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We have some code written in .NET that connects to the API to get some data.  It fails more often than it works.  Through the use of wireshark we were able to see this: "SSLv3 Alert (Level: Fatal, Description: Handshare Failure)".  We have then tracked this down to the IPs on the Salesforce side.  We have noticed that 4 out of 5 Salesforce servers that are giving us this response.  Below is a list of IPs that work and fail.  Please advise us on how we can fix this problem. – FAIL – FAIL - FAIL – FAIL – PASS

We have been using Salesforce Quotes for over six months now and today when I logged in to generate a quote, the images in the text/image field are no longer showing up.  We see the following broken image icons.  I have checked the image (uploaded in documents) and the externally available setting is still checked.  Literally nothing was changed, and the images are no longer working.  Any ideas would be appreciated it!


Quote template preview


Image settings