• Debbie@Asymtek
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I want to create a new clone button that doesn't poplulate all the fields of the standard clone button. Does anyone have the apex code behind the standard one that I can copy and modify?

We want the User to be able to tick a bunch of checkboxes in a custom object.  When complete, they would push a button "Upload Configuration". Based on their response, we will determine the product numbers and upload them into the Opportunity Line Items. 


Has anyone already done this?  Newbee here:smileysurprised: 

I want to create a new clone button that doesn't poplulate all the fields of the standard clone button.  Does anyone have the apex code behind the standard one that I can copy and modify?

My goal is to allow the User to download or display a simple PDF file stored in SF Documents folder to reference while they are entering products on quote line items or the opportunity line items. So it needs to reside or stay open on the page while they enter products. Like a pop-up I guess.


So I created a custom button with the link to the document https://na6.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=01580000000zkMY. Now I want to control how it is displayed


After all my review of pop up windows and the like, it looks like my answer is javascript but I don't know how to do it.  Can anyone help?

I want to create a new clone button that doesn't poplulate all the fields of the standard clone button.  Does anyone have the apex code behind the standard one that I can copy and modify?