• Olga
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I'm new at VF and Flow, scouring through my guides and feeling a little overwhelmed.  I posted a message on the VF page but also know that I may be able to do this with Flow.  Here's what I want to do:


1./  Allow a user to choose an Account from a lookup search (easy enough, although I'd like the lookup to be in a dropdown, based on search criteria rather than radio button options of ALL accounts)

2./  Based on the global region (field is Global_Region__c) in that account, give the option for a category, sub-category and action of a case.  Some regions don't support all functions, so will need the opportunity to have a picklist dependent on the region.


For example:

Category:  Hardware, Software, Accessories

Sub-Category: Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Windows, Office, iTunes, Speakers, Patch Cables, Adapters

Action: Repair, Consult, Replace, Reconfigure, Reimage, Reinstall, Install, Deinstall


Choose ABC with the global region of North America and options may be:

Hardware --> Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard

Software ---> Windows, Office, iTunes

Action ---> Reimage, Reinstall, Consult, Deinstall


But choose ABC with the global region of JAPA and the options may be

Hardware ---> Mouse, Keyboard

Software --> Office

Action ---> Consult


Likewise with LAC and EMEA --- the dependent picklists will change, based on what is supported in the region.  Can this be done?  How?  Originally, we had 15 different record types with picklist value changes for each ... but we want to merge into a single record type for all regions, just displaying what is applicable to that region.   Can this all be done using Flow?

I am creating a multilingual app and I'm trying to keep the number of hard coded labels to an absolute minimum. I am using the following markup whenever possible:



But what about standard labels like "Save" and "Cancel"? Is there anyway to make these dynamic so that I don't need to create custom labels for these common values?

I also think Global Variables are still one of the most poorly documented areas of salesforce.com. For example, you can do this to get the plural label for an object:




but it isn't documented anywhere in the "Understand Global Variables" help section. I figured it out by guessing.

  • April 14, 2010
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Well this is easy in standard salesforce, mostly because it happens automatically.


What I want to do is make a summary popup window when a user hovers over a link in a visualforce page. Something like this (taken from standard salesforce):




There doesn't seem to be any standard or easy way to do this in visualforce. Is there? I'd like to avoid rewriting standard salesforce functionality if at all possible.


Anybody know how to do something like that? Also, what's the proper salesforce terminology for these popup windows?

