• ynwa
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Hi All,


I need help with the below test class (trigger code below). It's my first trigger. I am trying to test an insert (for now) and it seems like my trigger is not working. However my trigger works when I insert/update in Salesforce and bulk insert/update using dataloader. Why does the test class fail to populate the Sales_Rep_CS__c field?




Update: The test results in a Failure: "Assertion Failed: Expected: null, Actual: Julien Trapes"

private class AssignSaleRep_Test_Class {

	static testMethod void Test1_TestInsertWithcountryValue() {
		list <Account> liacc = new list <Account>{};
		string SR_CS;
		Account a1 = new Account();
		a1.name = 'PRSingleTest';
		a1.BillingCountry= 'France';
		a1.BillingPostalCode = '59008';
		a1.Sales_Rep_CS__c ='F';
      	a1.Sales_Rep_M__c ='';
		insert liacc;
		list<Account> ia = [select name, sales_rep_cs__c from Account where id IN :liacc];
		for(Account s1 : ia)
			system.assertEquals(s1.Sales_Rep_CS__c, 'Julien Trapes');


The Trigger:

trigger Assign_Sales_Rep on Account (before insert, before update) 
	// Grab Terriory information based on CountryPostcode
    map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS = new map<String, String>();
    map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM = new map<String, String>();
    string AccCountryPostcode = ''; 
	List<String> postalCodes = new List<String>();
	List<Account> accList = new List<Account>();
	for (Account acc : trigger.new)
		if (acc.BillingPostalCode == null || acc.BillingPostalCode == '' || acc.BillingPostalCode == ' ' || acc.BillingCountry == Null || acc.BillingCountry == '' || acc.BillingCountry == ' ')
			AccCountryPostcode = acc.BillingCountry+acc.BillingPostalCode;
	for(Sale_Territory__c st : [SELECT CountryPostcode__c, Sales_Rep_CS__c, Sales_Rep_M__c FROM Sale_Territory__c WHERE CountryPostcode__c IN :postalCodes])
		map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.put(st.CountryPostcode__c, st.Sales_Rep_CS__c);
        map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.put(st.CountryPostcode__c, st.Sales_Rep_M__c);
	for(Account act : accList)
		if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
			act.Sales_Rep_CS__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.get(AccCountryPostcode);      
			act.Sales_Rep_CS__c ='';
		if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
			act.Sales_Rep_M__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.get(AccCountryPostcode);                
			act.Sales_Rep_M__c ='';


  • July 31, 2012
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Hi All,

I am new to programming and this is my first apex trigger. I am writing a trigger to insert values from a custom object (ST__C) into account fields based on account country and postcode. There is no link between the two objects therefore the trigger needs loop through ST__c and find a match for the (string) variable account.billingcountry+account.billingpostcode.


I hit the limit SOQL queries issue if the batch size in dataloader is greater than 100.


I need help in making the code more efficient or setting a batch limit to 100 on the trigger (can we limit batch sizes triggers?



trigger Assign_Sales_Rep on Account (before insert, before update) {
 // Grab Terriory information based on CountryPostcode
    map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS = new map<String, String>();
    map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM = new map<String, String>();
    string AccCountryPostcode = ''; 

  for (Account sAccount : trigger.new)
        if (sAccount.BillingPostalCode == null || sAccount.BillingPostalCode == '' || sAccount.BillingPostalCode == ' ' || sAccount.BillingCountry == Null || sAccount.BillingCountry == '' || sAccount.BillingCountry == ' ')
              //sAccount.ShippingPostalCode.AddError('Billing Postal Code OR Billing Country can not be null');
        AccCountryPostcode = sAccount.BillingCountry+sAccount.BillingPostalCode;
		    for (Sale_Territory__c [] li_Sale_Territory: [ select CountryPostcode__c,
                                        from Sale_Territory__c
                                        where CountryPostcode__c = :AccCountryPostcode
        		for(Sale_Territory__c sSale_Territory : li_Sale_Territory)
            		map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.put(sSale_Territory.CountryPostcode__c, sSale_Territory.Sales_Rep_CS__c);
            		map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.put(sSale_Territory.CountryPostcode__c, sSale_Territory.Sales_Rep_M__c);
                if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
                    sAccount.Sales_Rep_CS__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.get(AccCountryPostcode);                   
                    sAccount.Sales_Rep_CS__c ='FF';
                if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
                    sAccount.Sales_Rep_M__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.get(AccCountryPostcode);                
                    sAccount.Sales_Rep_M__c ='';


  • July 30, 2012
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Hi All,

I'm a new coder and this is my first trigger. I am trying to match a field on the custom object with accounts on insert and update. I get save error on "Method does not exist or incorrect signature: map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepSC.containsKey(String)" I have underlined the line where the error occurs.


What I am trying to do is match the CountryPostcode field in custom object Sales_territory with concatenated account billing country and account billing postcode.


Thanks for your help!



trigger Assign_Sales_Rep on Account (before insert, before update) {

 // Grab Terriory information based on CountryPostcode
 	map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS = new map<String, String>();
 	map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM = new map<String, String>();
 	string AccCountryPostcode = '';	

	for (Sale_Territory__c [] li_Sale_Territory: [ select CountryPostcode__c,
										from Sale_Territory__c
		for(Sale_Territory__c sSale_Territory : li_Sale_Territory)
			map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.put(sSale_Territory.CountryPostcode__c, sSale_Territory.Sales_Rep_CS__c);
			map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.put(sSale_Territory.CountryPostcode__c, sSale_Territory.Sales_Rep_M__c);
    for (Account sAccount : trigger.new)
    	AccCountryPostcode = 'sAccount.BillingCountry'+'sAccount.BillingPostalCode';
    	if (sAccount.BillingPostalCode == null || sAccount.BillingPostalCode == '' || sAccount.BillingPostalCode == ' ' || sAccount.BillingCountry = Null || sAccount.BillingCountry = '' ||sAccount.BillingCountry = ' ')
              //sAccount.ShippingPostalCode.AddError('Billing Postal Code OR Billing Country can not be null');
           		if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepSC.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
           			sAccount.Sales_Rep_CS__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.get(AccCountryPostcode);       			
           			sAccount.Sales_Rep_CS__c ='';
           		if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
           			sAccount.Sales_Rep_M__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepSC.get(AccCountryPostcode);       			
           			sAccount.Sales_Rep_M__c ='';




  • July 13, 2012
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I am trying to create a validation rule that should be basic but is not firing for me.


I have a picklist called  Prefix__c that has several values in it,


I want to fire if PICVAL is = to "Maintenance (CMT)", or "Maintenance Renewal (CMR)" and the custom date field of Maintenance_Start_Date__c is blank so that the date field becomes required,


This is what I have in place now, that is not working


AND(OR(ISPICKVAL(Prefix__c, "Maintenance (CMT)"),ISPICKVAL(Prefix__c, "Maintenance Renewal (CMR)")),ISBLANK(Maintenance_Start_Date__c))


Any assistance would be appreciated..

  • September 17, 2012
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I created an analytic snapshot report. The source report has 10 rows and only  5 rows are transferred to target object.

Message was sucessfull in snapshot history and interestingly I found message there that source report contains 5 rows only. Actually there are 10 rows in the source report.

Can any one please provide any pointers on this issue?




  • August 24, 2012
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Hi All,


I need help with the below test class (trigger code below). It's my first trigger. I am trying to test an insert (for now) and it seems like my trigger is not working. However my trigger works when I insert/update in Salesforce and bulk insert/update using dataloader. Why does the test class fail to populate the Sales_Rep_CS__c field?




Update: The test results in a Failure: "Assertion Failed: Expected: null, Actual: Julien Trapes"

private class AssignSaleRep_Test_Class {

	static testMethod void Test1_TestInsertWithcountryValue() {
		list <Account> liacc = new list <Account>{};
		string SR_CS;
		Account a1 = new Account();
		a1.name = 'PRSingleTest';
		a1.BillingCountry= 'France';
		a1.BillingPostalCode = '59008';
		a1.Sales_Rep_CS__c ='F';
      	a1.Sales_Rep_M__c ='';
		insert liacc;
		list<Account> ia = [select name, sales_rep_cs__c from Account where id IN :liacc];
		for(Account s1 : ia)
			system.assertEquals(s1.Sales_Rep_CS__c, 'Julien Trapes');


The Trigger:

trigger Assign_Sales_Rep on Account (before insert, before update) 
	// Grab Terriory information based on CountryPostcode
    map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS = new map<String, String>();
    map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM = new map<String, String>();
    string AccCountryPostcode = ''; 
	List<String> postalCodes = new List<String>();
	List<Account> accList = new List<Account>();
	for (Account acc : trigger.new)
		if (acc.BillingPostalCode == null || acc.BillingPostalCode == '' || acc.BillingPostalCode == ' ' || acc.BillingCountry == Null || acc.BillingCountry == '' || acc.BillingCountry == ' ')
			AccCountryPostcode = acc.BillingCountry+acc.BillingPostalCode;
	for(Sale_Territory__c st : [SELECT CountryPostcode__c, Sales_Rep_CS__c, Sales_Rep_M__c FROM Sale_Territory__c WHERE CountryPostcode__c IN :postalCodes])
		map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.put(st.CountryPostcode__c, st.Sales_Rep_CS__c);
        map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.put(st.CountryPostcode__c, st.Sales_Rep_M__c);
	for(Account act : accList)
		if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
			act.Sales_Rep_CS__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.get(AccCountryPostcode);      
			act.Sales_Rep_CS__c ='';
		if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
			act.Sales_Rep_M__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.get(AccCountryPostcode);                
			act.Sales_Rep_M__c ='';


  • July 31, 2012
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Hi All,

I am new to programming and this is my first apex trigger. I am writing a trigger to insert values from a custom object (ST__C) into account fields based on account country and postcode. There is no link between the two objects therefore the trigger needs loop through ST__c and find a match for the (string) variable account.billingcountry+account.billingpostcode.


I hit the limit SOQL queries issue if the batch size in dataloader is greater than 100.


I need help in making the code more efficient or setting a batch limit to 100 on the trigger (can we limit batch sizes triggers?



trigger Assign_Sales_Rep on Account (before insert, before update) {
 // Grab Terriory information based on CountryPostcode
    map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS = new map<String, String>();
    map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM = new map<String, String>();
    string AccCountryPostcode = ''; 

  for (Account sAccount : trigger.new)
        if (sAccount.BillingPostalCode == null || sAccount.BillingPostalCode == '' || sAccount.BillingPostalCode == ' ' || sAccount.BillingCountry == Null || sAccount.BillingCountry == '' || sAccount.BillingCountry == ' ')
              //sAccount.ShippingPostalCode.AddError('Billing Postal Code OR Billing Country can not be null');
        AccCountryPostcode = sAccount.BillingCountry+sAccount.BillingPostalCode;
		    for (Sale_Territory__c [] li_Sale_Territory: [ select CountryPostcode__c,
                                        from Sale_Territory__c
                                        where CountryPostcode__c = :AccCountryPostcode
        		for(Sale_Territory__c sSale_Territory : li_Sale_Territory)
            		map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.put(sSale_Territory.CountryPostcode__c, sSale_Territory.Sales_Rep_CS__c);
            		map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.put(sSale_Territory.CountryPostcode__c, sSale_Territory.Sales_Rep_M__c);
                if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
                    sAccount.Sales_Rep_CS__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.get(AccCountryPostcode);                   
                    sAccount.Sales_Rep_CS__c ='FF';
                if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
                    sAccount.Sales_Rep_M__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.get(AccCountryPostcode);                
                    sAccount.Sales_Rep_M__c ='';


  • July 30, 2012
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Hi Folks,


I have excel file having 200 records and deleted 150 records. while uploading the data using data loader it is still showing 200 records. but when i open the excel file it is showing only 50 records.


what is the issue here, can any one suggest on this ASAP





Hello All,

I am trying to create a formula field of type text, which depends on two other picklist fields. For Example If picklist field "Timing__c" = "Thursday Readiness" and if other Picklist field "Result__c" is either "Empty", "Ready," "Major Work", "Minor Work" , then the formula field should show Yes, else it should show up as No.



IF (ISPICKVAL( Timing__c, "Thursday Readiness") & ISPICKVAL( Result__c , "") ) ,"Yes", "No")


Any Suggesstions?

Hi All,

I'm a new coder and this is my first trigger. I am trying to match a field on the custom object with accounts on insert and update. I get save error on "Method does not exist or incorrect signature: map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepSC.containsKey(String)" I have underlined the line where the error occurs.


What I am trying to do is match the CountryPostcode field in custom object Sales_territory with concatenated account billing country and account billing postcode.


Thanks for your help!



trigger Assign_Sales_Rep on Account (before insert, before update) {

 // Grab Terriory information based on CountryPostcode
 	map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS = new map<String, String>();
 	map<String, String> map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM = new map<String, String>();
 	string AccCountryPostcode = '';	

	for (Sale_Territory__c [] li_Sale_Territory: [ select CountryPostcode__c,
										from Sale_Territory__c
		for(Sale_Territory__c sSale_Territory : li_Sale_Territory)
			map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.put(sSale_Territory.CountryPostcode__c, sSale_Territory.Sales_Rep_CS__c);
			map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.put(sSale_Territory.CountryPostcode__c, sSale_Territory.Sales_Rep_M__c);
    for (Account sAccount : trigger.new)
    	AccCountryPostcode = 'sAccount.BillingCountry'+'sAccount.BillingPostalCode';
    	if (sAccount.BillingPostalCode == null || sAccount.BillingPostalCode == '' || sAccount.BillingPostalCode == ' ' || sAccount.BillingCountry = Null || sAccount.BillingCountry = '' ||sAccount.BillingCountry = ' ')
              //sAccount.ShippingPostalCode.AddError('Billing Postal Code OR Billing Country can not be null');
           		if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepSC.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
           			sAccount.Sales_Rep_CS__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepCS.get(AccCountryPostcode);       			
           			sAccount.Sales_Rep_CS__c ='';
           		if (map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepM.containsKey(AccCountryPostcode))
           			sAccount.Sales_Rep_M__c = map_CountryPostcode_to_SalesRepSC.get(AccCountryPostcode);       			
           			sAccount.Sales_Rep_M__c ='';




  • July 13, 2012
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The following formula will calculate the number of working days (inclusive) between 2 dates. A working day is defined as Monday to Friday. Even if the start or end dates are a weekend, these are accommodated.

IF(AND((5 - (CASE(MOD( Start_Date__c - DATE(1900, 1, 6), 7), 0, 0, 1, 5, 2, 5, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 1, 0)) < (CASE(MOD(  End_Date__c  - DATE(1900, 1, 6), 7), 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 0)) ),
((( End_Date__c  -   Start_Date__c ) + 1) < 7)),
((CASE(MOD(  End_Date__c  - DATE(1900, 1, 6), 7), 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 0)) - (5 - (CASE(MOD(  Start_Date__c  - DATE(1900, 1, 6), 7), 0, 0, 1, 5, 2, 5, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 1, 0)))),
(((FLOOR((( End_Date__c  -  Start_Date__c ) - (CASE(MOD(  Start_Date__c  - DATE(1900, 1, 6), 7), 0, 0, 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 1, 0))) / 7)) * 5) +
(CASE(MOD(  Start_Date__c  - DATE(1900, 1, 6), 7), 0, 0, 1, 5, 2, 5, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 1, 0)) +
(CASE(MOD(  End_Date__c  - DATE(1900, 1, 6), 7), 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 0))))

The Start Date and End Date fields are custom in the above example and can be replaced as required. If use of a DateTime field is required then the DATEVALUE function will be required.

I also recommend a simple field validation rule is added to check that the End Date is after the Start Date.
  • January 05, 2009
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