• pjboudrx
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In a Force.com application, can I create custom fields and workflows per subscriber organization?


I know I can create custom fields and workflows for the entire application, and my company's Salesforce.com organization has custom fields and workflows particular to it.


Put another way: can a Force.com application have the same level of multitenancy and customization as Salesforce.com?





P.S. Sorry for the cross-post, but it kind of belongs here _and_ in general: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/General-Development/Customize-per-subscriber-organization/td-p/266499

In a Force.com application, can I create custom fields and workflows per subscriber organization?


I know I can create custom fields and workflows for the entire application, and my company's Salesforce.com organization has custom fields and workflows particular to it.


Put another way: can a Force.com application have the same level of multitenancy and customization as Salesforce.com?




In a Force.com application, can I create custom fields and workflows per subscriber organization?


I know I can create custom fields and workflows for the entire application, and my company's Salesforce.com organization has custom fields and workflows particular to it.


Put another way: can a Force.com application have the same level of multitenancy and customization as Salesforce.com?


