List<String>> in some manner to at least display the values in a table, datalist, or just output them to the visualforce page.


I want to expose a custom object with fields that depend on opportunities, accounts, etc. in my salesforce.com account via sites.


Since my end users have a "Customer Portal Management" license, I need to add this object to this profile. However, when I go to enable "Read, Write, Delete, Edit" under this profile I get dependency errors since this profile doesn't have permission to edit opportunities, accounts, etc.


Where do I set permissions to allow users to see the "accounts", "opportunities", etc. so they can edit these as they exist in my salesforce account or does this go against the principle of what I can expose via sites beyond the one's I'm seeing with properties under "Field Level Security"


Any clarification please ask!



I have setup my first "Site" in the development environment, and I want to give end users the ability to run some of the functionality I have created in my Salesforce.com environment which will eventually become an APP.


As such I want to get some feedback by exposing this functionality to the world via my "Site". 


I want to create a profile that gives access to my custom objects, classes, etc.


I followed this tutorial. (Authenticating Users on Salesforce Sites)


However, I am still a bit fuzzy on the logic behind taking the "Portal Account", and the "Customer Portal Manager" profile (which is the default profile a user is given when they create an account). I cannot edit the "Customer Portal Manager" profile to allow access to my custom object.


I have tried to create a new profile (which I can give users access to my custom objects in the settings, but I don't understand the following):


1. What is the meaning of "License" as it pertains to profile, and does this have any bearing on how I should setup permissions.


2. When I user is "Authenticated" or "Registers" how do I default their registration to my newly created profile.


3. If a user is "un-registered" or "un-authenticated" and I still want them to be able to see some pages what permissions should I give those pages. 


Thanks in advance!

I need to output the results of a generic SOQL query made as follows that assigns a set of results to: List<sObject> currentList as follows:



List<sObject> currentList = new List<sObject>(); for(String obj_type : selectedObjectsLabels) { currentList = Database.query('select ' + relatedFields + ' from ' + obj_type); finalObjects.addAll(currentList); }


 Currently, the output is organized using a JSON object, but this will not work with renderas="PDF" as it requires JScript.




<apex:page controller="QueryFilterController" showHeader="false" renderAs="pdf"> <apex:form > <h3>Report Results</h3> <br /> <apex:dataList value="{!currentList}" var="reports"> <apex:repeat value="{!reports}" var="report">{!report}</apex:repeat> </apex:dataList> </apex:form> </apex:page>


 Any thoughts?



I was wondering how to make a pop out calendar for an input box that will give the value to sObjects Date field


Could you please include a simple example possibly.

I was wondering how to make an inputbox that will pop out a calendar to set a Date field value.


Could you please include a simple example possibly.

I want to display a list of instances of an sObject that I have created and saved using repeat or the like.


They are indexed by a "Report Number" (autonumber).  


<apex:pageBlock title="Past Reports">
<apex:repeat value="{!report__c}" var="report">
<script type="text/javascript">



This sort of formation isn't working...thoughts?

I was wondering how to do the following:


I need to find all sObject types that have the 'Allow Reports' flag check to be true

The 'Allow Reports' flag is in 'Optional Features' when creating a custom sObject


I basically just need to know how to find this value for all the sObjects in the Schema or know how to find all sObject types with this set to true. 

Hey guys is there any way to dynamically cast a type so that I can take a List<sObject> and cast which ever entry I am currently using to the type just knowing its type (maybe stored in a String or something)


I am trying to do something like


String being_used = 'Contact'; List<sObject> store; store = Database.query('select Name from' + being_used); List<String> test = new List<String>(); for(sObject s : store) { test.add( (being_used)s.get('Name')); // Or (being_used)s.Name; }

 Basically I just need a way that I can store multiple sObject types (such as Account, Contact, Opportunities, etc..) in a List<sObject> and then access their field values, which it seems you have to cast into the type before accessing any field besides Id with a generic sObject.


Is there any way of getting the field types dynamically by just having a String containing the name of an sObject type? (such as Contact or Account)


How would you do the following dynamically rather than put in the object type statically (in this case Contact)




 So I pretty much need to do the following


<sObject type HERE>.getDescribe().fields.getMap();

 Only having a string of the object type name Contact.






How would I get the value of the select list using javascript section in my visualforce page


<apex:selectList id="queryDurationSelect" value="{!FilterDateValues}" size="1">

<apex:selectOptions value="{!FilterItems}"/>




getFilterDateValues just returns a String[] of the select list values

- Jason 

I am building an Apex application to allow users to organize and report on their Salesforce.com Apex components in a unique way.


For testing purposes I would like to give users the ability to use the tools with their unique Salesforce.com account:


User visits my Salesforce.com 'site' and logs into their Salesforce.com account and uses the tools with their data and reports how they like the functionality.


Diving into the world of Salesforce sites, I believe I understand the concept of authenticating users


However, I don't believe this is uniquely what I am looking for, once a user has been "authenticated" and logged in with the permissions set to the default "Customer portal" this user has access to the unique sObjects in my SF environment.


Is sites the complete wrong way to go? If so any suggestions about where I should head so that users can add this functionality (which relys partially on unique sObjects--I point this out because I am not sure how it will affect this) to their account.





Hi I'm building a UI for an APP and need to know some best practices for storage and display of various HTML components within my page:


* I understand the concept for inline style sheets, or the zipped resource locator


I would like to be able to change the various components of the page around choosing which components I draw based on user selection (without drawing new areas using javascript etc.) 


Should I: 


1.) Be storing various portions of the page in a custom object? If so, I've seen some methods on these boards, but they included displaying (using escape="false") and storing the HTML in the object field's description which is limited in the number of characters it can store.


2.) Where should I place the logic to determine which panels I should display. I know I can write an APEX method in my standard controller but how should I store my logic.




Should I choose elements to display using "apex:outputpanel rendered="true/false"" -- and if so, where and how should I place the logic to choose these panels as rendered/rerendered etc.


Thanks in advance!


I have a VisualForce page that has a "Listview' assigned via a "SelectList", when the view is selected, a Cookie is also created via an ActionSupport as such:



<apex:selectList styleClass="" value="{!filterId}" size="1">
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!go}" onSubmit="update(this.value);" />
<apex:selectOptions value="{!listViewOptions}" />

And in the controller:



public filterId {get; set;}

public Controller() {
        if (ApexPages.currentPage() != null && this.filterId == null) {
            Cookie FilterId = ApexPages.currentPage().getCookies().get('FilterId');
            if (FilterId != null) {
                this.filterId = FilterId.getValue();

public PageReference go() { this.errors = ''; // Remember the selected list view for 365 days Cookie FilterId = new Cookie('FilterId', this.filterId, null, 31536000, false); ApexPages.currentPage().setCookies(new Cookie[]{FilterId}); return null; }

 This works fine, and the controller is assigned correctly as well.


But, if I assign the filterId, but selecting it from the list, and than go BACK and 'choose the unselect' option, navigate away from the page and return to the domain where the cookie is: I get the following error:


core.apexpages.exceptions.ApexPagesHandledException: Filter Id value is not valid for the Campaign standard controller


I'm confused because I can't find 'Filter Id' (with the space anywhere, and the Cookie and the StandardSetController filter should be null as well - although I am seeing that the Cookie 'still exists' in the domain (is it just being 'Zeroed' out but not deleted or set to null if I can still see it? And than is it hanging on the standard constructor?



I need to review the results from a SOQL query by ListView on a set of avalible ListViews for an SObject that are returned from SOQL Query.


I can't seem to think of how to do this without using the StandardSetController.getListViewOptions() operation and the StandardSetController.getRecords() operation.





Or to put it another way: Pass the current listview context to the controller for a visualforce page so we can refine the records --

I am running a managed package that queries an established Webservice. 


An error occurs when my Javascript attempts to render the results of the service response, when I examine the SOAP response via Fiddler, I find the faultstring has been set as: "No Visualforce context has been established"--


So the service is breaking when the context of the VisualForce page I'm requesting is being built?


This issue does not appear to affect instances earliar than Spring '11




Updated: Giving it some thought, I think the issue is probably not with the VisualForce page, but the method that is generating it, anyways, here is another post I made in the APEX Section with some more specifics: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/Operation-APEXSOAP-Status-Internal-Salesforce-com-Error/m-p/243403

I am wondering how to do the following which should be easy but I have yet to get anything but a datalist of the same value which is the last value in the List<List<String>>


Here is my visual force and controller methods


<apex:dataList value="{!FieldValues}" var="reports"> <apex:repeat value="{!reports}" var="fieldvals"> <apex:outputText value="{!fieldvals}" /> </apex:repeat> </apex:dataList>


public List<List<String>> getFieldValues(){ List<List<String>> returnVal = new List<List<String>>(); List<String> fieldRow = new List<String>(); for(integer i = 0; i<finalObjects.size(); i++){ fieldRow.clear(); for(String related : relatedLabels){ fieldRow.add((String)finalObjects[i].get(related)); } returnVal.add(fieldRow); } return returnVal; }


finalObjects is just a List<sObject> with a list of different sObjects, such as Accounts and Contacts


relatedLabels is just a List<String> that is a list of string names of the fields that Accounts and Contacts have in common.


I know that finalObjects and relatedLabels have the correct values since I have tested them with many other methods that my reporting tools is using.


Basically I just need to know if I am doing something incorrect or how to go about iterating over a List<List<String>> in some manner to at least display the values in a table, datalist, or just output them to the visualforce page.


I want to expose a custom object with fields that depend on opportunities, accounts, etc. in my salesforce.com account via sites.


Since my end users have a "Customer Portal Management" license, I need to add this object to this profile. However, when I go to enable "Read, Write, Delete, Edit" under this profile I get dependency errors since this profile doesn't have permission to edit opportunities, accounts, etc.


Where do I set permissions to allow users to see the "accounts", "opportunities", etc. so they can edit these as they exist in my salesforce account or does this go against the principle of what I can expose via sites beyond the one's I'm seeing with properties under "Field Level Security"


Any clarification please ask!



I have setup my first "Site" in the development environment, and I want to give end users the ability to run some of the functionality I have created in my Salesforce.com environment which will eventually become an APP.


As such I want to get some feedback by exposing this functionality to the world via my "Site". 


I want to create a profile that gives access to my custom objects, classes, etc.


I followed this tutorial. (Authenticating Users on Salesforce Sites)


However, I am still a bit fuzzy on the logic behind taking the "Portal Account", and the "Customer Portal Manager" profile (which is the default profile a user is given when they create an account). I cannot edit the "Customer Portal Manager" profile to allow access to my custom object.


I have tried to create a new profile (which I can give users access to my custom objects in the settings, but I don't understand the following):


1. What is the meaning of "License" as it pertains to profile, and does this have any bearing on how I should setup permissions.


2. When I user is "Authenticated" or "Registers" how do I default their registration to my newly created profile.


3. If a user is "un-registered" or "un-authenticated" and I still want them to be able to see some pages what permissions should I give those pages. 


Thanks in advance!

I want to display a list of instances of an sObject that I have created and saved using repeat or the like.


They are indexed by a "Report Number" (autonumber).  


<apex:pageBlock title="Past Reports">
<apex:repeat value="{!report__c}" var="report">
<script type="text/javascript">



This sort of formation isn't working...thoughts?

I was wondering how to do the following:


I need to find all sObject types that have the 'Allow Reports' flag check to be true

The 'Allow Reports' flag is in 'Optional Features' when creating a custom sObject


I basically just need to know how to find this value for all the sObjects in the Schema or know how to find all sObject types with this set to true. 

I am building an Apex application to allow users to organize and report on their Salesforce.com Apex components in a unique way.


For testing purposes I would like to give users the ability to use the tools with their unique Salesforce.com account:


User visits my Salesforce.com 'site' and logs into their Salesforce.com account and uses the tools with their data and reports how they like the functionality.


Diving into the world of Salesforce sites, I believe I understand the concept of authenticating users


However, I don't believe this is uniquely what I am looking for, once a user has been "authenticated" and logged in with the permissions set to the default "Customer portal" this user has access to the unique sObjects in my SF environment.


Is sites the complete wrong way to go? If so any suggestions about where I should head so that users can add this functionality (which relys partially on unique sObjects--I point this out because I am not sure how it will affect this) to their account.





I've had some problems when including Javascript in re-rendered apex : outputPanels.


For instance, I had code like the following:



<apex:outputPanel id="myFrogDisplay"> // Displays info about the frogs to the user here with apex: repeat <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function getMyEvents() { var myFrogs = '<table><tr><th>Day</th><th>Start Time</th><th>End Time</th><th>Description</th></tr>'; <apex:repeat var="fmf" value="{!formattedMyFrogs}"> myFrogs += '<tr><td><apex:outputText value="{!fmf.Name}"/></td>'; myFrogs += '<td><apex:outputText value="{!fmf.JumpLength}"/></td>'; myFrogs += '<td><apex:outputText value="{!fmf.JumpInterval}"/></td>'; myFrogs += '<td><apex:outputText value="{!fmf.Rank}"/></td></tr>'; </apex:repeat> myFrogs += '</table>'; return myFrogs; } </script> </apex:outputPanel>



This works just fine the first time it is generated, and I am able to use the Javascript function to send info to a a third party API.  


However, when the outputPanel in which this resides is re-rerendered, two things happen:


(1) The code is modified correctly

(2) BUT the function when run returns only the original values from the function when it was first generated


Does anyone know why this is happening? Is there any way around this?