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I loaded the sample Apex class that create Tasks for Contacts:  http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/apexcode/Content/apex_classes_email_inbound_using.htm


We have a dilemma where we want to:


1)  Insert a value in a custom field called "Origin" with a picklist value of "Webhelp" added to the new Task


2)  Create an email notification to me if the incoming email address doesn't exist in SFDC and hence, no new task record has been created.  In this case, our client sent an email from a different email account that's not in SFDC yet and we want to get notified that it failed to create a new task.


I'm a novice Apex user so I will greatly appreciate if you can help me with our challenges above.   Thanks in advance.





Kristoffer Laser Moraleja, PMP






I will greatly appreciate if you can help me with the challenges below.  SFDC Support people cannot provide assistance with formulae through basic support.



Case 1:

I would like to create a functioning workflow rule on a custom object where it will be activated when the related contact role ( a custom field ) is either one of the two options and if the "Contract Ext for New Physician Months" ( another custom field ) is not equal to zero. I created the formula below:


and(or(ISPICKVAL(Contact__r.Role__c, "Add-on Physician"), ISPICKVAL(Contact__r.Role__c,"Income Stabilization Physician")), NOT(ispickval( Contract_Ext_for_new_Physician_months__c , "0")))


The formula above is linked to a workflow action where a user will be notified by email. I checked the formula syntax and it's OK but for some reason, the email notification never gets activated.




Case 2:

I would like to create a new field with a formula data type where it will count the number of related contacts with a particular title. For example, in the Account page I have five contacts and three of them have the title "Lead Physician". I would like to have a field that it will automatically count the total number of contacts that have that title which is 3. 




Thank you in advance!




