• Thai Huynh
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I'm building a simple application that will be used by our internal people. However, this application is being setup as a SF Site because I want to use UrlRewriter. There will be a custom login page where the user can login using their SF login credential. My question is, how do I retrieve the user's information since this user will not have a Customer Portal Profile? Here is an example flow:


1. Agent authenticate and login to the app

2. Clicks on Get My Recent Cases. This will make a call to http://app.domain.com/my-cases -> this will be rewrite to /apex/MyCases page that will fetch cases and return as JSON data. 

3. Since this is setup as a site, how can I tell if the person making the request is authenticated?



It has been long over due but just wanted to showcase a site that I developed back in November and have been making a lot of improvements since then.




This site was built in less than 6 weeks using Force.com. 



Is there an easy way to always force Force.com Site to always default to HTTPS without any client side redirect. In the Apache world, you could simply do this using htaccess. Is there something similar?



I wanted to know if there's a way to perhaps customizing the knowledge base article create/update view. For instance, we want to add more functionlities to the rich text editor. In addition, we want to show a dropdown of categories/products from our custom object instead of using data category.

Does anyone know how to paginate FAQ__kav object? This is the code I have below but it kepts saying:


21:58:30.781 (781962000)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[63]|Database.getQueryLocator(LIST<SObject>)
21:58:30.782 (782011000)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[63]|Aggregations:0|SELECT Id, Title, KnowledgeArticleId FROM FAQ__kav
ApexPages.StandardSetController con = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, Title, KnowledgeArticleId FROM FAQ__kav WHERE PublishStatus = 'Online' order by LastModifiedDate desc]));
System.debug('ARTICLES: ' + con.getRecords());


I wanted to know if there's a traditional way of using ajax within VF. I get the ease of using VF functions but it will be a nightmare to separate out the code if you decide to move to another platform and reuse the same front end code. For instance, we have an app that temporarily use Salesforce but eventually will move to its own portal because SF cannot meet all of our needs. I want my javascript/css to be completely separated from VF so when it's time to move, it will be a simple as swapping our URL's inside the javascript files for the Ajax requests.





It has been long over due but just wanted to showcase a site that I developed back in November and have been making a lot of improvements since then.




This site was built in less than 6 weeks using Force.com. 



Is there an easy way to always force Force.com Site to always default to HTTPS without any client side redirect. In the Apache world, you could simply do this using htaccess. Is there something similar?



I wanted to know if there's a way to perhaps customizing the knowledge base article create/update view. For instance, we want to add more functionlities to the rich text editor. In addition, we want to show a dropdown of categories/products from our custom object instead of using data category.

I wanted to know if there's a traditional way of using ajax within VF. I get the ease of using VF functions but it will be a nightmare to separate out the code if you decide to move to another platform and reuse the same front end code. For instance, we have an app that temporarily use Salesforce but eventually will move to its own portal because SF cannot meet all of our needs. I want my javascript/css to be completely separated from VF so when it's time to move, it will be a simple as swapping our URL's inside the javascript files for the Ajax requests.

