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How do I define a page title, a meta description and meta keywords in a Force.com site built using CMSForce 2?

I'm building a site using CMSForce and have a couple questions.


1.  If I use friendly urls it adds 'cms/' to my url.  For example, a page might look like this: www.mysite.com/cms/friendly-url


Is there a way to remove the 'cms/' part so I can have full control over urls?


2.  I'd like to be able to populate the title tag, meta keywords and meta description with data entered by users.  Using a content block in the template won't work because the text editor automatically wraps content in html and what I need is plain text.  Ideally there would be fields for these on the page properties layout and they could populate the template.  Here's how the relevant template code would look:



<meta name="description" content="{!description__c}">
<meta name="keywords" content="{!keywords__c}">




Can this be easily achieved?


Thanks for your help.