• CRMandresG
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I am trying to create a scheduled job to do this but having trouble referencing the contact from the related opportunity.

I have two date fields on my Event.


'Start' (which is standard) and  Lead_Date_Assigned__c


I need a rule saying the difference between the 'Start" date and the Lead_Date_Assigned__c cannot be greater then 90 days.


Can someone point in the right direction?

I am trying to mark a check box (Rank) to be true when a certain custom field (Question_ID = "abc"). 


What I am trying to accomplish is creating a formula workflow to say, When question_ID equals "abc" for example then make Rank check box true. 


Question_ID data type: Number 

Rank data type: Checkbox

I have a custom object called 'Post TNB survey' which is a related list on the lead page that populates questions and answer data. 


On the Lead page I would like a field to display a particular  Question at the top of the lead page as well.  The questions each have ID's.  




Would I create a new lookup relationship from the Lead object to the Post TNB survey custom object? If so how do I reference that particular Question_ID field?

On the opportunity object there is a custom picklist field (Loan_Payment_Method__c).  When a certain pick-list value (cash) is chosen I would like to have it to gray out 2 custom fields (Interest_Rate__c & Term__c) that are no longer applicable.


Alternativly, I could have a validation rule have Interest_Rate__c & Term__c required if anything other than 'cash' is chosen. 


Any help?



How can we restrict a user to see a record?

I have two date fields on my Event.


'Start' (which is standard) and  Lead_Date_Assigned__c


I need a rule saying the difference between the 'Start" date and the Lead_Date_Assigned__c cannot be greater then 90 days.


Can someone point in the right direction?

I have a custom object called 'Post TNB survey' which is a related list on the lead page that populates questions and answer data. 


On the Lead page I would like a field to display a particular  Question at the top of the lead page as well.  The questions each have ID's.  




Would I create a new lookup relationship from the Lead object to the Post TNB survey custom object? If so how do I reference that particular Question_ID field?

On the opportunity object there is a custom picklist field (Loan_Payment_Method__c).  When a certain pick-list value (cash) is chosen I would like to have it to gray out 2 custom fields (Interest_Rate__c & Term__c) that are no longer applicable.


Alternativly, I could have a validation rule have Interest_Rate__c & Term__c required if anything other than 'cash' is chosen. 


Any help?