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I create one mail merge templet.i.e in word format.


Can any body told me ,in email alert how can i select that mail merge templet.

  • November 03, 2010
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l was trying to have a page tht has a standardController ="Transaction__c" and due to this i can refer to the custom fields TransactionType__c and so on inside the Transaction__c  custom object(database table)


But i also need to use another table like maybe Customer__c on the same vf page.

but since i could add only <apex:page standardController ="Transaction__c" >..... on a single page , what do i do to access  Customer__c from the same vf page.


I need to input customer details in <apex: inputtext id="custname" ...and so on.


i dont know if this is too basic question or is it significant.

Pls help.

  • July 20, 2010
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I am trying to understand standard controllers vs. custom--and how they can be used with Custom Objects?


Most of the code samples I have found all use the standard Account or Contact as the example like...


<apex:page standardController="Account" showHeader="true"  tabStyle="Account" > 


I have several Custom Objects that I have created---and have trying to create a simple Tabbed view of the object detail and related lists instead of the typical list view--using VF.


I am just starting on VF...


>Do standard controllers get 'auto-created' for each custom object?--assume so and thats how the display using standard SF look?


> When I try starting my VF page to be used on my Custom Object with...



<apex:page standardController="ThenameIusedtocreatetheobject_c" showHeader="true"  tabStyle="ThenameIusedtocreatetheobject_c"" > 



I get errors - ThenameIusedtocreatetheobject_c Does not Exist, etc.



What am I missing about standard controllers on custom objects?  Do all custom objects require a custom controller to be coded?


Thanks for the assistance...