• massi
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We have developed an application with salesforce mobile SDK natif android; in the first authentication page there is checkbox "remember user name", but when i check it,  and return to the same page, the systeme don't remember the ancient logins  :

User-added image

So my question is : is there parameter to add to the webview wich contain this login page to store logins and let this checkbox work correctly.

  • June 18, 2014
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hi !! cant i get id of visualforce tab in apex ???????

  • September 19, 2012
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We have developed an application with salesforce mobile SDK natif android; in the first authentication page there is checkbox "remember user name", but when i check it,  and return to the same page, the systeme don't remember the ancient logins  :

User-added image

So my question is : is there parameter to add to the webview wich contain this login page to store logins and let this checkbox work correctly.

  • June 18, 2014
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We have developed an application with salesforce mobile SDK natif android; in the first authentication page there is checkbox "remember user name", but when i check it,  and return to the same page, the systeme don't remember the ancient logins  :

User-added image

So my question is : is there parameter to add to the webview wich contain this login page to store logins and let this checkbox work correctly.

  • June 18, 2014
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I had quite a harrowing weekend trying to deploy a lot of code from a full sandbox to production.  One of the problems I had was slowness.  Using Eclipse and deploying to live took as much as 45 minutes, only to come back with a failure.  I found this particularly frustrating because when everything works in a full copy sandbox, you expect it to work in production.


A deployment whose steps took 20 minutes against a full sandbox took 9 hours against production because of errors.  So I'd take four or five minutes to try something to resolve the error and then I'd have to wait another 40 for the deployment to fail.  Even when I was loading only one small class with one small unit test, it still took a long time.


I was wondering if I'm the only one experiencing this, and if it's an Eclipse thing or a Salesforce thing.


Any tips would be most appreciated.

Hello Community!


I'm encountering the problem that I need to create on every org with my app two dummy users as a placeholder. Since I got a first-start-apex-controller I would like to integrate the creation of User in it. But I can't use the User-Object because of read-only-permission, as Eclipse says to me. 

So does anyone know how to do this?


Thanks a lot and Best Regards



Is there a way to stop a trigger from updating or inserting a record if certain parameters are not met?
I have an if statement inside a For loop, and am testing values. If the conditions are not met, I don't want the record updated or inserted.
Here's my code if you need it:

public class clsAbstractRatingTeam {

public static void updtEventID(Abstract_Rating_Team__c[] abstRT) {

List<Events__c> eventID = new List<Events__c>([select Id from Events__c where Current_Event__c = true]);

Integer lstSize = eventID.size();

if(lstSize == 1) {

String eID = eventID[0].Id;

for(Abstract_Rating_Team__c ar : abstRT) {

ar.Event_ID__c = eID;


} else {

// ? stop execution and do not continue.





Thanks for your help.