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Hi All,

We faced with a real annoying issue and we would like your help....


Praent Object : parentObj

Child Object : ChildObj


There's a formula field in the childObj (childFormulaField), that return 1 or 0 based on fields from parentObj and childObj.

When the parentObj being changed, it caused to the formula field in the childObject also to be changed (childFormulaField).


How can we catch the change in the childObject when the update operation been done on the parentObj (when the childObj being directly changed - than it's OK).


Thanks in advance,


  • May 22, 2013
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Helo All,

I would like to know if there's way to load Home Page Components in the Standard Console Tab's sidebar?

As far as we know, the console tab's side bar display only the 'Recent Items' & 'Recycle' standard components.


Basically, we have some HTML Home Page Component (Narrow) that run in every salesforce pages - BUT for pages such as the console we're not able to generate the JS file / HTML code in the component as SF not loading it.


As far as I know in the Service Console Tab it's a bit different situation as we can develop specific custom home page component, but our questions refers to the regular console tab.


Thanks in advance,


  • April 09, 2013
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Hello All,

I would like to know wether it's possible to display some status loading, such as actionStatus, that trigger by a commandButton.

The only requirement (I'm trying to to simplify our problem) is that we MUST OMIT the reRender attribute from the commandButton.


So basically, we're trying to do something like that - 

<apex:commandButton value="Test" action="{!testAction}" status="testStatus" /> 


Unfortunately, it seems that it's not possible to use actionStatus without the reRender attribute.


Any suggestions?


Thanks a lot,





  • March 30, 2013
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Hi All,

I saw a lot of posts here regards the <apex:inputField> binding to sObject, unfortunately I couldn't understand if it's possible or not to do the following - 


Declare in the controller on the following two String parameters - 

String objName = 'Account' ; // Or another custom or standard object

String fieldName = 'Industry' ; // Or another custom or standard field


And the output in the visualforce page suppose to show this field by <apex:inputField value="{!objName.fieldName}" />


I tried to use sObject, ObjectType all the describe methods for object and fields without any success to do it.


Any help will highly appriciated,

Thanks in advance,





  • February 17, 2013
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Hi all,

I would like to know if it possible to access SF Global Variables through static resource (js file),

for example session id ? I tried to do it without success.


As we know inside a VF Page it's possible to get the session by {!$Api.sessionId} but I coulndn't achieve it through static resource.


any help will be highly appriciated,

Thanks in advance.

  • March 05, 2012
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Hi All,

I would like to know if there is any way to get the translation values of a field's label / value into apex class or visualforce.


Let's say I have a custom field, call "X" which translated to "X1" (not a custom label).

I need the ability to display both field's labels inside the visual force page i.e. :"X" / "1".


I didn't found any solution for this issue, all the solution I had found not support in this kind of requiremnet,

I'll appriciate any help,

Thanks in advance



  • February 15, 2012
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Hello All,

I'm facing with the same problem now as it posted 2 years ago in the following link :


Does anyone know whether SF found solution for this problem?


Basically we have two options, but both of them are not elegant and very complicated:

- The first option is the "Try and See" option, i.e. update all the records we retrieve and separate between them according to the error response we got --> it damage our reports because it will change the LastModifyBy/Date fields.


- The second option is to simulate SF security mechanism per each record, which is very complicated since we need to count on the object_Share__c data which includes groups & users (recursively) and their are a lot of exceptions such as "Modify All" permission and o lot more..


It's really weird that SF not provides solution to support this problem, the desired solution will be to retrieve records with direct information about the user permission according to a specific record (which user? the one that made the API call of course).


Any piece of information will help,

Thanks in advance,


  • January 28, 2011
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Helo All,

I would like to know if there's way to load Home Page Components in the Standard Console Tab's sidebar?

As far as we know, the console tab's side bar display only the 'Recent Items' & 'Recycle' standard components.


Basically, we have some HTML Home Page Component (Narrow) that run in every salesforce pages - BUT for pages such as the console we're not able to generate the JS file / HTML code in the component as SF not loading it.


As far as I know in the Service Console Tab it's a bit different situation as we can develop specific custom home page component, but our questions refers to the regular console tab.


Thanks in advance,


  • April 09, 2013
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Hello All,

I would like to know wether it's possible to display some status loading, such as actionStatus, that trigger by a commandButton.

The only requirement (I'm trying to to simplify our problem) is that we MUST OMIT the reRender attribute from the commandButton.


So basically, we're trying to do something like that - 

<apex:commandButton value="Test" action="{!testAction}" status="testStatus" /> 


Unfortunately, it seems that it's not possible to use actionStatus without the reRender attribute.


Any suggestions?


Thanks a lot,





  • March 30, 2013
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Is there a way, from an API standpoint, to determine whether a user has the ability to update/edit a particular instance of an object?  As the documentation describes, you can enable security at the object level but also at the instance level using territory management and/or sharing rules.  We tried using the MayEdit field but discovered later that this is not a standard field found on all Salesforce orgs (some of our older customers do not have this field exposed at all).  I tried reverse engineering the process by querying the respective "Share" table, if it existed, and the Group, UserTerritory tables.  Unfortunately there are some pieces of information I could not retrieve that would aid in my search.  For instance, I couldn't find a way, via API, to determine what sharing model (Private, Public Read/Write, Public Read Only) a customer applied to an object.  Is this information queryable/retrievable  somewhere?  DescribeSObject only gives object level permissions.  Anyways, if anyone has some insight on this topic, I would like to hear from you.

- Ed