• carlsosg
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The validation rules on our Leads object have gotten fairly complex. Users are complaining that they cannot easily see which fields are required before clicking "save".


In our process - when a specific Lead Status is selected, there are about 20 fields that become required (through validation rule). Is it possible via APEX to refresh a standard page layout - displaying the red bar next to dynamically required fields?

I'm trying to figure out how to make it possible to include several Account fields on a Contact object - and make it possible to edit those fields (so the changes appear at the Account level also).


I've thought about creating a VisualForce page containing the Account fields, and embedding this in the Contact page layout - but that's as far as I've gotten.


Does anyone else have experience embedding VF page in a Contact - so that the fields can be edited at the Account level also?

I would like to be able to create an Opportunity from a Contact - using a VF page to limit the fields required for the Opportunity. I want to make sure the current Contact's Account is pre-populated as a read-only field. I would appreciate any direction on doing this.


I'm having some difficulty learning how to call a VF page and pass a Contact's ID when a non-standard controller is used on the VF page.


Thank you

I am trying to figure out the best way to do this with APEX, but how can I create an Account Task when an Opportunity StageName value is changed to "Closed Won"?


I want to be able to assign the task to the Account Owner and the Account Owner Manager.

I'm pretty new to APEX, and am hoping someone might have some direction for me on this...


I'm trying to figure out how to copy the Lead Owner name to another user lookup field on the same Lead (fieldname=Sales_Developer__c) - when the lead owner changes, but only if the owner profile equals “Sales Developer”.


From what I understand of the Lead Owner field, you can’t extract the profile attribute directly from the Lead Owner field – so I’ve created a separate field called “Owner_Copy__c” (shout out to michaelforce and others for this code) – and then would like to reference the profile attribute from that new lookup field.


Anyway – I hope this makes sense. Here is the code I have so far to copy the user name to the Owner_Copy__c field:



trigger ownerCopy on Lead (before Insert, before Update) {

    // handle arbitrary number of opps
    for(Lead x : Trigger.New){

        // Has Owner changed?
        if (x.OwnerID != x.Owner_Copy__c) {

            // check that owner is a user (not a queue)
            if( ((String)x.OwnerId).substring(0,3) == '005' ){
                x.Owner_Copy__c = x.OwnerId;

            // in case of Queue we clear out our copy field
                x.Owner_Copy__c = null;



I’m stuck on figuring out how to restrict the process to only update the Sales_Developer__c field when the profile criteria is met.


Am I headed in the right direction – or how would you approach this?


I know the following isn’t valid code, but I’m wondering if I can do something like this also?:



if (x.Owner_Copy__c.Profile.Name == 'Sales Development') {
            x.Sales_Developer__c = x.OwnerId;

            x.Sales_Developer__c = null;


Thank you


I've found a fair amount of documentation behind what the "modify all data" option enables, but what does the "view all data" option specifically enable?


Thank you

The validation rules on our Leads object have gotten fairly complex. Users are complaining that they cannot easily see which fields are required before clicking "save".


In our process - when a specific Lead Status is selected, there are about 20 fields that become required (through validation rule). Is it possible via APEX to refresh a standard page layout - displaying the red bar next to dynamically required fields?

I'm trying to figure out how to make it possible to include several Account fields on a Contact object - and make it possible to edit those fields (so the changes appear at the Account level also).


I've thought about creating a VisualForce page containing the Account fields, and embedding this in the Contact page layout - but that's as far as I've gotten.


Does anyone else have experience embedding VF page in a Contact - so that the fields can be edited at the Account level also?

I would like to be able to create an Opportunity from a Contact - using a VF page to limit the fields required for the Opportunity. I want to make sure the current Contact's Account is pre-populated as a read-only field. I would appreciate any direction on doing this.


I'm having some difficulty learning how to call a VF page and pass a Contact's ID when a non-standard controller is used on the VF page.


Thank you

I am trying to figure out the best way to do this with APEX, but how can I create an Account Task when an Opportunity StageName value is changed to "Closed Won"?


I want to be able to assign the task to the Account Owner and the Account Owner Manager.