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I would like some help on sending email message. I'm relatively new to Apex and VF. Here is what I've done so far - I've created a custom button (called Mail) in a Lead page, which when clicked,  pops open a simple VisualForce form window to send an email. I have pasted below the Apex code for Email Message which I had modified based on documentation/forum:



public class SendEmailMessage {

    public String toEmail {get;set;}
    public String subject {get;set;}
    public String body {get;set;}
    private final Lead MyLead;
    public SendEmailMessage(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
    public void sendEmail() {
        //create a mail object to send email 
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        String[] toaddress = (new String[]{toEmail});
        //email properties
        // send the email
        Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });

 The VF code is below:

<apex:page standardcontroller="Lead" extensions="SendEmailMessage"> 

    <apex:pageBlock title="EMAIL TEST">
        <apex:form >
        <br />
            <apex:outputLabel value="To" for="To"/>:<br/>
            <apex:inputText value="{!toEmail}" id="email"/><br/><br/>
            <apex:outputLabel value="Subject" for="Subject"/>:<br />     
            <apex:inputTextarea value="{!subject}" id="Subject" cols="80" /><br/><br/>
            <apex:outputLabel value="Body" for="Body"/>:<br />     
            <apex:inputTextarea value="{!body}" id="Body" rows="10" cols="80"/><br/><br/>      
            <br /><br />
            <apex:commandButton value="Send Email" action="{!sendEmail}"  />
            <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/> 

I'm able to send an email when I click the Send Email button on the VF page. However here is the list of issues that I've come against :


1. After clicking the Send Email button, I'd like to close the popped up window. I've tried using 'onclick=window.close()'. But I'm not sure if this is the correct approach.


2. I'd like to populate the Subject field with the Description from the Lead page when I click on the custom button (Mail) of the particular Lead.


Hopefully, I've explained it properly. If anybody could guide me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.


Thank you.