• JMThornton
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We're running into a problem where when we're loading lists of Leads and converting Lead --> Account we're running into the time-based workflow hourly limit (500 per hour.)


Our current design has as many as 4 workflows which may fire when a contact is either merged or created. The workflows fire on this schedule: 1 workflow at 0 hours, 2 workflows at 1 hour, 1 workflow at 2 hours.


Whenever we have a decent sized list of Leads (a few hundred) it runs into this issue. Any workflows above the 500 limit are then pushed to the next hour. 


First question: Are the workflows that are pushed off to the next hour still going to be run in chronological order? It seems that they are not because we're seeing workflows updating out of order causing data issues.


Second question: Is there any workaround to subvert the 500 per hour limit? Is there someway to do this programmitcally with an APEX trigger or something of the like? Can we time field updates in the future via APEX without utilizing workflows?


Thank you for your assistance!


Hello everyone,


I'm trying to use the result of a query to query on another object:



 List<Opportunity> oppList = [Select AccountId From Opportunity where Id = :a.Opportunity__c];

 List<Account> accList = [Select Is_Trade_Account__c From Account Where Id in :oppList];
I'm getting an invalid bind expression error on the 2nd query as it is of type Account.

Is there some way around this? Casting? toString? This seems like it should be a pretty fundamental concept and I'm just missing something.
Thank you in advance!


Hello everyone,


I'm trying to write a trigger that will only fire when a particular field is updated on an object. Not when any other field is modified. is something like this possible in APEX?


Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


Hello everyone,


I'm trying to use the result of a query to query on another object:



 List<Opportunity> oppList = [Select AccountId From Opportunity where Id = :a.Opportunity__c];

 List<Account> accList = [Select Is_Trade_Account__c From Account Where Id in :oppList];
I'm getting an invalid bind expression error on the 2nd query as it is of type Account.

Is there some way around this? Casting? toString? This seems like it should be a pretty fundamental concept and I'm just missing something.
Thank you in advance!


Hello everyone,


I'm trying to write a trigger that will only fire when a particular field is updated on an object. Not when any other field is modified. is something like this possible in APEX?


Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
