• Samarthya
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It is more of feasibility question. 


What I have created

1. Custom Object with Notes and Attachements Option enabled.

2. Visual Force Page - where I put in a text field for allowing to enter Notes.



Question -


Is it possible to put the comments from the text boc in Apex page into the object?


- Samarthya

When I am using



<apex:selectRadio id="slctRd" dir="ltr" required="true" layout="pageDirection" value="{!selectedValue}" immediate="true" onclick="alert('hi);">
<apex:selectOptions id="selRdOptn" value="{!Options}"/>




. The label is appearing before the radio button is it by default? I did not find any option to change the Radio button from Extreme right orientation to extreme left orientation.


- Samarthya

Just a curious question - I had asked it before but did not get right answer.


1. I have defined a component with one text field / input field.

2. I have a submit button at the bottom of the outputPanel.

3. When I press submit button the value from text box is passed on to the Class object with corresponding getter being called.

4. When I introduce a new button and call some AJAX based function the object is never set.



What is the thing that I am missing?

Is it that component will call the corresponding setter only after submit is called (POST).


- Samarthya

I have defined a component that gets the values of indvidual text elements when <apex:commandButton> is pressed, but when I try to call some function using AJAX and use this object, it never gets filled (Still ooking for reasons..).


Only way left for me is to get these values individually create a new object with these values and use it in the function called for AJAX using apex:actionFunction + apex:param.


can anyone tell me how to get data from inputText and pass it, or best if someone can help me out how to pass an object with these values.


I am still quite new to topic but am learning every day.


- Samarthya

It is more of feasibility question. 


What I have created

1. Custom Object with Notes and Attachements Option enabled.

2. Visual Force Page - where I put in a text field for allowing to enter Notes.



Question -


Is it possible to put the comments from the text boc in Apex page into the object?


- Samarthya

Just a curious question - I had asked it before but did not get right answer.


1. I have defined a component with one text field / input field.

2. I have a submit button at the bottom of the outputPanel.

3. When I press submit button the value from text box is passed on to the Class object with corresponding getter being called.

4. When I introduce a new button and call some AJAX based function the object is never set.



What is the thing that I am missing?

Is it that component will call the corresponding setter only after submit is called (POST).


- Samarthya

I have defined a component that gets the values of indvidual text elements when <apex:commandButton> is pressed, but when I try to call some function using AJAX and use this object, it never gets filled (Still ooking for reasons..).


Only way left for me is to get these values individually create a new object with these values and use it in the function called for AJAX using apex:actionFunction + apex:param.


can anyone tell me how to get data from inputText and pass it, or best if someone can help me out how to pass an object with these values.


I am still quite new to topic but am learning every day.


- Samarthya