• peterg012
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I'm getting an "Insufficient Privileges" error message when I try adding my reCAPTCHA API key.  I have seen posts from others who have gotten past this step.  Hence, I am wondering if this is because I'm on the Professional version, even though the Spring 17 notes say that reCAPTCHA is available for Professional.

Anyone know about API Key Privileges?  Or anyone on Professional been able to succesfully enter an API key?


Hi Guys,


Is it possible to have a Custom VF component that generates an select list, then when using the component on a VF page it returns / binds the select option value to a custom controller that the VF page is using.


The controller that the component uses to generate the select list etc, is different from the controller that the VF page is using.


Hope this makes sense?  Thanks in advance.



Hi Guys,


I have the following visualforce page


<apex:page standardController="Production_Request__c" recordSetVar="requests" extensions="productionRequestPrinter" showHeader="false" id="prprinter">
	<apex:form >
		<apex:pageBlock title="Selected Production Requests" id="muselectedlist">
			<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selected}" var="opp" id="mutab">
		                <apex:column value="{!opp.name}" id="oppname"/>
		    <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" id="mubut">
		    	<apex:commandButton action="{!doPDF}" value="Print" id="butprint"/>

 And the following class extension at the moment


public with sharing class productionRequestPrinter {
	public ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
	public PageReference pageRef = ApexPages.currentPage();

    public productionRequestPrinter(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
        setCon = controller;
    public PageReference doPDF() {
    	return pageRef;

 The above lets a user select records in a list view then is sent to the above VF page to "mass" handle the selected records from the view.    As you can see is that I have a "commandButton" on the pageBlock.  This button should open a new window and generator a PDF document based on the list of records. 


I just cannot understand how to do this, because opening a new window is easy, but how do I "pass" the records in context to the second window that would render the PDF?


Any advise would be appreciated.






Hope someone can point me in the correct direction.   I have the below controller for a visualforce page:


public class paymentGateway_SiteController {
    /** Some Properties **/
    public PageReference pageRef                            = ApexPages.currentPage();
    public String FulfilmentId                              = pageRef.getParameters().get('id');    
    public List<OpportunityLineItem> OpportunityLineItems;
    public Fulfilment__c Fulfilment;                                                                   
    public Opportunity Opportunity;    
    /** Constructor **/                                                   
    public void paymentGateway_SiteController() {
    /** Get FulfilmentId Property Value **/
    public String getFulfilmentId() {
        return FulfilmentId;
    /** Set Fulfilment Record **/
    public void setFulfilment() {
        Fulfilment = [SELECT Name, Id, Opportunity__c FROM Fulfilment__c WHERE Id =:FulfilmentId LIMIT 1];
        System.debug('#################### SET:'+Fulfilment);
    /** Return Fulfilment Record **/
    public Fulfilment__c getFulfilment() {
        System.debug('#################### GET: '+Fulfilment);
        return Fulfilment;
    /** Set Associated Opportunity For Fulfilment AND Set Line Items List **/
    public void setOpportunity() {
        Opportunity = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :Fulfilment.Opportunity__c LIMIT 1];
        System.debug('#################### SET:'+Opportunity);       
    /** Set Associated Opportunity For Fulfilment AND Set Line Items List **/
    public Opportunity getOpportunity() {
        return Opportunity;      
    public void setOpportunityLineItems() {
        OpportunityLineItems = [SELECT Quantity, ListPrice, PricebookEntry.UnitPrice, PricebookEntry.Name FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE OpportunityId = :Opportunity.Id];
        System.debug('#################### SET:'+OpportunityLineItems);
    public List<OpportunityLineItem> getOpportunityLineItems() {
        System.debug('#################### GET:'+OpportunityLineItems);
        return OpportunityLineItems;

 When I call the following on the visualforce page:


<p>Fulfilment Name: {!Fulfilment.Name}</p>


Nothing is returned on the page.  I just get "Fulfilment Name: ".   I suspect that the variable "Fulfilment" is blank.   Any assistance would be great!






I have noticed that when running a SOSL FIND via the PHP Toolkit against Knowledge objects.


FIND {tourism} RETURNING FAQ__kav
    (Id, Title WHERE PublishStatus='archived')
    WITH DATA CATEGORY Geography__c AT Iceland__c


  The knowledge dashboards do not reflect / update stats like "Recently Searches", "Unsuccessful Search Terms" etc.  Am I missing something here?


Thanks in advance




I am looking at building a hardware request process in SFDC.  Currently I have the following objects and relationships:-


- A - Hardware Request/s

      - B - Hardware Request Item/s (Master-Detail relationship to Hardware Request (A) & Hardware Item (C))


- C - Hardware Item/s


So currently after creating a "Hardware Request" you can select "New Hardware Request Item", this is to add hardware items to the request.


Now for my question.  I would like to create a new object to hold e.g. "Computer Sets" e.g. (i5 Laptop, i7 Laptop etc.). Additionally I would like to create an object to hold e.g. "LCD Sets" e.g. (17" LCD, 19" LCD etc.).   When a user selects "New Hardware Request Item" it starts a wizard type dialog where they first select the "Hardware Type" e.g. (Laptop, LCD etc.) then the relevant item from the sets which is then added to the "Hardware Request as a "Hardware Request Item".


Is this possible, if so how do I store this in the "Hardware Request Object"?  I suspect I am going have to create a custom button that lauches a visualforce page on the "New Hardware Request Item" related list.






It is possible to authenticate a selfservice user via the REST API?



Peter Guest



Been looking around for an answer to this.   Is it possible have an email template that a section within it gets populated with say a list of contacts in the body of it?  Basically the template body needs to display a list of contacts from a query? 


Thanks in advance






Hope someone can lend a hand here.  I have a list of email addresses (:emails).  I would like to then query all the email addresses against our contacts email addresses, then if it finds only 1 contact with that email address, return the ID etc.  So it must pretty much ignore not match for emails and ignore where count email != 1.


I have tried researching this but I battling to find an answer.  I have currently got the below SOQL statement:


[SELECT Id, AccountId, COUNT(Email) FROM Contact WHERE Email IN :emails GROUP BY Id, AccountId HAVING COUNT(Email) = 1];


Thanks in advance,



I'm getting an "Insufficient Privileges" error message when I try adding my reCAPTCHA API key.  I have seen posts from others who have gotten past this step.  Hence, I am wondering if this is because I'm on the Professional version, even though the Spring 17 notes say that reCAPTCHA is available for Professional.

Anyone know about API Key Privileges?  Or anyone on Professional been able to succesfully enter an API key?


Hi Guys,


I have the following visualforce page


<apex:page standardController="Production_Request__c" recordSetVar="requests" extensions="productionRequestPrinter" showHeader="false" id="prprinter">
	<apex:form >
		<apex:pageBlock title="Selected Production Requests" id="muselectedlist">
			<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selected}" var="opp" id="mutab">
		                <apex:column value="{!opp.name}" id="oppname"/>
		    <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" id="mubut">
		    	<apex:commandButton action="{!doPDF}" value="Print" id="butprint"/>

 And the following class extension at the moment


public with sharing class productionRequestPrinter {
	public ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
	public PageReference pageRef = ApexPages.currentPage();

    public productionRequestPrinter(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
        setCon = controller;
    public PageReference doPDF() {
    	return pageRef;

 The above lets a user select records in a list view then is sent to the above VF page to "mass" handle the selected records from the view.    As you can see is that I have a "commandButton" on the pageBlock.  This button should open a new window and generator a PDF document based on the list of records. 


I just cannot understand how to do this, because opening a new window is easy, but how do I "pass" the records in context to the second window that would render the PDF?


Any advise would be appreciated.






Hope someone can point me in the correct direction.   I have the below controller for a visualforce page:


public class paymentGateway_SiteController {
    /** Some Properties **/
    public PageReference pageRef                            = ApexPages.currentPage();
    public String FulfilmentId                              = pageRef.getParameters().get('id');    
    public List<OpportunityLineItem> OpportunityLineItems;
    public Fulfilment__c Fulfilment;                                                                   
    public Opportunity Opportunity;    
    /** Constructor **/                                                   
    public void paymentGateway_SiteController() {
    /** Get FulfilmentId Property Value **/
    public String getFulfilmentId() {
        return FulfilmentId;
    /** Set Fulfilment Record **/
    public void setFulfilment() {
        Fulfilment = [SELECT Name, Id, Opportunity__c FROM Fulfilment__c WHERE Id =:FulfilmentId LIMIT 1];
        System.debug('#################### SET:'+Fulfilment);
    /** Return Fulfilment Record **/
    public Fulfilment__c getFulfilment() {
        System.debug('#################### GET: '+Fulfilment);
        return Fulfilment;
    /** Set Associated Opportunity For Fulfilment AND Set Line Items List **/
    public void setOpportunity() {
        Opportunity = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :Fulfilment.Opportunity__c LIMIT 1];
        System.debug('#################### SET:'+Opportunity);       
    /** Set Associated Opportunity For Fulfilment AND Set Line Items List **/
    public Opportunity getOpportunity() {
        return Opportunity;      
    public void setOpportunityLineItems() {
        OpportunityLineItems = [SELECT Quantity, ListPrice, PricebookEntry.UnitPrice, PricebookEntry.Name FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE OpportunityId = :Opportunity.Id];
        System.debug('#################### SET:'+OpportunityLineItems);
    public List<OpportunityLineItem> getOpportunityLineItems() {
        System.debug('#################### GET:'+OpportunityLineItems);
        return OpportunityLineItems;

 When I call the following on the visualforce page:


<p>Fulfilment Name: {!Fulfilment.Name}</p>


Nothing is returned on the page.  I just get "Fulfilment Name: ".   I suspect that the variable "Fulfilment" is blank.   Any assistance would be great!






I have noticed that when running a SOSL FIND via the PHP Toolkit against Knowledge objects.


FIND {tourism} RETURNING FAQ__kav
    (Id, Title WHERE PublishStatus='archived')
    WITH DATA CATEGORY Geography__c AT Iceland__c


  The knowledge dashboards do not reflect / update stats like "Recently Searches", "Unsuccessful Search Terms" etc.  Am I missing something here?


Thanks in advance




    i want to create connection to Salesforce using Metadata API in PHP






   I want to pass Email_Id as a parameter  and wants to get Contact Information of that Email Id  from Contacts Object.. I want it through Php.





Been looking around for an answer to this.   Is it possible have an email template that a section within it gets populated with say a list of contacts in the body of it?  Basically the template body needs to display a list of contacts from a query? 


Thanks in advance






Hope someone can lend a hand here.  I have a list of email addresses (:emails).  I would like to then query all the email addresses against our contacts email addresses, then if it finds only 1 contact with that email address, return the ID etc.  So it must pretty much ignore not match for emails and ignore where count email != 1.


I have tried researching this but I battling to find an answer.  I have currently got the below SOQL statement:


[SELECT Id, AccountId, COUNT(Email) FROM Contact WHERE Email IN :emails GROUP BY Id, AccountId HAVING COUNT(Email) = 1];


Thanks in advance,
