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Anyone had any experience with trying to validate the security of the Salesforce SAML?  




Minute 17.50 asserts that salesforce has a security vulnerability to XML signature wrapping attacks if SAML is used for signing in.  I've tried to ask Salesforce about the potential concerns, but I haven't heard anything back in a couple of days.


We are keen to deploy SAML based authentication in our org to address other IT concerns. 

Has anyone out there used SAML and taken a deep dive to ensure that the SFDC implementation of SAML has been secured since this conference on youtube?




OK. I am new to this, but am missing something dumb. I know.


Class is ScottClass


I want to make a method that performs an account merge function.

Basically, I have two different fields on Accounts with the same number in it. I want to pull them together and merge them.

I can do it one by one, but I'm trying to make it a method.  I know it should be possible.


public class ScottClass {

public void mergeBasing (string ERPSTring){
Account masterAcct = [SELECT Id, SAPCIBER__c FROM Account WHERE SAPCIBER__c = :ERPString LIMIT 1];
Account mergeAcct = [SELECT Id, ERPBasing_C__c FROM Account WHERE ERPBasing_C__c = :ERPString LIMIT 1];
merge masterAcct mergeAcct;


-------------- I know the queries are right, because I know this works:

public String ERPString = '14138';
Account masterAcct = [SELECT Id, SAPCIBER__c FROM Account WHERE SAPCIBER__c = :ERPString LIMIT 1];
Account mergeAcct = [SELECT Id, ERPBasing_C__c FROM Account WHERE ERPBasing_C__c = :ERPString LIMIT 1];
try {
merge masterAcct mergeAcct;
} catch (DmlException e) {
// Process exception here

I am a newby to visualforce, but would appreciate a pointer.


I have a field in an object called "Main Tag" that we have on an object. "BizDev__c"

I have a custom visualforce page that is on the layout for that object  "BizDev__c"


We would like to have the visualforce page show the results of a search for the field "main tag" and show the results in a hyperlinked list of things in salesforce.


I can do something similar with a button, but I'd like hte search results to just appear in the visualforce page when it loads.


If someone would quote me a reasonable cost, I could also pay for working code.





OK. I am new to this, but am missing something dumb. I know.


Class is ScottClass


I want to make a method that performs an account merge function.

Basically, I have two different fields on Accounts with the same number in it. I want to pull them together and merge them.

I can do it one by one, but I'm trying to make it a method.  I know it should be possible.


public class ScottClass {

public void mergeBasing (string ERPSTring){
Account masterAcct = [SELECT Id, SAPCIBER__c FROM Account WHERE SAPCIBER__c = :ERPString LIMIT 1];
Account mergeAcct = [SELECT Id, ERPBasing_C__c FROM Account WHERE ERPBasing_C__c = :ERPString LIMIT 1];
merge masterAcct mergeAcct;


-------------- I know the queries are right, because I know this works:

public String ERPString = '14138';
Account masterAcct = [SELECT Id, SAPCIBER__c FROM Account WHERE SAPCIBER__c = :ERPString LIMIT 1];
Account mergeAcct = [SELECT Id, ERPBasing_C__c FROM Account WHERE ERPBasing_C__c = :ERPString LIMIT 1];
try {
merge masterAcct mergeAcct;
} catch (DmlException e) {
// Process exception here

I was able to install the app set up everything just fine.  However, when I change the status on an account to "Sign Up", it instantly changes to "Confirming" and I am not receiving any messages for the account.  What does this mean?

  • September 14, 2011
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