• eugene_bm
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Hello, I have a requirements to populate a picklist base on the values in the string field All__c. For example.

I have a picklist Animals__c which have data of "Dog, Mouse, Cats, Rats, Birds".

in Record Type 1 Animals__c values are "Mouse, Rats"
in Record Type 2 Animals__c values are "Dog, Cats, Birds"


In Record Type 1:

If the field All__c has the value of  "2" the Animal__c in record type 1 = "Mouse, Rats"

If the field All__c has the value of  "3" the Animal__c in record type 2 = "Dog, Cats, Birds"
If the field All__c has the value of  "2,3" the Animal__c in record type 5 = "Mouse, Rats,Dog, Cats, Birds"


Any help will be very much appreciated.



How to lock the record by using record types.


can you explai the steps.




Removing of null to set gives an error "System.NullPointerException:Argument 1 cannot be null"




acctid.remove(null); <------ This will give error in winter 13 but not in summer 12


Please help me to understand what is wrong i maybe missing something here. Thanks

Can any one tell me why such error message is coming? And how to handle this.

ERROR MESSAGE: 'the entity is locked for editing'


I think its coming through Approval process but how to unlock it ?

Hello, I have a requirements to populate a picklist base on the values in the string field All__c. For example.

I have a picklist Animals__c which have data of "Dog, Mouse, Cats, Rats, Birds".

in Record Type 1 Animals__c values are "Mouse, Rats"
in Record Type 2 Animals__c values are "Dog, Cats, Birds"


In Record Type 1:

If the field All__c has the value of  "2" the Animal__c in record type 1 = "Mouse, Rats"

If the field All__c has the value of  "3" the Animal__c in record type 2 = "Dog, Cats, Birds"
If the field All__c has the value of  "2,3" the Animal__c in record type 5 = "Mouse, Rats,Dog, Cats, Birds"


Any help will be very much appreciated.


hi all,


i wanna retrieve all the objects' names (display that to the user) and fields from the object name (chosen by the user). To get the object name, i am tryin to use the describe methods like below:


1. describeGlobal()

2. describeDataCategoryGroups()

3. describeDataCategoryGroupStructures()

4. describeLayout()

5. describeSObject()

6. describeSObjects()

7. describeSoftphoneLayouts()

8. describeTabs()


i cant use these methods in salesforce Class page. if i use these methods, it is throwing me some error like  


Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: connection.describeGlobal()


and more errors similar to the above ones.. what i have to do to resolve this problem, how should i make use of these default methods provided for salesforce.? please help and guide me how to use these methods to retrieve the object names and its fields on the selection of the object?


is there any other syntax or method available for taking the object name and again taking the fieldname to show from the DataBase? help me in doing this




SFDC Learner.

Is it possible to share logic between test classes. The example I have is creating a test class for a trigger on a task. I have to first create an account and then a contact and finally a task. Is there some way to place creation of the account and contact in a separate class and call the class whenever I need to create them? I thought that this was made possible in the last release but I can't find it anywhere.

Hi all, I have to upload data from an excel sheet into a custom object of salesforce .I've never done anything like this before.Please tell me , how to start with it? Thanks.

I want to have an array like this : 


var locations =[

['blabla', 12, -13.1],

['blabla again', -3.4, 150],

['asdf', 3.2, 0]



How do i use the below ajax toolkit connection to make such an array? Because what i am trying is  not working.



var records = sforce.connection.query("SELECT LatDecimal__c, LonDecimal__c FROM Report__c ORDER BY Report_Date__c LIMIT 2");

var locations = records.getArray("locations");



Edit: typo.



I have a Visualforce page and a controller class.

Using "With Sharing" keyword, i am able to retrieve the records from the Custom object just as a Standard Salesforce functionality does.

Now my requirement is to retrieve all the Subordinate Roles for logged in User that should be displayed in drop-down.

There are more than 400 Roles in my org.

My Role stands 5th or 6th from the top.


Even if i use SOQL For loop to get all the Subordinate Roles, i am running in to Too many SOQL queries : 101.

Below is my code.


public method1()

         //get Subordinate Roles for the CurrentRole

        for(UserRole[] roleList : [Select id, name, parentroleid from UserRole ur Where ur.ParentRoleId :UserInfo.getUserRoleId() order by name])

            for(UserRole role: roleList)
                currentUserSubDetails.add(role);//Add to list



        //Retrieve Subordinate roles for each Role

        for(Integer i=0; i<currentUserSubDetails.size(); i++)



   private void getRolesAtDeeperLevel(UserRole ur)
        for(UserRole[] roleList : [select id, name, ParentRoleId from UserRole where ParentRoleId = :ur.id order by name])
            for(UserRole role: roleList)

Can anyone suggest me a solution?


Regards OnDem

Message Edited by OnDem Dev on 07-09-2009 10:28 AM
Does any one enable CRM Content user and apply content delivery RL on campaign. How can i achieve that no one can preview/download content beside to the owner of the content. I notice any user who also has access to campaign record where the content is attach can also preview/download the content.