• sunny.dale5
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How do I make it so I can assign an auto-follow to a "Chatter Free" user?  I don't seem to get that option.

We have an issue with the General Inquiry form our Brazil website. In short there seems to be an issue that the form is continuing to submit information over and over again to Salesforce resulting in thousands of leads loaded to our Salesforce. Perhaps it is a robot or something continuously hitting the site as there is a great deal of duplicates?


They have shut down the form on 7/19 immediately. When the dupe leads are imported daily one of our Salesforce admins receives the SFDC email alerts that we have reached our max lead imports for the day so I have to immediately delete these to stop his alerts.


This behavior seems to happen around 2PM eastern time for the last 3 days


on 7-19 they stated that they werer taking measures to prevent problems like this by installing a CAPTCHA validation at our forms, preventing their “automated” use by robots, and also by limiting the daily usage of our SalesForce interface to 500 hits. These measures will prevent any issue like the one encountered today from happening again.

They still cannot find any evidence that our system has been generating these dupe leads the last two days


all they can think of is that it may be indeed some sort of “buffer” at SalesForce that saved some of yesterday’s leads and is showing them today. They have  DELETED the SalesForce function from our forms, so they can guarantee that they are not generating any new lead until we apply the security measures mentioned yesterday.


The latest update from our Webform users is

As yesterday, we have no evidence of any communication with the SalesForce interface from our systems. The function is still removed from our forms. We also rebooted BSI Brazil’s servers to make sure there’s no “lost process” running out of our knowledge.


We already have all new security measures in place at our forms (CAPTCHA and daily limit of 500 hits) but we have not enabled the interface again as we wanted to make sure this behavior we encountered yesterday didn’t occur again today, as it did.


Because the number of leads found today is similar to yesterday’s (and probably the content is the same as they have the same origin form data), and even the time they appeared is similar, there’s a chance that there’s some kind of buffer in SalesForce that saved some of the leads that went over the quota and is running a process at this time of day to dump these buffered records.


Two technical information that would help us determine the source of these leads would be 1) the originating IP that created the lead and 2) the time that the lead was received at the SalesForce POST interface (probably different from the time that the lead was actually created within SalesForce, as it shows today’s date). These data can be retrieved from the logs of the SalesForce web server responsible for receiving the POST data.


If the SalesForce support team can confirm the existence of a buffer that is holding all leads that went over the quota two days ago and is slowing adding them to SalesForce, it would explain the issue. If not, those 2 technical information can help us determine for sure where the leads are coming from. If there’s a buffer, there’s a chance that there are more leads queued waiting to be added. If that’s true, this “buffer” should be deleted to avoid similar leads in the following days


Any ideas of what could be causing this?




I want to update the class and vforce page for something that was already created for my organization. I want to mimic it to keep everything similar and it was made by a 3rd party developer who decided to stop consulting. Here is the new object and fields i want to replace the existing with. It seems that the class and page is complex for a simple add and remove fields. Simply replace everywhere audienceunitlineitem. Any help would be great.


New Object -



New Fields

Segment_ID__c Segment_Name__c Data_Provider__c Uniques__c Impression_s__c CPMU__c CPM__c Total_Value__c




public with sharing class adUnitLineItemExtension 
  private final Publisher_Site__c   p;
  ApexPages.StandardController     stdController;
  public Publisher_Site__c      publisher      { get; set; }
  public List<AUWrapper>         adUnitLines     { get; set; }
  public String            focusedLi      { get; set; }
  public Integer            wrapperID      { get; set; }
  public Boolean            saveError      { get; set; }
  public String            errorMessage    { get; set; }
  //Extension Constructor
  public adUnitLineItemExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdCont)
    stdController     = stdCont;
    p          = (Publisher_Site__c)stdController.getRecord();
    publisher      = [SELECT Id, Publisher_Tier__c, Name, Geo_Target__c from Publisher_Site__c where Id = :p.Id LIMIT 1];
    adUnitLines     = new List<AUWrapper>{};
    focusedLi      = '';
    wrapperID      = 0;
    saveError      = false;
    errorMessage    = 'You must set an Ad Size, an Ad Position, and one or more Geotargets before you may save an Ad Unit!';
    if (publisher != null)
      List<Ad_Unit__c> auLis = [SELECT Id, 
                    from    Ad_Unit__c
                    where  Publisher_Site__c = :publisher.Id 
                    LIMIT  1000];
      for(Ad_Unit__c l : auLis)
        AUWrapper wrapper = new AUWrapper(wrapperID++);
        wrapper.adUnit   = l;
        wrapper.isNew  = false;
  public void addLine()
    AUWrapper wrapper = new AUWrapper(wrapperID++);
    wrapper.adUnit.Publisher_Site__c   = p.Id;
    focusedLi               = wrapper.wrapperID;
    saveError              = false;
  public void removeLine()
    for(Integer i = 0; i < adUnitLines.size(); i++)
      if (adUnitLines[i].wrapperID == System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('selectedID'))
        if (adUnitLines[i].isNew == false)
          delete adUnitLines[i].adUnit;
        focusedLi = '';
        saveError = false;
  public void saveLine()
    for(Integer i = 0; i < adUnitLines.size(); i++)
      if (adUnitLines[i].wrapperID == System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('selectedID'))
        if(adUnitLines[i].isNew == false)
          saveError =  ((adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Size__c == '')       ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Size__c == null)      ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c == '')   ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c == null)  ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Geotarget__c == '')      ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Geotarget__c == null));
            update adUnitLines[i].adUnit;
          saveError = ((adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Size__c == '')       ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Size__c == null)      ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c == '')   ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c == null)  ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Geotarget__c == '')      ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Geotarget__c == null));
            insert adUnitLines[i].adUnit;
            Ad_Unit__c au =  [SELECT  Id, 
                     from   Ad_Unit__c
                     where  Id = :adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Id
                     LIMIT  1];
            if(au != null)
              adUnitLines[i].adUnit   = au;
              adUnitLines[i].isNew  = false;
        focusedLi = '';
  public void editLine()
    focusedLi = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('selectedID');





<apex:page standardController="Publisher_Site__c" extensions="adUnitLineItemExtension">

<apex:detail relatedList="false" >

<apex:form >	
	<apex:pageBlock id="adUnitLineItems" title="Publisher Ad Units">
		<apex:outputPanel style="color: red; text-aline: center" id="messages">
			<apex:outputPanel style="color: red; text-align: center" id="errorMessage" rendered="{!saveError}">
		<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
         	  <apex:commandButton action="{!addLine}" value="Add Ad Unit" rerender="auLines,messages" status="adding" />
         	  <span style = "color: green">
         	  	<apex:actionStatus id="adding" startText="Adding..." />
         	  <span style = "color: blue">
         	  	<apex:actionStatus id="saving" startText="Saving..." />
			  <span style = "color: red">
			  	<apex:actionStatus id="deleting" startText="Deleting..." />
			  <span style = "color: blue">
			  	<apex:actionStatus id="editing" startText="Loading..." />
		<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
			<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
				<apex:pageBlockTable id="auLines" value="{!adUnitLines}" var="auLi">
					 <apex:column headervalue="Action">
					     <apex:commandLink rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="Edit" action="{!editLine}" rerender="auLines,messages" status="editing">
					     	 <apex:param name="selectedID" value="{!auLi.wrapperID}" />
					     <apex:commandLink rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="Save" action="{!saveLine}" rerender="auLines,messages" status="saving">
					     	 <apex:param name="selectedID" value="{!auLi.wrapperID}" />
						<apex:commandLink value="Del" action="{!removeLine}" rerender="auLines,messages" status="deleting">
							 <apex:param name="selectedID" value="{!auLi.wrapperID}" />
					 <apex:column headervalue="Name">
					 	<apex:outputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Unit_Name__c}" />
						<apex:inputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Unit_Name__c}" />
					 <apex:column headervalue="Size">
						<apex:outputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Ad_Size__c}" />
						<apex:inputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Ad_Size__c}" />
					 <apex:column headervalue="Positioning">
						<apex:outputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c}" />
						<apex:inputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c}" />
					 <apex:column headervalue="Geotarget">
						<apex:outputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Geotarget__c}" />
						<apex:inputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Geotarget__c}" />

<apex:relatedList list="Cases__r" subject="{!Publisher_Site__c}" />
<apex:relatedList list="OpenActivities" subject="{!Publisher_Site__c}" />
<apex:relatedList list="ActivityHistories" subject="{!Publisher_Site__c}" />
<apex:relatedList list="NotesAndAttachments" subject="{!Publisher_Site__c}" />

<apex:pageBlock id="thePageBlock" title="Publisher Site Field History">  
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Publisher_Site__c.Histories}" var="h">
                <apex:column headerValue="Date" >
                	<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm }">       
						<apex:param value="{!h.createddate}" />
                <apex:column headerValue="What">{!h.field}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="From">{!h.oldvalue}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="To">{!h.newvalue}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="User">{!h.createdby.name}</apex:column>




I'm currently building a new app on our force.com platform.  But i want to build a Hierarchy on a custom object or partent./child relationship bewteen the two.


I see there is app from the exchange but thats built for the Account object.


can anybody shed sopme light how i can get this working for a custom object.


Thanks Lee



I have logged into a free developer edition. I am trying to create sandbox. But the path where the tutorial asks me to go i.e.

Setup Data Management Sandbox I cannot see sandbox. Is there some problem with my access rights.





I want to be able to lear about Salesforce Knowledge, which seems to be part of the "Service Cloud" http://www.salesforce.com/crm/editions-pricing-service.jsp



I am using unlimited edition and in Company information  -i have Salesforce license listed.

My question is does this license cover both sales cloud and service cloud.I can use cases and solution standard object.


In my purchase order it says sales cloud-Unlimitd edition . so i was wondering if service cloud need to be purchased to use it which is $10 more.


sales cloud pricing



Service cloud pricing



Any clarification is appreciated.



I overrided case view button with a visualforce page. When I created  a service cloud console app, and opened a case record, it displays External Page. Is there a way to rename the page with the case number.


Thanks in advance.


Hi, we're attempting to make our app compatible with the Service Cloud Console and we're running into a few issues. We have a VF override page displaying in a primary tab which then can open a VF page in subtabs as well.

1) Primary tabs display "Loading..." in the upper left and it doesn't go away even after the tab has fully loaded. Is there a way to force that to disappear?
2) When a standard page is displayed in a subtab, it has an asterisk in the tab title area indicating unsaved changes and will alert the user if they attempt to navigate away from that tab without saving. Can this behavior be replicated with the Console Integration Toolkit?


I am trying to understand the actual workings of the Service Cloud, specifically Entitlements with Service Levels, so I have a development account as an informal sandbox. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to access the Service Cloud app! What am I missing?


thanks in advance,




I have one standard opportunity page layout, and on that page layout itself i need a button to upload a file, while page is in editable mode.


i have created a custom link and using that link i can attach a file, and that link is even getting displayed on the page layout. But gets disappear while the page is in editable mode.


Please suggest if there is any possible solution for this.

I'm using actionSupport to re-render a pageBlockTable. The problem is that it does a rerender everytime the event (onchange or onblur) occur. Is there anyway to rerender the section conditionally? For example, I wouldn't want it to rerender if the field on which the actionSupport is added to is blank.



<apex:column style="white-space : nowrap;">

<apex:facet name="header">Account</apex:facet>

<apex:inputtext id="account" value="{!element.accName}" size="22">

<apex:actionSupport event="onblur" action="{!element.setAcc}" rerender="{!$Component.transferTable},pageMessages"/>



Thanks in advance,




Message Edited by md1 on 12-01-2010 02:43 PM

I am new to force.com and I have what is probably a very basic question.  For custom applications that we wish to integrate with SalesForce CRM, is it possible to deploy these applications within the SalesForce cloud / stack or are the Web Services APIs the only option?

Please let me know if this question is too vague and I will attempt to clarify. With my limited knowledge of force.com, I am just not sure where to start.


Hi Folks,
                  i am trying to run apex script  (setup-->Develop-->APex Classes)  in sales force developer ,which is as follows:

1 public class sObjectTest

2 {

3 // Create a generic sObject variable

4 sSObject s = Database.query('select id from account limit 1');

5 // Verify if that sObject variable is an Account token

6 System.assertEquals(s.getSObjectType(), Account.sObjectType);

7 // Create a list of generic sObjects

8 List<sObject> l = new Account[]{};

9  // Verify if the list of sObjects contains Account tokens

10 System.assertEquals(l.getSObjectType(), Account.sObjectType);

11 }

when try to to save the code it's giving following errors:

Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: at line 6 column 37

how can i overcome this compilation error.

and how to run this code if compiled successful.