• Danny@ReachLocal
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Good morning,


Trying to create a validation rule pulling from the Case object as well as two custom objects (Agency Input Task and Collaboration Task)


(ispickval (Status, "Resolved")  || ispickval(status, "Closed")  || ispickval (status, "Denied")) &&  ($ObjectType.Agency_Input_Task__c.Fields.Completed__c  =  false) ||  ($ObjectType.Collaboration_Task__c.Fields.Completed__c = false)


so basically if either an Agency Input Task or Collaboration Task is not complete (marked by a checkbox)(boolean) then the Case cannot be resolved/closed/denied. 


But the fields from the custom objects seem to be returning an error:

Incorrect parameter for operator '='.  Expected Object, received Boolean


does anyone know how to correct this?




Looks like we're getting an 'Error! Filename not specified' message on our Visualforce emails,


on the line:


<c:CoBrandHeaderImage recipientId="{!recipient.Id}"/>


recipientType is our 'User' object,

and CoBrandHeaderImage is the below component, which displays our logo


<apex:component controller="CoBrandMergeController" access="global">
<apex:attribute name="recipientId" assignTo="{!recipientId}" type="Id" description="Recipient ID"/>
<img src="{!coBrandHeaderUrl}"/>


on testing the template the image displays okay, but on the actual email the error message comes across instead of the logo


if anyone have any suggestions on this, please let me know...thanks.

good morning,


I'm trying to create a number formula field where we rank cases based on 2 fields:

Budget__c and Queue_sort_order__c (which is another formula field)


if a budget is over 20000, then we want to calculate the number given by Queue_sort_order__c by 10% (and add it to the current value in that field), if it's between 10001 and 20000, then calculate the queue_sort_order__c by 7.5% and add to the current value in queue_sort_order_c field, etc.


if(Budget__c > 20000, (.10  *  queue_sort_order__c) + queue_sort_order__c,
if(and(Budget__c > 10000, Budget__c<20001),  (.075  *  queue_sort_order__c) + queue_sort_order__c,
if(and(Budget__c > 5000, Budget__c<10001), (.05  *  queue_sort_order__c) + queue_sort_order__c,
if(Budget__c < 5001, (.025  *  queue_sort_order__c) + queue_sort_order__c


but the formula is giving a syntax error on the decimal places in the formula ("." on .10, "." on .075, etc)....is there another way to express percentage in the arithmetic formula

(formula field output will have no decimal places)






so i'm trying to create a VF Email template (language is in german) and continue to get the following error message:

The element type "messaging:plaintextemailbody" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</messaging:plaintextemailbody>".


below is what is written:


<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Ticket gelöst - Ihr Feedback ist uns wichtig" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Case">
<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
<style type="text/css">
   body {
   font-family: Arial;
   font-size: 12px;
<c:CoBrandHeaderImage recipientId="{!recipient.Id}"/>

<p>Sehr geehrte(r) {!recipient.FirstName}, </p></br>
Sie haben sich vor kurzem mit einem Anliegen an unser Support-Team gewandt. </br>
Jetzt würden wir Sie gern einladen, zu diesem Thema an einer kleinen Umfrage teilzunehmen. </br>
Hier noch einmal die entsprechenden Daten:  <br/> </br><br/> </br>
<strong>Ticketnummer:</strong> {!relatedTo.CaseNumber}<br/> </br>
<strong>Inserent:</strong> {!relatedTo.Account__c}<br/> </br>
<strong>Kampagne:</strong> {!relatedTo.Primary_CID__c} {!relatedTo.Campaign_Name__c}<br/> </br>
<strong>Art des Problems:</strong> {!relatedTo.Issue_Type__c} / {!relatedTo.Sub_Issue_Type__c}<br/> </br>
<strong>Betreff:</strong> {!relatedTo.Subject} <br/> </br>
<strong>Sales-Support-Analyst:</strong> {!relatedTo.ResolvedBy__r.FirstName} {!relatedTo.ResolvedBy__r.LastName}<br/> </br><br/> </br>
Kundenzufriedenheit ist unser oberstes Ziel.    <br/>
Wenn Sie sich die Zeit nehmen könnten, diesen Fragebogen auszufüllen,   <br/>
würden wir uns sehr über Ihr Feedback freuen. <br/>
Hier geht es zur Umfrage.   <br/>
<a href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R9BZ86G">Please click here for the survey.</a></p><br/>

Mit freundlichen Grüßen<br/>
Ihr Team Support/Kampagnen-Performance&nbsp;<br/>
<c:CoBrandName recipientId="{!recipient.Id}"/>




----The end tag seems to be there, don't know why the error message keeps popping up when trying to save.  If anyone has any suggestions, would be appreciated.

We're trying to transfer data from a standard object (text field) to a custom object (rich text) using the Data Loader, but unfortunately we have two problems:


the fields contain a large amount of data, so when we do a CSV export it loses some of the data within each field, when we try it with an excel export and then convert it to CSV to import via Data Loader, it loses the formatting (line breaks)....


does anyone have any suggestions as to how large data fields can be transferred without losing the formatting



We've enabled our entitlement module and we need to be able to auto-generate an entitlement id when a new account is created.  Does anyone know how this should be written, looks as if the only way to set this up would be through Apex. 


Currently our feed brings over external account information and if that account doesn't already exist, it creates a new account in Salesforce (ID field in the Accounts object).  Ideally we're trying to figure out how an associated entitlement id could be created with the Account ID, generating an entitlement object (Entitlement_c) with the same name as the Account name. 


If anyone has tried this approach or if more details are needed, please let me know.



So we're looking to be able to auto-populate a field within the Case object (Entitlement) upon case creation with the value of a field from a custom field from the Accounts object (Entitlement__c).  Looks like from what we've been told, this can be done only via Apex code.  Can someone give any suggestions as to how it should be written.....thanks. 

I'm trying to set up a validation rule that will not let you check on a checkbox (Re_opened__c) unless

1) there is a resolved date (Resolved_Date__c)

2) the resolved date is within 3 days of when a ticket is 're-opened', or current day


what i have so far is:




Not(Today()>Day(Date(Resolved_Date__c) +3 )))


right now, it doesn't seem to like the number of parameters being used, also not sure if this is written correctly.  would appreciate some suggestions, thanks.



Good morning,


Trying to create a validation rule pulling from the Case object as well as two custom objects (Agency Input Task and Collaboration Task)


(ispickval (Status, "Resolved")  || ispickval(status, "Closed")  || ispickval (status, "Denied")) &&  ($ObjectType.Agency_Input_Task__c.Fields.Completed__c  =  false) ||  ($ObjectType.Collaboration_Task__c.Fields.Completed__c = false)


so basically if either an Agency Input Task or Collaboration Task is not complete (marked by a checkbox)(boolean) then the Case cannot be resolved/closed/denied. 


But the fields from the custom objects seem to be returning an error:

Incorrect parameter for operator '='.  Expected Object, received Boolean


does anyone know how to correct this?



good morning,


I'm trying to create a number formula field where we rank cases based on 2 fields:

Budget__c and Queue_sort_order__c (which is another formula field)


if a budget is over 20000, then we want to calculate the number given by Queue_sort_order__c by 10% (and add it to the current value in that field), if it's between 10001 and 20000, then calculate the queue_sort_order__c by 7.5% and add to the current value in queue_sort_order_c field, etc.


if(Budget__c > 20000, (.10  *  queue_sort_order__c) + queue_sort_order__c,
if(and(Budget__c > 10000, Budget__c<20001),  (.075  *  queue_sort_order__c) + queue_sort_order__c,
if(and(Budget__c > 5000, Budget__c<10001), (.05  *  queue_sort_order__c) + queue_sort_order__c,
if(Budget__c < 5001, (.025  *  queue_sort_order__c) + queue_sort_order__c


but the formula is giving a syntax error on the decimal places in the formula ("." on .10, "." on .075, etc)....is there another way to express percentage in the arithmetic formula

(formula field output will have no decimal places)






so i'm trying to create a VF Email template (language is in german) and continue to get the following error message:

The element type "messaging:plaintextemailbody" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</messaging:plaintextemailbody>".


below is what is written:


<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Ticket gelöst - Ihr Feedback ist uns wichtig" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Case">
<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
<style type="text/css">
   body {
   font-family: Arial;
   font-size: 12px;
<c:CoBrandHeaderImage recipientId="{!recipient.Id}"/>

<p>Sehr geehrte(r) {!recipient.FirstName}, </p></br>
Sie haben sich vor kurzem mit einem Anliegen an unser Support-Team gewandt. </br>
Jetzt würden wir Sie gern einladen, zu diesem Thema an einer kleinen Umfrage teilzunehmen. </br>
Hier noch einmal die entsprechenden Daten:  <br/> </br><br/> </br>
<strong>Ticketnummer:</strong> {!relatedTo.CaseNumber}<br/> </br>
<strong>Inserent:</strong> {!relatedTo.Account__c}<br/> </br>
<strong>Kampagne:</strong> {!relatedTo.Primary_CID__c} {!relatedTo.Campaign_Name__c}<br/> </br>
<strong>Art des Problems:</strong> {!relatedTo.Issue_Type__c} / {!relatedTo.Sub_Issue_Type__c}<br/> </br>
<strong>Betreff:</strong> {!relatedTo.Subject} <br/> </br>
<strong>Sales-Support-Analyst:</strong> {!relatedTo.ResolvedBy__r.FirstName} {!relatedTo.ResolvedBy__r.LastName}<br/> </br><br/> </br>
Kundenzufriedenheit ist unser oberstes Ziel.    <br/>
Wenn Sie sich die Zeit nehmen könnten, diesen Fragebogen auszufüllen,   <br/>
würden wir uns sehr über Ihr Feedback freuen. <br/>
Hier geht es zur Umfrage.   <br/>
<a href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R9BZ86G">Please click here for the survey.</a></p><br/>

Mit freundlichen Grüßen<br/>
Ihr Team Support/Kampagnen-Performance&nbsp;<br/>
<c:CoBrandName recipientId="{!recipient.Id}"/>




----The end tag seems to be there, don't know why the error message keeps popping up when trying to save.  If anyone has any suggestions, would be appreciated.