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I need to remove the User Detail Link from Chatter User profile Pgae.


Any one can suggest me whether this is possible or not?




Could you please give me some solution on this topic?


When i need to change the owner of one Opportunity (By Clicking the Change link) it will take to another one page and there is one checkbox is there for "Send Email Notification".I need to make that checkbox mandatory.How i can do that?






I am facing issue in updating the current step and Last Approved step in Skipped Approval Process.


There are 15 steps in pproval process and this is the Skipped Approval proces.


The requirement is like this:


The step which is in "pending" status  should shown as current step and the latest approved step should be shown as "Last Approved Step"


I tried through configuration but it is not working as it is the Skipped Approval Process.


Please give me some solution, so that i can proceed further.






I need to create one Matrix report with Opportunity and Delivery Schedule(both objects are in Master Details relationship).But I am not finding the Delivery Schedule information in the field Lookup whilw creating report. Already for DeliverySchedule object "Enable Report"Checkbox is selected and "Allow Report" checkbox is checked.


Could you please inform me why i am not getting that Object's infomation during Report Creation?






I created one field in UAT, modified the two Visualforce Page and one Apex Class.


The issue is resolved in UAT but when I deployed these changes in Production, the changes are not reflecting properly (the newly created field is not reflecting and the field position also changing in page layout).


Could you please let me know why I am getting this type of error?


I deployed in the following way 

App Setup>Outbound Change sets

from UAT and App Setup>Inbound Change Sets in production.







I wrote one trigger like this:


trigger UpadteKYCStatus on Account (before insert,before update)
{list<account> aclist=new list<account>();
for(Account ac: trigger.new)

if(aclist.size() !=0)
for(Account acc :acList)
if(acc.Expiration_Date__C < system.Today())


But this trigger is not working for automatic record refresh.

ex.When i am creating one customer with Expiration Date > today's date and the KYC Status should be Expired tomorrow automatically.

But this status is not updating automatically.After clicking on Edit and Save this Status is changing to "Expired"

Please let me know, how the record will be automatically get updated.







Requirement is to add each of these users to the opportunities associated with the countries they support as a sales team member.



How this is possible through Data Loader?


Because manually Sharing I can do but for more records how this is possible as it will so much time.


Please provide me any other easy and less time consuming solution also.







There are two cases.



If the expiration date is 8/1 on a customer, on 8/2 the KYC status field will change from Approved to Expired


I gave the condition as “Expiration Date is less than Today” for case 1



If Sys Admin create one customer with 29/06/2012 as expiration date on today’s date then the KYC Status field should automatically changed to Expired.


How this two condition will be possible in Time dependent workflow?


Is there any other way to satisfying these two rules at a time?


Please do the needful.



There are two fields,KYC Expiration Date and KYC Status field need to be linked.KYC Status field is a Picklist(Approved,In Progress,Cancelled,Expired).When expiration date is reached, KYC Status automatically changes to Expired.e.g if the expiration date is listed as Aug 1st and kyc status is approved....on august 2nd, the kyc status would change to expired.How can i implement this?



I made some code changes in UAT environment accprding to the requirement.


I need the same changes should be reflect in Production environment.


So how i can do that?


Please provide me some information on the process to sync two environment (UAT and Prod)also.






There are two fields,KYC Expiration Date and KYC Status field need to be linked.KYC Status field is a Picklist(Approved,In Progress,Cancelled,Expired).When expiration date is reached, KYC Status automatically changes to Expired.e.g if the expiration date is listed as Aug 1st and kyc status is approved....on august 2nd, the kyc status would change to expired.How can i implement this?