• eduardofernandes
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My question is, with I use a login for example, pertner@partner.com, on Salesforce and my email company is employer@mycompany.com.

The email I send in Outlook not is uploaded in Salesforce. Why?




I'm training my skills about apex code, and to training this I resolved to develop a call, when the Opportunity is "Closed and Won" in other database (mysql).


My DB contains the ID and Name from Opportunity.


My question is: how to send the values from Salesforce to a java class, it access my database, with all values for Opp?


Thanks for replies.

I must to define a validation rule, but it doesn’t work because the field that I compared with other one is a “formula field” and the value is incremented after the validation work.




The field “totalValue__c” is a formula field, and the value of this is the sum of all values inserted in other fields (ex. development, cousts, etc.). My rule defines in this field should be equals another field that user inserted the value manually.


How to make this rule work?


Thanks for the answers .




I have a problem in my company.


I need to show the number of times that my vendor requesting a task from budget.


Today we have a checkbox, and it execute a workflow with a task requesting the budget for dept. of RH.


But it's not working fine, because it don't show the number of times the vendor solicited a new task. And the problem too is the the checkbox not display the tasks.


That's clear?


I don't have idea how make this.


Thanks for the replies.

I'm trying to replicate de field Opportunity of my Production to Sandbox using Force IDE, but I receive the error message.


File Name: objects / Opportunity.object
    Full Name: Opportunity.StageName
    Action: NO ACTION
    Result: FAILED
    Problem: duplicate value found: <unknown> duplicate the value in register with ID: <unknown>


How I solve this?

Good morning.


I need to implement a solution in my company but do not know if you can perform this task.

I need to delete a value in ALL the opportunities created inside my base. But this taskmust be performed only ONCE.

This can be done?

If yes. How can I make it?

I appreciate the answers.


How could I know if an identity document is really true and not made by a software or by an automatic generator?


I'll use REGEX for this, but if the user can used a software for this and the REGEX return true, it save the Opp.


Thx for answers!


I wonder how can I pass all my opportunities to the value of one field to another.

I have the Amount field and want to pass its value to a field to type Currency.

Is that possible? If so could show me how?



I'm trying to change the email response notification why I have a new Lead from my web page.

How I  do to change this email or insert values??

Thanks to replies.

I have a formula field with a value and I need to input this value in a text field type for all opportunities.

It's possible?

Good morning.

I have a problem.

How to I create a validation rule, but it works once.

I have a validation rule That test date if the date of close field, equals is today. After i have closed and the opportunity won this validation is activate, but I want to perform this validation rule not more.


Thanks for replies.

Integer[] pesoCnpj = {1,2,3};

leaI tried the forum but found nothing about it.

I need to create an event to report to all my company's negotiators that they have leads that have not been contacted.

How could he do this?

Wait for an answer.

Thanks to those who respond.

No more.

Good afternoon everyone.

I need to generate a report that will bring me the percentage of opportunities that were delivered on time.

I own a field that is scheduled for delivery and another which is the date that it was actually delivered. I need to generate a report that will bring me the percentage of opportunities that were delivered on time.

I hope that, once again, can help me.

Thank you.

It's possible modify a type of report after I save it?


Good morning,

I wonder how I know how many sales were made in a given period of my negotiator for each company in a report.


I tried using formula field but no results.


Thanks to all who respond.

No more.


My question is simple.

How I do to set the visibiliti of the opportunities that each user has access only their opportunities, can not see the opportunities of others.

Thanks for replies

Hello everyone.

I have a querstion about the creation of fields in salesforce.

It's possible I create a custom field in object Task? If it's possible as I do?

Thx for replies.


I have a problem with a validation rule.

I wish it worked only for certain users.

How can I do this?

Thanks for the replies.

What does this error?


I tried everything to deploy this, but no results.



I wonder, using the Data Loader, how could I export just the data from certain users.

Not if that is possible using the Data Loader, any suggestion is welcome.

Thank you.

Good morning.


I need to implement a solution in my company but do not know if you can perform this task.

I need to delete a value in ALL the opportunities created inside my base. But this taskmust be performed only ONCE.

This can be done?

If yes. How can I make it?

I appreciate the answers.



I'm trying to change the email response notification why I have a new Lead from my web page.

How I  do to change this email or insert values??

Thanks to replies.

Good morning.

I have a problem.

How to I create a validation rule, but it works once.

I have a validation rule That test date if the date of close field, equals is today. After i have closed and the opportunity won this validation is activate, but I want to perform this validation rule not more.


Thanks for replies.

Integer[] pesoCnpj = {1,2,3};

Hello everyone.

I have a querstion about the creation of fields in salesforce.

It's possible I create a custom field in object Task? If it's possible as I do?

Thx for replies.

Hello everyone.

I have a problem using SOQL. My problem is:

When I use the trigger to execute before insert to the salesforce get to me a value of autonumber, but this number is one less of the created. Example:

My SOQL give me back the number 10, but after the SF save the value of number is 11.

The problem is the my value if is yet: OP000035-2011

And the SOQL return to me is the value: OP000034-2011

If I change to after insert the trigger can't be execute.

Thanks for all answers

How do I import profiles of the Sandbox for a production environment?


Thx for the replies

Good morning everyone.

I wonder how I can create a trigger that after Savar an object, it redirects me to create a new object?

I appreciate the answers.

I have Windows 7 64 and downloaded the Apex Data Loader 23 (x86), but is not working. Java brings the following message.

Message of error.

Java Virtual Machine Launcher

Could not fin the main class. Program will exit.

Good evening everyone.

I have the following questions. I hope it's doable.

I have my rule in a business object called FAP, which should be "compulsorily" every time I have created an opportunity - and gets closed.

I wonder if you can create an event, not to speak, to save the opportunity he would open the page to create the FAP.

I hope you can help me.

Thanks to all who respond.

I wonder how I can start an autonumber from a pre-established number. For example starting from the number 2250? I hope you can help me. No more. Thanks to all who respond.
Ok, so I have an object called "Project" and it has a child object called "Phase".  There's a field on Project called "Number of Phases".  A user creates a new project and let's say they put in 3 for the number of phases. I want it to automatically begin the creation of these phases, to automatically redirect the page to the "New Phase" page, and when they create that phase, to automatically go to phase 2, and so forth depending on how many phases they specified on the project.  Is this possible?