• Simon Goodyear
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I have a managed package which has passed security review and has Aloha status.


However when I install it into a Professional or Group Edition of Salesforce I receive an error message telling me that the install failed - the message is included below.. the reference numbers change each time but the message is consistent.


Your requested install failed. Please try this again.

None of the data or setup information in your salesforce.com organization should have been affected by this error.

If this error persists, contact salesforce.com Support through your normal channels and reference number: 48494661-19193 (1381620309)



Installing this package into any other Edition works without fail. I have persisited with this install as well, repeatedly trying it.


Does anyone have any idea why this may be happening? I have gone through normal channels but am looking for something extra that might help me solve this situation quicker - someone must have seen something like this before.


The package is mine so I can make changes to it if needed - just need some guidence of what to change.


I know it's all a bit vague but any hints, other than give up, would be greatly appreciated :)





I have been experencing a strange issue when I install a managed package (yes, I know, dirty words) that contains a csutom visualforce component. The installation will fail with a cryptic error message such as:


Your requested install failed. Please try this again.

None of the data or setup information in your salesforce.com organization should have been affected by this error.

If this error persists, contact salesforce.com Support through your normal channels and reference number: 1090666547-3867 (-1010003720)  


I have whittled the package down to the bare minimum require to recreate the error however I have been unable to find a solution to the problem.. this is where I hope you folks can all come to my rescue and point out the silly mistake that I have made!


I have a feeling that I've got some permissions, access level or namespace issue somewhere.


So, I have the following code...


A simple custom component:


<apex:component allowDML="true" id="simpleCon" controller="simpleController" access="global">
    <apex:attribute name="object" description="The object to associate with" type="sObject" assignTo="{!contextObject}" access="global"/> 
 This is a component



 Backed by a simple Apex controller:


global with sharing class simpleController{

    global sObject contextObject {get; set;}


I then have the following VisualForce page:


<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="PageExtension" >
 A Page
 <c:SimpleExample object="{!currentObject}" />


Which in turn is backed by the Controller Extension:


global with sharing class PageExtension {
    global sObject currentObject {get; set;}
    global PageExtension(ApexPages.Standardcontroller controller){
        currentObject = controller.getRecord();


I also have all of the necessary test classes in place for the two apex classes.


When I open the VF page in the dev org everything works as you would expect.


I then package it up as a fully managed package which works without any problems.


The next step is to install this package into another org. At this point as I click Install I get the error message above.


I have played around with this and, if I remember correctly, the problem goes away if I remove the assignTo attribute from the apex:attribute on the component. However this sin't much use to me as I really could do with the reference to the object.


Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Am I missing something blindingly obvious? All help is greatly appreciated.


I have a managed package which has passed security review and has Aloha status.


However when I install it into a Professional or Group Edition of Salesforce I receive an error message telling me that the install failed - the message is included below.. the reference numbers change each time but the message is consistent.


Your requested install failed. Please try this again.

None of the data or setup information in your salesforce.com organization should have been affected by this error.

If this error persists, contact salesforce.com Support through your normal channels and reference number: 48494661-19193 (1381620309)



Installing this package into any other Edition works without fail. I have persisited with this install as well, repeatedly trying it.


Does anyone have any idea why this may be happening? I have gone through normal channels but am looking for something extra that might help me solve this situation quicker - someone must have seen something like this before.


The package is mine so I can make changes to it if needed - just need some guidence of what to change.


I know it's all a bit vague but any hints, other than give up, would be greatly appreciated :)





I have been experencing a strange issue when I install a managed package (yes, I know, dirty words) that contains a csutom visualforce component. The installation will fail with a cryptic error message such as:


Your requested install failed. Please try this again.

None of the data or setup information in your salesforce.com organization should have been affected by this error.

If this error persists, contact salesforce.com Support through your normal channels and reference number: 1090666547-3867 (-1010003720)  


I have whittled the package down to the bare minimum require to recreate the error however I have been unable to find a solution to the problem.. this is where I hope you folks can all come to my rescue and point out the silly mistake that I have made!


I have a feeling that I've got some permissions, access level or namespace issue somewhere.


So, I have the following code...


A simple custom component:


<apex:component allowDML="true" id="simpleCon" controller="simpleController" access="global">
    <apex:attribute name="object" description="The object to associate with" type="sObject" assignTo="{!contextObject}" access="global"/> 
 This is a component



 Backed by a simple Apex controller:


global with sharing class simpleController{

    global sObject contextObject {get; set;}


I then have the following VisualForce page:


<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="PageExtension" >
 A Page
 <c:SimpleExample object="{!currentObject}" />


Which in turn is backed by the Controller Extension:


global with sharing class PageExtension {
    global sObject currentObject {get; set;}
    global PageExtension(ApexPages.Standardcontroller controller){
        currentObject = controller.getRecord();


I also have all of the necessary test classes in place for the two apex classes.


When I open the VF page in the dev org everything works as you would expect.


I then package it up as a fully managed package which works without any problems.


The next step is to install this package into another org. At this point as I click Install I get the error message above.


I have played around with this and, if I remember correctly, the problem goes away if I remove the assignTo attribute from the apex:attribute on the component. However this sin't much use to me as I really could do with the reference to the object.


Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Am I missing something blindingly obvious? All help is greatly appreciated.