• Amar c
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Hi I am managing a site from salesforce for ecommerece application.

Mostly times it it working file but some time on some page i got Eror Page Written  Message


"Error : Error occurred while loading a visualforce page.

             Please Email is if you need to get in touch."


I search on forum, i found it can me comes by many causes.


I donot know what is going on this.can any body tell me what can be the issue in this.

  • January 09, 2013
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HI I am stuck in a problem.I need code for get object record id with salesforce  by this my problem will soved to redirect on record type... for example URL is 




I need abc by apex code not by visual force page.Is there any way to fetch this. Please some one rely on this.

  • December 21, 2012
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Hi anybody used KnowledgeArticle atricle object in Test class. I created a code for putting article type and then fetch latest Knowledge atricle for putting id in CaseArticle, by using this


SELECT ArticleNumber,createdDate FROM KnowledgeArticle order by  createdDate desc LIMIT 1


in my Class i got right id.BY this ID i opened  atricle in edit mode.Its working fine But if i create test class for this,

above sql gives "list has no rows exception".I am sure article type is cretaing by test code but not fetch by this.

Any gues?is there any issue with Knowledge article in test class or i miss some concept in this.


  • December 10, 2012
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Hi I am managing a site from salesforce for ecommerece application.

Mostly times it it working file but some time on some page i got Eror Page Written  Message


"Error : Error occurred while loading a visualforce page.

             Please Email is if you need to get in touch."


I search on forum, i found it can me comes by many causes.


I donot know what is going on this.can any body tell me what can be the issue in this.

  • January 09, 2013
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HI I am stuck in a problem.I need code for get object record id with salesforce  by this my problem will soved to redirect on record type... for example URL is 




I need abc by apex code not by visual force page.Is there any way to fetch this. Please some one rely on this.

  • December 21, 2012
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Hi anybody used KnowledgeArticle atricle object in Test class. I created a code for putting article type and then fetch latest Knowledge atricle for putting id in CaseArticle, by using this


SELECT ArticleNumber,createdDate FROM KnowledgeArticle order by  createdDate desc LIMIT 1


in my Class i got right id.BY this ID i opened  atricle in edit mode.Its working fine But if i create test class for this,

above sql gives "list has no rows exception".I am sure article type is cretaing by test code but not fetch by this.

Any gues?is there any issue with Knowledge article in test class or i miss some concept in this.


  • December 10, 2012
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I need to create a KnowledgeArticle object for my test class. but there no DML operations allowed on KnowledgeArticle. 

Any idea how I could bypass this?


Thank you  


  • November 14, 2012
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Has anyone worked on the Ideas object and got to customizing its layout? I see that the Idea Object only has a field layout and no page layout in its definition. Is there any way to work around this and customize its layout like the other standard and custom objects?


Thanks in Advance!

  • April 25, 2012
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Is Siteforce replacing Sites?  Or is Sites seen as a component of Siteforce?  


I noticed that I am automatically redirected to http://www.force.com/products/siteforce when I enter http://www.force.com/sites.


Is there a datasheet available that helps me understand when Sites vs Sitesforce is the appropriate solution? 

Hi all,



          Can anyone please give  the difference between Force.com sites which were using earlier and Siteforce which is currently offering.

  • September 07, 2011
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Any guidance would be much appreciated.

I'm trying to extract records from Ideas, where a custom field is populated.

i.e. I'm wanting to do an equivalent of SQLs  WHERE Body like:+SearchText+''

The field is a  Text Area.


I've tried WHERE field='' and various other things, but Data Loader tells me the field can't be filtered on ...Am I just getting syntax wrong or can I really not filter on a text area field? That seems odd so guessing my syntax is duff.

Hello, a strange bug for me came up just about an hour ago, involving the ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put(); feature.


I keep getting a nullpointer exception: de-referencing a null object. And It's narrowed down to this particular line. Here's some sample test code where it occurs



  Quote opp=[select Id from Quote limit 1];

  QuoteLineItem ql1 = new QuoteLineItem();
  QuoteLineItem ql2 = new QuoteLineItem();
  PricebookEntry CL = [Select Product2.Name, Product2.Family, UnitPrice from PricebookEntry Where Product2.Family='Power' limit 1];
  PricebookEntry ST = [Select Product2.Name, Product2.Family, UnitPrice from PricebookEntry Where Product2.Family='Systems' limit 1];
  insert ql1;
  insert ql2;
  PageReference pageRef = Page.quotePDF;
  ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id', opp.id);
  //quotePDFController qc= new quotePDFController(ApexPages.StandardController(q));
  quotePDFController qc= new quotePDFController();



Any idea what's happening? Considering that it just randomly began to happen, I'm ver confused.

  • November 30, 2010
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Could any one can explain what is the major  difference between Roles & Profiles.