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How do I tell if the the user is using a custom force.com license profile? From looking at the user object there is UserType property..Its values are..based on those values how would I tell a force.com license? The category of user license. Each UserType is associated with one or more UserLicense records. Each UserLicense is associated with one or more profiles. In API version 10.0 and later, valid values include: Standard: Salesforce.com user license. This user type also includes Salesforce.com Platform andSalesforce.com Platform One user licenses. Label is Standard. PowerPartner: PRM user whose access is limited because he or she is a partner and typically accesses the application through a partner portal. Label is Partner. CSPLitePortal: user whose access is limited because he or she is an organization's customer and accesses the application through aCustomer Portal. Label is High Volume Portal. CustomerSuccess: user whose access is limited because he or she is an organization's customer and accesses the application through a Customer Portal. Label is Customer Portal User. PowerCustomerSuccess: user whose access is limited because he or she is an organization's customer and accesses the application through a Customer Portal. Label is Customer Portal Manager. Users with this license type can view and edit data they directly own or data owned by or shared with users below them in the Customer Portal role hierarchy.

Hi :

   I wanted to build a dropdown with all the objects in my org... All I need is the list of objects in this dropdown...

Anyone know the SOQL I would write for that?



I am trying to add a custom button to the Product related list on my Opportunity page.  I have created the button but it does not appear as an option in the page layout.  The button is a List type and calls a VF page.  The VF page does not use a standard controller.


I successfully created a similar custom button on the Campaign History related list on my Contact page layout.  How is this any different?


Any ideas?




I have a piece of code that iterates over a list of strings and changes the strings. Strange thing is that in the end the list has not changed at all, although the modified string is clearly visible in the Debug log within the iteration.


I think I know a way around this with a second list, but I am still wondering why it does not work within the list. Don't we do it with sObjects all the time and it works (like iterating over Trigger.New)?


code (execute anonymous):


		String[] CCAddresses = new string[]{ 'first1.last1@gmail.com','first2.last2@gmail.com'};     
        System.debug('Address List:::::::::::: ' + CCAddresses);

        for (string address:CCAddresses)
        	System.Debug('One Address::::::::::::: ' + address);
        		String newAddress = address + '.full';
        		address = newAddress;
				//address += '.full'; // this doesn't work either
        	System.Debug('One Address::::::::::::: ' + address);
        System.debug('Address List::::::::::::' + CCAddresses);



Debug Log:


Anonymous execution was successful.

12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[3,9]|DEBUG|Address List:::::::::::: (first1.last1@gmail.com, first2.last2@gmail.com)
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[7,10]|DEBUG|One Address::::::::::::: first1.last1@gmail.com
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[14,10]|DEBUG|One Address::::::::::::: first1.last1@gmail.com.full
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[7,10]|DEBUG|One Address::::::::::::: first2.last2@gmail.com
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[14,10]|DEBUG|One Address::::::::::::: first2.last2@gmail.com.full
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[17,9]|DEBUG|Address List::::::::::::(first1.last1@gmail.com, first2.last2@gmail.com)





I’ve created a new custom object that relates to the Opportunity object.  I only want there to be one entry per Opportunity. I'd like to find a way to limit the relationship to be 1:1 only.  I’ve created a Master-Detail relationship between the new object and the Opportunity object, but that doesn’t appear to limit the entries for the relationship. What settings or methods can I use to make this work?



How do I tell if the the user is using a custom force.com license profile? From looking at the user object there is UserType property..Its values are..based on those values how would I tell a force.com license? The category of user license. Each UserType is associated with one or more UserLicense records. Each UserLicense is associated with one or more profiles. In API version 10.0 and later, valid values include: Standard: Salesforce.com user license. This user type also includes Salesforce.com Platform andSalesforce.com Platform One user licenses. Label is Standard. PowerPartner: PRM user whose access is limited because he or she is a partner and typically accesses the application through a partner portal. Label is Partner. CSPLitePortal: user whose access is limited because he or she is an organization's customer and accesses the application through aCustomer Portal. Label is High Volume Portal. CustomerSuccess: user whose access is limited because he or she is an organization's customer and accesses the application through a Customer Portal. Label is Customer Portal User. PowerCustomerSuccess: user whose access is limited because he or she is an organization's customer and accesses the application through a Customer Portal. Label is Customer Portal Manager. Users with this license type can view and edit data they directly own or data owned by or shared with users below them in the Customer Portal role hierarchy.

Hi :

   I wanted to build a dropdown with all the objects in my org... All I need is the list of objects in this dropdown...

Anyone know the SOQL I would write for that?



SFDC Support build us a  custom trigger that is not doing it job and they are not wanting to make any changes to it now. All I need to know to make the changes is what is the correct name of the field that would be typed into Apex coding for Activity Record Type (Task, Event, Null).


In the bigger picture, where are the Apex code names of all fields located?


Thanks in advance!

I was wondering if anyone has encountered and possibly solved this.  I cannot segregate responsibility for product marketing to ONLY edit and create products.  I do not want them to be able to make them "Active" but removing the Active field from the page layouts is not sufficient.


You cannot set the field itself to Read only for a profile and you cannoy get ride of the Activate/Deactivate links on the View layout.


Any ideas?

I am trying to add a custom button to the Product related list on my Opportunity page.  I have created the button but it does not appear as an option in the page layout.  The button is a List type and calls a VF page.  The VF page does not use a standard controller.


I successfully created a similar custom button on the Campaign History related list on my Contact page layout.  How is this any different?


Any ideas?




I have a piece of code that iterates over a list of strings and changes the strings. Strange thing is that in the end the list has not changed at all, although the modified string is clearly visible in the Debug log within the iteration.


I think I know a way around this with a second list, but I am still wondering why it does not work within the list. Don't we do it with sObjects all the time and it works (like iterating over Trigger.New)?


code (execute anonymous):


		String[] CCAddresses = new string[]{ 'first1.last1@gmail.com','first2.last2@gmail.com'};     
        System.debug('Address List:::::::::::: ' + CCAddresses);

        for (string address:CCAddresses)
        	System.Debug('One Address::::::::::::: ' + address);
        		String newAddress = address + '.full';
        		address = newAddress;
				//address += '.full'; // this doesn't work either
        	System.Debug('One Address::::::::::::: ' + address);
        System.debug('Address List::::::::::::' + CCAddresses);



Debug Log:


Anonymous execution was successful.

12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[3,9]|DEBUG|Address List:::::::::::: (first1.last1@gmail.com, first2.last2@gmail.com)
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[7,10]|DEBUG|One Address::::::::::::: first1.last1@gmail.com
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[14,10]|DEBUG|One Address::::::::::::: first1.last1@gmail.com.full
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[7,10]|DEBUG|One Address::::::::::::: first2.last2@gmail.com
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[14,10]|DEBUG|One Address::::::::::::: first2.last2@gmail.com.full
12:20:13.165|USER_DEBUG|[17,9]|DEBUG|Address List::::::::::::(first1.last1@gmail.com, first2.last2@gmail.com)





How does one access in Apex, the approval comments, history associated with a record that has gone through an approval process?


The Web Services API describes a ProcessInstanceHistory object - but also says it cannot be queried.

The documentation says:



To retrieve this object, issue a describe call on an object, which will return a query result for each ProcessInstance since the

object was created. You cannot use query().

To retrieve this object, issue a describe call on an object, which will return a query result for each ProcessInstance since theobject was created. You cannot use query().


To retrieve this object, issue a describe call on an object, which will return a query result for each ProcessInstance since theobject was created. You cannot use query().


Apex SObjectDescribe methods do not seem to provide a way to access the process history. 


Any clarification/help with getting access to the Approval Process history for a record would be much appreciated.


  • May 11, 2010
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Is there anyone out there that can help me figure out how to track the growth of data in custom fields that I created in a custom object that I created? Basically the situation is that every month I import updated data from our companies customer portal this data is numerical and pertains to revenue per month, user account number, etc... I would like to be able to track the data from month to month in order to show the growth or decline of said fields for the specific clients in the custom object.

I looked into the formulas and their was one formula that would return a true/false value if the data changed when updated but I want to be able to have the difference of the two values in the field, and then I also want to be able to store these values so If need be I could generate an 18 month or however long chart/report on the companies progress or lack there of.

If anyone can guide me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it thank you.

I’ve created a new custom object that relates to the Opportunity object.  I only want there to be one entry per Opportunity. I'd like to find a way to limit the relationship to be 1:1 only.  I’ve created a Master-Detail relationship between the new object and the Opportunity object, but that doesn’t appear to limit the entries for the relationship. What settings or methods can I use to make this work?





Are there any iPhone Developers here?

I'm having a great deal of difficulty understanding the combinations of all the SF programs, licenses, fees, restrictions, and editions.

I have opened a case in the partner portal a week ago but have heard nothing.


I'd really appreciate a candid discussion with someone who is/ is trying to get an iPhone application to market.

This is a commercial app not a free app!!




off list --  sales [at] whopaste [dot] com