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bulkify trigger
i was bulk testing this trigger and while it works in the ui i get this error:
"setParentFieldsFromChildTriggeronProgram: execution of BeforeInsert
caused by: System.ListException: Duplicate id in list: 006G000000JvcxjIAB
Trigger.setParentFieldsFromChildTriggeronProgram: line 27, column 1"
Here's the trigger.
trigger setParentFieldsFromChildTriggeronProgram on Program__c (before insert, before update) { List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>(); Set<id> Ids = new Set<id>(); for (Program__c prgm : Trigger.new) { Ids.add(prgm.Opportunity__c); } Map<id,Opportunity> oppMap = new Map<id,Opportunity>([Select Id,Product_Group__c,Product_Area__c,Product_Family__c,Product_Family_Child__c from Opportunity Where Id in :Ids]); for (Program__c prgm : Trigger.new) { Opportunity o = oppMap.get(prgm.Opportunity__c); o.Product_Group__c = prgm.Product_Group__c; o.Product_Area__c = prgm.Product_Area__c; o.Product_Family__c = prgm.Product_Family__c; o.Product_Family_Child__c = prgm.Product_Family_Child__c; oppList.add(o); } update oppList; }
- SFAdmin5
- November 06, 2012
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- Vasu@blr
- November 21, 2012
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My trigger is not working for bulk regards
Please help me how can I improve my code.
My trigger is working when I tested it through user interface,
I tested my trigger by inserting 10 records using dataloader.
But, when I was inserting one lakh records with the batch size of 20. It is not working incase of insert.
but it is working for delete operation
My scenario:
I have three objects thdsales, commission and userbudget.
Userbudget (owner)
Commission (owner, Account number)
Thdsales (Account number)
I need to compare (date and channel type) which are common in userbudget and thdsales through commission.
If matches then I need to update a checkbox as true in userbudget.
Below is my trigger:
for insert, instead of one month it is marking another month.(suppose instead of aug marking july record)
trigger MY_markAllCommissions_US on THD_Sales__c (before insert,after update,after delete) {
if(Trigger.isinsert || Trigger.isupdate) {
List<Commission__c> comilst = new List<Commission__c>();
Set<Id> salesteamset = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> sfdcacids = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id,User_Budget__c> usbdtmap = new Map<Id,User_Budget__c>();
Map<Id,List<THD_Sales__c>> thdmap = new Map<Id,List<THD_Sales__c>>();
for(THD_Sales__c thd : Trigger.new) {
If(thdmap.get(thd.SFDC_Account_ID__c)==null) {
List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = new List<THD_Sales__c>();
else {
comilst = [select id,Sales_Team_Member__c,Account__c from Commission__c where Account__c in :sfdcacids];
Map<Id,List<Commission__c>> cmmap = new Map<Id,List<Commission__c>>();
for(Commission__c comi : comilst) {
if(cmmap.get(comi.Sales_Team_Member__c)==null) {
List<Commission__c> cmlst = new List<Commission__c>();
else {
List<User_Budget__c> ownerlst = [select OwnerId,Actual_Dirty__c,Channel__c,Month_Year__c from User_Budget__c where OwnerId in :salesteamset];
for(User_Budget__c usbdt : ownerlst) {
for(Commission__c c : cmmap.get(usbdt.OwnerId)) {
for(THD_Sales__c t : thdmap.get(c.Account__c)){
if((t.POS_Order_Type__c == usbdt.Channel__c) &&
t.Month_Year__c.year() == usbdt.Month_Year__c.year() &&
t.Month_Year__c.month() == usbdt.Month_Year__c.month()) {
//usbdt.Channel__c = thdmap.get(cmmap.get(usbdt.OwnerId).Account__c)
User_Budget__c ub = new User_Budget__c();
usbdt.Actual_Dirty__c = True;
ub = usbdt;
update usbdtmap.values();
if(Trigger.isdelete || Trigger.isupdate) {
List<Commission__c> comilst = new List<Commission__c>();
Set<Id> salesteamset = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> sfdcacids = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id,User_Budget__c> usbdtmap = new Map<Id,User_Budget__c>();
Map<Id,List<THD_Sales__c>> thdmap = new Map<Id,List<THD_Sales__c>>();
for(THD_Sales__c thd : Trigger.old) {
If(thdmap.get(thd.SFDC_Account_ID__c)==null) {
List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = new List<THD_Sales__c>();
else {
comilst = [select id,Sales_Team_Member__c,Account__c from Commission__c where Account__c in :sfdcacids];
Map<Id,List<Commission__c>> cmmap = new Map<Id,List<Commission__c>>();
for(Commission__c comi : comilst) {
if(cmmap.get(comi.Sales_Team_Member__c)==null) {
List<Commission__c> cmlst = new List<Commission__c>();
else {
List<User_Budget__c> ownerlst = [select OwnerId,Actual_Dirty__c,Channel__c,Month_Year__c from User_Budget__c where OwnerId in :salesteamset];
for(User_Budget__c usbdt : ownerlst) {
for(Commission__c c : cmmap.get(usbdt.OwnerId)) {
for(THD_Sales__c t : thdmap.get(c.Account__c)){
if((t.POS_Order_Type__c == usbdt.Channel__c) &&
t.Month_Year__c.year() == usbdt.Month_Year__c.year() &&
t.Month_Year__c.month() == usbdt.Month_Year__c.month()) {
//usbdt.Channel__c = thdmap.get(cmmap.get(usbdt.OwnerId).Account__c)
User_Budget__c ub = new User_Budget__c();
usbdt.Actual_Dirty__c = True;
ub = usbdt;
update usbdtmap.values();
- Vasu@blr
- November 06, 2012
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- 0
Code coverage for batch class
How can I improve code coverage for my below class?
Lines which are in red are not covered,
Please, help me
global class My_InsertActual_Batch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
Public String Query;
List<User_Budget__c> ublst = new List<User_Budget__c>();
List<User_Budget__c> ublst1 = new List<User_Budget__c>();
List<Commission__c> comlst = new List<Commission__c>();
List<Commission__c> comlst1 = new List<Commission__c>();
Set<Id> ubid = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> comid = new Set<Id>();
global Database.queryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Query = 'SELECT Actual_Dirty__c,Actual__c,Channel__c,Month_Year__c,OwnerId FROM User_Budget__c WHERE Actual_Dirty__c = True LIMIT 20';
return Database.getQueryLocator(Query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, LIST<SObject> lst) {
for(sObject s : lst) {
User_Budget__c ub = (User_Budget__c)s;
comlst = [select id,Sales_Team_Member__c,
Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c, Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c,Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c,
Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c,
from Commission__c where Sales_Team_Member__c in :ubid];
for(Commission__c com : comlst) {
//ublst = [SELECT Actual_Dirty__c,Actual__c,Channel__c,Month_Year__c,OwnerId FROM User_Budget__c];
for(User_Budget__c u: ublst) {
u.Actual__c = 0;
for(Commission__c com : comlst) {
//SO Sales January
if((u.OwnerId == com.Sales_Team_Member__c) &&
(u.Actual_Dirty__c == True)) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
if(u.Channel__c == 'Special Order') {
If(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 1) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c;
//SO Sales February
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 2) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c;
//SO Sales March
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 3) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c;
//SO Sales April
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 4) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_April__c;
//SO Sales May
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 5) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_May__c;
//SO Sales June
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 6) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_June__c;
//SO Sales July
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 7) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_July__c;
//SO Sales August
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 8) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_August__c;
//SO Sales September
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 9) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_September__c;
//SO Sales October
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 10) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_October__c;
//SO Sales November
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 11) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_November__c;
//SO Sales December
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 12) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_December__c;
//CC Sales January
if(u.Channel__c == 'Cash & Carry') {
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 1) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c;
//CC Sales February
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 2) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c;
//CC Sales March
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 3) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c;
//CC Sales April
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 4) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c;
//CC Sales May
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 5) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c;
//CC Sales June
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 6) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c;
//CC Sales July
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 7) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c;
//CC Sales August
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 8) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c;
//CC Sales September
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 9) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c;
//CC Sales October
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 10) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c;
//CC Sales November
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 11) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c;
//CC Sales December
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 12) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c;
u.Actual_Dirty__c = False;
update ublst1;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
AsyncApexJob a = [SELECT Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed,
TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email
FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE Id =:BC.getJobId()];
If(a.Status == 'Completed') {
My_scheduledActual_Batch bs = new My_scheduledActual_Batch();
Datetime sysTime = System.now();
sysTime = sysTime.addminutes(1);
//String tStr = '0 05 * * * ? ';
String chron_exp = '' + sysTime.second() + ' ' + sysTime.minute() + ' ' +
sysTime.hour() + ' ' + sysTime.day() + ' ' + sysTime.month() + ' ? ' + sysTime.year();
System.schedule('Update Actual'+sysTime.getTime(),chron_exp, bs);
If(a.Status != 'Completed') {
// Send an email to the Apex job's submitter notifying of job completion.
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {a.CreatedBy.Email,’mail@mail.com'};
mail.setSubject('Apex Sharing Recalculation ' + a.Status);
('The batch Apex job processed ' + a.TotalJobItems +
' batches with '+ a.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
My_scheduledActual_Batch bs = new My_scheduledActual_Batch();
Datetime sysTime = System.now();
sysTime = sysTime.addminutes(6);
//String tStr = '0 05 * * * ? ';
String chron_exp = '' + sysTime.second() + ' ' + sysTime.minute() + ' ' +
sysTime.hour() + ' ' + sysTime.day() + ' ' + sysTime.month() + ' ? ' + sysTime.year();
System.schedule('Update Actual'+sysTime.getTime(),chron_exp, bs);
Below is my test calss:
private class Test_My_InsertActual_Batch {
static testMethod void My_InsertActual_Batch(){
User u1 = [SELECT Id,Name FROM User WHERE
Email = 'mail@mail.com' limit 1];
List <User_Budget__c> ublst = new List<User_Budget__c>();
for(integer i = 0; i<200; i++) {
Date sysDate = Date.parse('1/31/2012');
sysDate = sysDate.adddays(i);
User_Budget__c ub = new User_Budget__c(
Channel__c = 'Cash & Carry',
Actual__c = 0,
Actual_Dirty__c = True,
Budget_Currency__c = 500,
Month_Year__c = sysDate,
OwnerId = u1.id);
insert ublst;
My_InsertActual_Batch insact = new My_InsertActual_Batch();
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(insact);
My_scheduledActual_Batch bs = new My_scheduledActual_Batch();
Datetime sysTime = System.now();
sysTime = sysTime.addminutes(1);
String chron_exp = '' + sysTime.second() + ' ' + sysTime.minute() + ' ' +
sysTime.hour() + ' ' + sysTime.day() + ' ' + sysTime.month() + ' ? ' + sysTime.year();
System.schedule('Update Actual'+sysTime.getTime(),chron_exp, bs);
- Vasu@blr
- November 04, 2012
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- 0
- Vasu@blr
- November 04, 2012
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- 0
how to get 75% code coverage for my trigger?
Hi, below is my trigger how can I achieve 75% code coverage for my trigger,
Please, help me to get 75% code coverage.
@isTest private class Test_My_MonthsRollUp_US{ static testmethod void test_MonthsRollup_Us(){ Profile p=[SELECT Id FROM profile WHERE name='System Administrator']; UserRole ur = new UserRole(Name='Role1'); User u=new User(UserRoleid=ur.id,alias = 'user123', email='user123@mail.com',emailencodingkey='UTF-8', lastname='u', languagelocalekey='en_US',localesidkey='en_US', profileid = p.Id,timezonesidkey='America/Los_Angeles',username='user@mail.com',CommunityNickname='usr'); insert u; RecordType rt = [select id, name from Recordtype where sobjectType ='Account' and name = 'Standard Account']; Account acc = new Account( RecordTypeid = rt.id , Name = 'abc' , Estimated_Annual_Spend__c = 1200 , Market_Segment__c = 'Exporter' , Lead_Source__c = 'ARCAT' , BillingStreet ='24,marg' , BillingCity = 'kolkata' , BillingState = 'WB' , BillingPostalCode = '700061' , BillingCountry ='India' , Tier_Level__c = 'Tier 1',Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_April__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_May__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_June__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_July__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_August__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_September__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_October__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_November__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_December__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c=0); insert acc; List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = new List<THD_Sales__c>(); THD_Sales__c thdrec1 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('1/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Special Order', Amount__c = 10000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec2 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('2/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Special Order', Amount__c = 5000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec3 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('3/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Special Order', Amount__c = 4000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec4 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('4/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Cash & Carry', Amount__c = 3000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec5 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('5/12/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Cash & Carry', Amount__c = 2000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec6 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('6/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Cash & Carry', Amount__c = 1000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); thdlst.add(thdrec1); thdlst.add(thdrec2); thdlst.add(thdrec3); thdlst.add(thdrec4); thdlst.add(thdrec5); thdlst.add(thdrec6); insert thdlst; thdrec1.POS_Order_Type__c = 'Special Order'; thdrec1.Amount__c = 5000.00; thdrec2.POS_Order_Type__c = 'Cash & Carry'; thdrec2.Amount__c = 8000.00; update thdrec1; update thdrec2; } }
Below is my trigger:
trigger My_MonthsRollUp_US on THD_Sales__c (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) { Map<Id,Account> updateAccounts = new Map<Id,Account>(); Set<Id> updateAccountIds = new Set<Id>(); // If we are inserting, updating, or undeleting, use the new ID values if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete) { if(trigger.new != null) for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:Trigger.new) if(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c != '0017000000ZWk80AAD') updateAccounts.put(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c,null); } // If we are updating, some accounts might change, so include that as well as deletes if(Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isDelete) { if(trigger.old != null) for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:Trigger.old) if(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c != '0017000000ZWk80AAD') updateAccounts.put(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c,null); } // Do not create a record for null field updateAccounts.remove(null); // Create in-memory copies for all accounts that will be affected for(Id accountId:updateAccounts.keyset()) updateAccounts.put(accountId,new Account(id=accountId, Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_April__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_May__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_June__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_July__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_August__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_September__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_October__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_November__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_December__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c=0 )); // Run an optimized query that looks for all accounts that meet the if/then criteria map< string, list< schema.sobjectfield > > fieldMap = new map< string, list< schema.sobjectfield > > { 'Special Order' => new list< schema.sobjectfield > { null, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_April__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_May__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_June__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_July__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_August__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_September__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_October__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_November__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_December__c }, 'Cash & Carry' => new list< schema.sobjectfield > { null, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c } }; for(THD_Sales__c thdsales : [SELECT Id, Month_Year__c, POS_Order_Type__c, Amount__c, SFDC_Account_ID__c FROM THD_Sales__c WHERE SFDC_Account_ID__c IN :updateAccounts.keySet( ) AND POS_ORDER_TYPE__C IN ('Special Order','Cash & Carry') AND Month_Year__c != null]){ updateAccounts.get( thdsales.sfdc_account_id__c ).put(fieldmap.get( thdsales.pos_order_type__c )[thdsales.month_year__c.month()], ( Decimal )( updateAccounts.get( thdsales.sfdc_account_id__c ).get( fieldmap.get( thdsales.pos_order_type__c )[thdsales.month_year__c.month()]))+thdsales.Amount__c ); } // Update all the accounts with new values. Database.update(updateAccounts.values()); }
- Vasu@blr
- November 03, 2012
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System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101"
I am getting below error:
"System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101"
How can I optimize my code to avoid this exception?
Please, help me.
trigger My_AddCommissions_US on Account (after insert,after update) { List<Commission__c> insertCommission=new List<Commission__c>(); List<Commission__c> updateCommission=new List<Commission__c>(); set<ID> setupdate=new Set<ID>(); map<Id,ID> accownermap=new map<id,id>(); List<Commission__c> lstcom=new List<Commission__c>(); set<Id> Ownerset=new Set<Id>(); ID role; map<Id,User> usermap=new Map<Id,User>([select id ,Userroleid,ProfileId from user where IsActive=true]); //Start //End Userrole adminrole1=[select id from Userrole where Name='System Administrator']; //system.debug('OOOO'+adminrole1.id); Userrole chinarole=[select id from Userrole where Name='China Users']; Userrole ITDEVrole=[select id from Userrole where Name='IT DEV']; Userrole ProMktgadmin=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Mktg Administrator']; Userrole ProMktguser=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Marketing User']; Userrole ProSalesSVP=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Sales SVP']; Userrole RPSM=[select id from Userrole where Name='RPSM']; Userrole MyProRep=[select id from Userrole where Name='My Pro Rep']; if(trigger.IsInsert){ for(Account acc:trigger.new){ role=usermap.get(acc.OwnerId).Userroleid; if(role!=RPSM.id && role!=MyProRep.id && role!=adminrole1.id && role!=chinarole.id && role!=ITDEVrole.id && role!=ProMktgadmin.id && role!=ProMktguser.id && role!=null){ Commission__c com=new Commission__c(); com.Account__c=acc.id; com.Sales_Team_Member__c=acc.OwnerId; com.Percent_of_Sale__c=100; insertCommission.add(com); } } insert insertCommission; } if(Trigger.Isupdate){ for(Account acc:trigger.new){ if(trigger.newmap.get(acc.id).Ownerid!=trigger.oldmap.get(acc.id).Ownerid){ setupdate.add(acc.id); role=usermap.get(acc.OwnerId).Userroleid; if(role!=RPSM.id && role!=MyProRep.id && role!=adminrole1.id && role!=chinarole.id && role!=ITDEVrole.id && role!=ProMktgadmin.id && role!=ProMktguser.id && role!=null){ accownermap.put(acc.id,acc.OwnerId); Ownerset.add(trigger.oldmap.get(acc.id).Ownerid); } } } lstcom=[select id,Sales_Team_Member__c,Account__c from Commission__c where Account__c in :setupdate and Sales_Team_Member__c=:Ownerset]; for(Commission__c c:lstcom){ c.Sales_Team_Member__c=accownermap.get(c.Account__c); updateCommission.add(c); } try{ update updateCommission; } catch(Exception e){ system.debug('Update failed'+e.getmessage()); } } }
- Vasu@blr
- November 01, 2012
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unable to restrict update opeartion for my trigger
My code should not fire in case of update for below condition
(Trigger.isupdate && Trigger.newmap.get(acccid).Ownerid!=Trigger.oldmap.get(acccid).OwnerId))&& userproId.get(accmap.get(acccid))==p.id)
I took all necessary steps, please help me where I have to change.
trigger My_InsertAccountTeamMember_US on Account (after insert,after update) { List<AccountTeamMember> lstAcTeam = new List<AccountTeamMember>(); map<ID,set<ID>> usermap=new map<ID,set<ID>>(); map<Id,Id> accmap=new map<Id,Id>(); set<ID> setOwner=new set<Id>(); List<User> userList=new List<User>(); set<ID> Parentlst=new set<ID>(); map<Id,Id> userproId=new Map<Id,Id>(); set<Id> TeamMember=new Set<Id>(); List<AccountShare> lstAccShare =new List<AccountShare>(); List<AccountShare> lstUpdateAccShare = new List<AccountShare>(); set<Id> accid=new set<Id>(); Map<Id,UserRole> maprole = new Map<Id,UserRole>([select id,ParentRoleId from UserRole]); Profile p=[select Id from Profile where name='Standard User Level 2']; userList=[select id ,Userroleid,ProfileId from user where IsActive=true ]; for(User u1:userList){ userproId.put(u1.id,u1.ProfileId); if(usermap.get(u1.userroleid)!=null){ usermap.get(u1.userroleId).add(u1.id); } else{ set<Id> setuid=new set<ID>(); setuid.add(u1.id); usermap.put(u1.userroleid,setuid); } } for(Account acc:trigger.new){ accmap.put(acc.id,acc.ownerid); setOwner.add(acc.OwnerId); accid.add(acc.id); } map<Id,user> mapownerrole=new map<Id,user>([select id ,userroleid from user where id in:setOwner]); Userrole adminrole1=[select id from Userrole where Name='System Administrator']; Userrole chinarole=[select id from Userrole where Name='China Users']; Userrole ITDEVrole=[select id from Userrole where Name='IT DEV']; Userrole ProMktgadmin=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Mktg Administrator']; Userrole ProMktguser=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Marketing User']; Userrole ProSalesSVP=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Sales SVP']; for(Id acccid:accmap.keyset()){ if((Trigger.isInsert ||(Trigger.isupdate && Trigger.newmap.get(acccid).Ownerid!=Trigger.oldmap.get(acccid).OwnerId))&& userproId.get(accmap.get(acccid))==p.id){ id role=mapownerrole.get(accmap.get(acccid)).userroleid; Id ParentRoleNext=maprole.get(mapownerrole.get(accmap.get(acccid)).userroleid).ParentRoleId; if( role!=adminrole1.id && role!=chinarole.id && role!=ITDEVrole.id && role!=ProMktgadmin.id && role!=ProMktguser.id){ while(ParentRoleNext!=ProSalesSVP.id){ if(maprole.containskey(ParentRoleNext)) Parentlst.add(ParentRoleNext); ParentRoleNext=maprole.get(ParentRoleNext).ParentRoleId; } for(Id pid: Parentlst){ for(id uid1:usermap.get(pid)){ lstAcTeam.add(new AccountTeamMember(UserId =uid1, AccountId = acccid, TeamMemberRole = 'Sales Manager')); TeamMember.add(uid1); } } } lstAcTeam.add(new AccountTeamMember(UserId =accmap.get(acccid), AccountId = acccid, TeamMemberRole = 'Sales Rep')); } Parentlst.clear(); } if(lstAcTeam.size()>0){ insert lstAcTeam; lstAccShare = [Select Id, AccountId, OpportunityAccessLevel, AccountAccessLevel,ContactAccessLevel, UserOrGroupId , CaseAccessLevel From AccountShare where AccountId IN: accid AND UserOrGroupId IN: TeamMember] ; } for (AccountShare ash:lstAccShare ) { ash.AccountAccessLevel='Edit'; ash.ContactAccessLevel='Edit'; ash.OpportunityAccessLevel='Edit'; ash.CaseAccessLevel ='Edit'; lstUpdateAccShare.add(ash); } If(lstUpdateAccShare.size()>0) { update lstUpdateAccShare; } }
- Vasu@blr
- November 01, 2012
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System.LimitException: Too many script statements: 200001
My code is hittting governor limits incase of multiple records update or insert.
Please help me to reduce number of script statements in this code,
Sometimes eventhoug we are not updating anything regarding to account, this trigger is calling,
we have rollup summary fields for this filed from another object is that the reason?
rigger Behr_InsertAccountTeamMember_US on Account (after insert,after update) { List<AccountTeamMember> lstAcTeam = new List<AccountTeamMember>(); List<UserRole> lstrole=new List<Userrole>(); map<ID,set<ID>> usermap=new map<ID,set<ID>>(); map<Id,Id> maprole=new map<Id,Id>(); map<Id,Id> accmap=new map<Id,Id>(); map<Id,Id> mapownerrole=new map<Id,Id>(); List<User> ownerrolelst=new List<User>(); set<ID> setOwner=new set<Id>(); List<User> userList=new List<User>(); lstrole=[select id,ParentRoleId from UserRole]; set<ID> Parentlst=new set<ID>(); map<Id,Id> userproId=new Map<Id,Id>(); set<Id> TeamMember=new Set<Id>(); List<AccountShare> lstAccShare =new List<AccountShare>(); List<AccountShare> lstUpdateAccShare = new List<AccountShare>(); set<Id> accid=new set<Id>(); for(UserRole ur:lstrole){ maprole.put(ur.id,ur.ParentRoleId); } Profile p=[select Id from Profile where name='Standard User Level 2']; //Profile p=[select Id from Profile where name='System Administrator']; userList=[select id ,Userroleid,ProfileId from user where IsActive=true ]; for(User u1:userList){ userproId.put(u1.id,u1.ProfileId); if(usermap.get(u1.userroleid)!=null){ usermap.get(u1.userroleId).add(u1.id); } else{ set<Id> setuid=new set<ID>(); setuid.add(u1.id); usermap.put(u1.userroleid,setuid); } } for(Account acc:trigger.new){ accmap.put(acc.id,acc.ownerid); setOwner.add(acc.OwnerId); accid.add(acc.id); } ownerrolelst=[select id ,userroleid from user where id in:setOwner ]; Userrole adminrole1=[select id from Userrole where Name='System Administrator']; system.debug('OOOO'+adminrole1.id); Userrole chinarole=[select id from Userrole where Name='China Users']; Userrole ITDEVrole=[select id from Userrole where Name='IT DEV']; Userrole ProMktgadmin=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Mktg Administrator']; Userrole ProMktguser=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Marketing User']; Userrole ProSalesSVP=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Sales SVP']; for(User u:ownerrolelst){ mapownerrole.put(u.id,u.UserRoleId); } for(Id acccid:accmap.keyset()){ if((Trigger.isInsert ||(Trigger.isupdate && Trigger.newmap.get(acccid).Ownerid!=Trigger.oldmap.get(acccid).OwnerId))&& userproId.get(accmap.get(acccid))==p.id){ //Parentlst.add(mapownerrole.get(accmap.get(acccid))); id role=mapownerrole.get(accmap.get(acccid)); Id ParentRoleNext=maprole.get(mapownerrole.get(accmap.get(acccid))); system.debug('PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP'+role); if( role!=adminrole1.id && role!=chinarole.id && role!=ITDEVrole.id && role!=ProMktgadmin.id && role!=ProMktguser.id){ while(ParentRoleNext!=ProSalesSVP.id ){ system.debug('within if block'); if(maprole.containskey(ParentRoleNext)) system.debug('PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP'+role); Parentlst.add(ParentRoleNext); system.debug('IIIIIIII'+Parentlst); ParentRoleNext=maprole.get(ParentRoleNext); } system.debug('@@@@@@'+Parentlst); for(Id pid: Parentlst){ for(id uid1:usermap.get(pid)){ AccountTeamMember tm = new AccountTeamMember(); tm.UserId =uid1; tm.AccountId = acccid; tm.TeamMemberRole = 'Sales Manager'; lstAcTeam.add(tm); TeamMember.add(uid1); } } } AccountTeamMember tm1 = new AccountTeamMember(); tm1.UserId =accmap.get(acccid); tm1.AccountId = acccid; tm1.TeamMemberRole = 'Sales Rep'; lstAcTeam.add(tm1); // TeamMember.add(accmap.get(acccid)); } } if(lstAcTeam.size()>0){ insert lstAcTeam; lstAccShare = [Select Id, AccountId, OpportunityAccessLevel, AccountAccessLevel,ContactAccessLevel, UserOrGroupId , CaseAccessLevel From AccountShare where AccountId IN: accid AND UserOrGroupId IN: TeamMember] ; } for (AccountShare ash:lstAccShare ) { ash.AccountAccessLevel='Edit'; ash.ContactAccessLevel='Edit'; ash.OpportunityAccessLevel='Edit'; ash.CaseAccessLevel ='Edit'; lstUpdateAccShare.add(ash); } update lstUpdateAccShare; }
- Vasu@blr
- October 28, 2012
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System.LimitException: Too many script statements: 200001
My code is hitting governor limits, please help me how can I limit the number of statements,
Mainly while importing data using dataloader for upto 5000, I am getting this error,
please help me to reduce the code
trigger Behr_MonthsRollUp_US on THD_Sales__c (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) { Map<Id,Account> updateAccounts = new Map<Id,Account>(); Set<Id> updateAccountIds = new Set<Id>(); //Map<Id,THD_Sales__c> tmap = new Map<Id,THD_Sales__c>([select Id,SFDC_Account_ID__c from THD_Sales__c where id in : Trigger.newmap.keyset()]); // If we are inserting, updating, or undeleting, use the new ID values if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete) //Set<Id> mset = new Set<Id>(); for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:Trigger.new) updateAccountIds.add(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c); // If we are updating, some accounts might change, so include that as well as deletes if(Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isDelete) for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:Trigger.old) updateAccountIds.add(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c); // Do not create a record for null field updateAccountIds.remove(null); // Create in-memory copies for all accounts that will be affected for(Id accountId:updateAccountIds){ updateAccounts.put(accountId,new Account(id=accountId, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_January__c=0, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_February__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_March__c=0, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_April__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_May__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_June__c=0, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_July__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_August__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_September__c=0, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_October__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_November__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_December__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c=0 )); // Run an optimized query that looks for all accounts that meet the if/then criteria List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = [select id ,Month_Year__c, POS_Order_Type__c,Amount__c,SFDC_Account_ID__c from THD_Sales__c where SFDC_Account_ID__c in :updateAccountIds and Month_Year__c != null]; for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:thdlst){ //T SO January if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 1) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_January__c += thdsales.Amount__c; System.Debug('nnnnnnnnn'+string.valueof(thdsales.Month_Year__c).substring(5,7)); System.Debug('ccccccccc'+thdsales.Month_Year__c.month()); } //T SO February if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 2) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_February__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO March if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 3) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_March__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO April if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 4) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_April__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO May if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 5) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_May__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO June if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 6) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_June__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO July if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 7) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_July__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO August if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 8) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_August__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO September if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 9) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_September__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO October if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 10) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_October__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO November if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 11) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_November__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO December if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 12) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_December__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC January if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 1) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC February if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 2) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC March if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 3) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC April if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 4) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC May if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 5) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC June if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 6) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC July if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 7) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC August if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 8) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC September if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 9) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC October if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 10) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC November if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 11) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC December if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 12) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } } } // Update all the accounts with new values. Database.update(updateAccounts.values()); }
- Vasu@blr
- October 27, 2012
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Developer Console is not opening for my sandbox instance?
Is there any setting I need to change?
- Vasu@blr
- October 15, 2012
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How many formula fields we can create for an object?
I need to create 40 formula fields for an object is there any govarnor limits
- Vasu@blr
- October 15, 2012
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- Vasu@blr
- October 13, 2012
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- Vasu@blr
- October 13, 2012
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problem to retrieve month value from date in trigger
trigger Behr_AmountOfMonths_US on THD_Sales__c (after insert,after update) { Set<Id> accset = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> thdset = new Set<Id>(); List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = new List<THD_Sales__c>(); list<account> acclist = new list<account>(); Map<Id,THD_Sales__c> thdmap = new Map<Id,THD_Sales__c>(); map<Id,Double> AccountMap = new map <Id,Double>(); for(THD_Sales__c thd : Trigger.new) { if(thd.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order' && MONTH(thd.Month_Year__c)=1) { accset.add(thd.SFDC_Account_ID__c); } } for(AggregateResult q:[SELECT SFDC_Account_ID__c sfdcAccId,sum(Amount__c)tot FROM THD_Sales__c where SFDC_Account_ID__c in :accset group by SFDC_Account_ID__c]) { //AccountMap.put((Id)q.get('SFDC_Account_ID__c'),(Double)q.get('expr0')); Id sfdcId = (Id) q.get('sfdcAccId'); Double dTotal = (decimal) q.get('tot'); AccountMap.put(sfdcId, dTotal); } }
Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: MONTH(Date) at line 11 column 56
if(thd.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order' && MONTH(thd.Month_Year__c)=1)
- Vasu@blr
- October 13, 2012
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Problem with typecasting from a aggregated query, Plese help me
trigger Behr_AmountOfMonths_US on THD_Sales__c (after insert,after update) { Set<Id> accset = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> thdset = new Set<Id>(); List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = new List<THD_Sales__c>(); Map<Id,THD_Sales__c> thdmap = new Map<Id,THD_Sales__c>(); map<Id,Double> AccountMap = new map <Id,Double>(); for(THD_Sales__c thd : Trigger.new) { if(thd.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') { accset.add(thd.SFDC_Account_ID__c); } } for(AggregateResult q:[SELECT SFDC_Account_ID__c,sum(Amount__c)tot FROM THD_Sales__c where SFDC_Account_ID__c in :accset group by SFDC_Account_ID__c]) { AccountMap.put((Id)q.get('SFDC_Account_ID__c'),(Double)q.get('expr0')); } }
Error: Compile Error: line 15:69 no viable alternative at character '' at line 15 column 69
- Vasu@blr
- October 12, 2012
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How to save data of inputfields in cross object?
I am displaying all fields of other sObjects also in same standard controller, but if I click on save it is saving data into current controller object? Please help how to write logic
- Vasu@blr
- October 09, 2012
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Problem with validation rule which deal with Rollup summary field
Parent Object:
Account: sum_of_sale (which contains sum of all the percent-of-sale)
Child Object:
Commisstion: Percent_of_sale (which contains precentage of all commissions)
Validation rule: while editing I am getting error
- Vasu@blr
- October 09, 2012
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- Vasu@blr
- October 09, 2012
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bulkify trigger
i was bulk testing this trigger and while it works in the ui i get this error:
"setParentFieldsFromChildTriggeronProgram: execution of BeforeInsert
caused by: System.ListException: Duplicate id in list: 006G000000JvcxjIAB
Trigger.setParentFieldsFromChildTriggeronProgram: line 27, column 1"
Here's the trigger.
trigger setParentFieldsFromChildTriggeronProgram on Program__c (before insert, before update) { List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>(); Set<id> Ids = new Set<id>(); for (Program__c prgm : Trigger.new) { Ids.add(prgm.Opportunity__c); } Map<id,Opportunity> oppMap = new Map<id,Opportunity>([Select Id,Product_Group__c,Product_Area__c,Product_Family__c,Product_Family_Child__c from Opportunity Where Id in :Ids]); for (Program__c prgm : Trigger.new) { Opportunity o = oppMap.get(prgm.Opportunity__c); o.Product_Group__c = prgm.Product_Group__c; o.Product_Area__c = prgm.Product_Area__c; o.Product_Family__c = prgm.Product_Family__c; o.Product_Family_Child__c = prgm.Product_Family_Child__c; oppList.add(o); } update oppList; }
- SFAdmin5
- November 06, 2012
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My trigger is not working for bulk regards
Please help me how can I improve my code.
My trigger is working when I tested it through user interface,
I tested my trigger by inserting 10 records using dataloader.
But, when I was inserting one lakh records with the batch size of 20. It is not working incase of insert.
but it is working for delete operation
My scenario:
I have three objects thdsales, commission and userbudget.
Userbudget (owner)
Commission (owner, Account number)
Thdsales (Account number)
I need to compare (date and channel type) which are common in userbudget and thdsales through commission.
If matches then I need to update a checkbox as true in userbudget.
Below is my trigger:
for insert, instead of one month it is marking another month.(suppose instead of aug marking july record)
trigger MY_markAllCommissions_US on THD_Sales__c (before insert,after update,after delete) {
if(Trigger.isinsert || Trigger.isupdate) {
List<Commission__c> comilst = new List<Commission__c>();
Set<Id> salesteamset = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> sfdcacids = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id,User_Budget__c> usbdtmap = new Map<Id,User_Budget__c>();
Map<Id,List<THD_Sales__c>> thdmap = new Map<Id,List<THD_Sales__c>>();
for(THD_Sales__c thd : Trigger.new) {
If(thdmap.get(thd.SFDC_Account_ID__c)==null) {
List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = new List<THD_Sales__c>();
else {
comilst = [select id,Sales_Team_Member__c,Account__c from Commission__c where Account__c in :sfdcacids];
Map<Id,List<Commission__c>> cmmap = new Map<Id,List<Commission__c>>();
for(Commission__c comi : comilst) {
if(cmmap.get(comi.Sales_Team_Member__c)==null) {
List<Commission__c> cmlst = new List<Commission__c>();
else {
List<User_Budget__c> ownerlst = [select OwnerId,Actual_Dirty__c,Channel__c,Month_Year__c from User_Budget__c where OwnerId in :salesteamset];
for(User_Budget__c usbdt : ownerlst) {
for(Commission__c c : cmmap.get(usbdt.OwnerId)) {
for(THD_Sales__c t : thdmap.get(c.Account__c)){
if((t.POS_Order_Type__c == usbdt.Channel__c) &&
t.Month_Year__c.year() == usbdt.Month_Year__c.year() &&
t.Month_Year__c.month() == usbdt.Month_Year__c.month()) {
//usbdt.Channel__c = thdmap.get(cmmap.get(usbdt.OwnerId).Account__c)
User_Budget__c ub = new User_Budget__c();
usbdt.Actual_Dirty__c = True;
ub = usbdt;
update usbdtmap.values();
if(Trigger.isdelete || Trigger.isupdate) {
List<Commission__c> comilst = new List<Commission__c>();
Set<Id> salesteamset = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> sfdcacids = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id,User_Budget__c> usbdtmap = new Map<Id,User_Budget__c>();
Map<Id,List<THD_Sales__c>> thdmap = new Map<Id,List<THD_Sales__c>>();
for(THD_Sales__c thd : Trigger.old) {
If(thdmap.get(thd.SFDC_Account_ID__c)==null) {
List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = new List<THD_Sales__c>();
else {
comilst = [select id,Sales_Team_Member__c,Account__c from Commission__c where Account__c in :sfdcacids];
Map<Id,List<Commission__c>> cmmap = new Map<Id,List<Commission__c>>();
for(Commission__c comi : comilst) {
if(cmmap.get(comi.Sales_Team_Member__c)==null) {
List<Commission__c> cmlst = new List<Commission__c>();
else {
List<User_Budget__c> ownerlst = [select OwnerId,Actual_Dirty__c,Channel__c,Month_Year__c from User_Budget__c where OwnerId in :salesteamset];
for(User_Budget__c usbdt : ownerlst) {
for(Commission__c c : cmmap.get(usbdt.OwnerId)) {
for(THD_Sales__c t : thdmap.get(c.Account__c)){
if((t.POS_Order_Type__c == usbdt.Channel__c) &&
t.Month_Year__c.year() == usbdt.Month_Year__c.year() &&
t.Month_Year__c.month() == usbdt.Month_Year__c.month()) {
//usbdt.Channel__c = thdmap.get(cmmap.get(usbdt.OwnerId).Account__c)
User_Budget__c ub = new User_Budget__c();
usbdt.Actual_Dirty__c = True;
ub = usbdt;
update usbdtmap.values();
- Vasu@blr
- November 06, 2012
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Code coverage for batch class
How can I improve code coverage for my below class?
Lines which are in red are not covered,
Please, help me
global class My_InsertActual_Batch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
Public String Query;
List<User_Budget__c> ublst = new List<User_Budget__c>();
List<User_Budget__c> ublst1 = new List<User_Budget__c>();
List<Commission__c> comlst = new List<Commission__c>();
List<Commission__c> comlst1 = new List<Commission__c>();
Set<Id> ubid = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> comid = new Set<Id>();
global Database.queryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Query = 'SELECT Actual_Dirty__c,Actual__c,Channel__c,Month_Year__c,OwnerId FROM User_Budget__c WHERE Actual_Dirty__c = True LIMIT 20';
return Database.getQueryLocator(Query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, LIST<SObject> lst) {
for(sObject s : lst) {
User_Budget__c ub = (User_Budget__c)s;
comlst = [select id,Sales_Team_Member__c,
Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c, Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c,Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c,
Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c,
from Commission__c where Sales_Team_Member__c in :ubid];
for(Commission__c com : comlst) {
//ublst = [SELECT Actual_Dirty__c,Actual__c,Channel__c,Month_Year__c,OwnerId FROM User_Budget__c];
for(User_Budget__c u: ublst) {
u.Actual__c = 0;
for(Commission__c com : comlst) {
//SO Sales January
if((u.OwnerId == com.Sales_Team_Member__c) &&
(u.Actual_Dirty__c == True)) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
if(u.Channel__c == 'Special Order') {
If(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 1) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c;
//SO Sales February
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 2) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c;
//SO Sales March
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 3) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c;
//SO Sales April
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 4) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_April__c;
//SO Sales May
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 5) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_May__c;
//SO Sales June
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 6) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_June__c;
//SO Sales July
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 7) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_July__c;
//SO Sales August
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 8) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_August__c;
//SO Sales September
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 9) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_September__c;
//SO Sales October
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 10) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_October__c;
//SO Sales November
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 11) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_November__c;
//SO Sales December
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 12) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_My_SO_Sales_December__c;
//CC Sales January
if(u.Channel__c == 'Cash & Carry') {
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 1) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c;
//CC Sales February
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 2) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c;
//CC Sales March
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 3) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c;
//CC Sales April
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 4) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c;
//CC Sales May
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 5) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c;
//CC Sales June
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 6) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c;
//CC Sales July
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 7) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c;
//CC Sales August
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 8) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c;
//CC Sales September
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 9) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c;
//CC Sales October
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 10) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c;
//CC Sales November
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 11) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c;
//CC Sales December
if(u.Month_Year__c.month() == 12) {
//u.Actual__c = 0;
u.Actual__c += com.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c;
u.Actual_Dirty__c = False;
update ublst1;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
AsyncApexJob a = [SELECT Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed,
TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email
FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE Id =:BC.getJobId()];
If(a.Status == 'Completed') {
My_scheduledActual_Batch bs = new My_scheduledActual_Batch();
Datetime sysTime = System.now();
sysTime = sysTime.addminutes(1);
//String tStr = '0 05 * * * ? ';
String chron_exp = '' + sysTime.second() + ' ' + sysTime.minute() + ' ' +
sysTime.hour() + ' ' + sysTime.day() + ' ' + sysTime.month() + ' ? ' + sysTime.year();
System.schedule('Update Actual'+sysTime.getTime(),chron_exp, bs);
If(a.Status != 'Completed') {
// Send an email to the Apex job's submitter notifying of job completion.
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {a.CreatedBy.Email,’mail@mail.com'};
mail.setSubject('Apex Sharing Recalculation ' + a.Status);
('The batch Apex job processed ' + a.TotalJobItems +
' batches with '+ a.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
My_scheduledActual_Batch bs = new My_scheduledActual_Batch();
Datetime sysTime = System.now();
sysTime = sysTime.addminutes(6);
//String tStr = '0 05 * * * ? ';
String chron_exp = '' + sysTime.second() + ' ' + sysTime.minute() + ' ' +
sysTime.hour() + ' ' + sysTime.day() + ' ' + sysTime.month() + ' ? ' + sysTime.year();
System.schedule('Update Actual'+sysTime.getTime(),chron_exp, bs);
Below is my test calss:
private class Test_My_InsertActual_Batch {
static testMethod void My_InsertActual_Batch(){
User u1 = [SELECT Id,Name FROM User WHERE
Email = 'mail@mail.com' limit 1];
List <User_Budget__c> ublst = new List<User_Budget__c>();
for(integer i = 0; i<200; i++) {
Date sysDate = Date.parse('1/31/2012');
sysDate = sysDate.adddays(i);
User_Budget__c ub = new User_Budget__c(
Channel__c = 'Cash & Carry',
Actual__c = 0,
Actual_Dirty__c = True,
Budget_Currency__c = 500,
Month_Year__c = sysDate,
OwnerId = u1.id);
insert ublst;
My_InsertActual_Batch insact = new My_InsertActual_Batch();
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(insact);
My_scheduledActual_Batch bs = new My_scheduledActual_Batch();
Datetime sysTime = System.now();
sysTime = sysTime.addminutes(1);
String chron_exp = '' + sysTime.second() + ' ' + sysTime.minute() + ' ' +
sysTime.hour() + ' ' + sysTime.day() + ' ' + sysTime.month() + ' ? ' + sysTime.year();
System.schedule('Update Actual'+sysTime.getTime(),chron_exp, bs);
- Vasu@blr
- November 04, 2012
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- Vasu@blr
- November 04, 2012
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- 0
how to get 75% code coverage for my trigger?
Hi, below is my trigger how can I achieve 75% code coverage for my trigger,
Please, help me to get 75% code coverage.
@isTest private class Test_My_MonthsRollUp_US{ static testmethod void test_MonthsRollup_Us(){ Profile p=[SELECT Id FROM profile WHERE name='System Administrator']; UserRole ur = new UserRole(Name='Role1'); User u=new User(UserRoleid=ur.id,alias = 'user123', email='user123@mail.com',emailencodingkey='UTF-8', lastname='u', languagelocalekey='en_US',localesidkey='en_US', profileid = p.Id,timezonesidkey='America/Los_Angeles',username='user@mail.com',CommunityNickname='usr'); insert u; RecordType rt = [select id, name from Recordtype where sobjectType ='Account' and name = 'Standard Account']; Account acc = new Account( RecordTypeid = rt.id , Name = 'abc' , Estimated_Annual_Spend__c = 1200 , Market_Segment__c = 'Exporter' , Lead_Source__c = 'ARCAT' , BillingStreet ='24,marg' , BillingCity = 'kolkata' , BillingState = 'WB' , BillingPostalCode = '700061' , BillingCountry ='India' , Tier_Level__c = 'Tier 1',Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_April__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_May__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_June__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_July__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_August__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_September__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_October__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_November__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_December__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c=0); insert acc; List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = new List<THD_Sales__c>(); THD_Sales__c thdrec1 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('1/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Special Order', Amount__c = 10000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec2 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('2/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Special Order', Amount__c = 5000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec3 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('3/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Special Order', Amount__c = 4000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec4 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('4/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Cash & Carry', Amount__c = 3000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec5 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('5/12/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Cash & Carry', Amount__c = 2000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); THD_Sales__c thdrec6 = new THD_Sales__c( Month_Year__c = date.parse('6/1/2012'), POS_Order_Type__c = 'Cash & Carry', Amount__c = 1000.00, SFDC_Account_ID__c = acc.id ); thdlst.add(thdrec1); thdlst.add(thdrec2); thdlst.add(thdrec3); thdlst.add(thdrec4); thdlst.add(thdrec5); thdlst.add(thdrec6); insert thdlst; thdrec1.POS_Order_Type__c = 'Special Order'; thdrec1.Amount__c = 5000.00; thdrec2.POS_Order_Type__c = 'Cash & Carry'; thdrec2.Amount__c = 8000.00; update thdrec1; update thdrec2; } }
Below is my trigger:
trigger My_MonthsRollUp_US on THD_Sales__c (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) { Map<Id,Account> updateAccounts = new Map<Id,Account>(); Set<Id> updateAccountIds = new Set<Id>(); // If we are inserting, updating, or undeleting, use the new ID values if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete) { if(trigger.new != null) for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:Trigger.new) if(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c != '0017000000ZWk80AAD') updateAccounts.put(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c,null); } // If we are updating, some accounts might change, so include that as well as deletes if(Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isDelete) { if(trigger.old != null) for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:Trigger.old) if(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c != '0017000000ZWk80AAD') updateAccounts.put(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c,null); } // Do not create a record for null field updateAccounts.remove(null); // Create in-memory copies for all accounts that will be affected for(Id accountId:updateAccounts.keyset()) updateAccounts.put(accountId,new Account(id=accountId, Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_April__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_May__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_June__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_July__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_August__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_September__c=0, Total_My_SO_Sales_October__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_November__c=0,Total_My_SO_Sales_December__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c=0 )); // Run an optimized query that looks for all accounts that meet the if/then criteria map< string, list< schema.sobjectfield > > fieldMap = new map< string, list< schema.sobjectfield > > { 'Special Order' => new list< schema.sobjectfield > { null, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_January__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_February__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_March__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_April__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_May__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_June__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_July__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_August__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_September__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_October__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_November__c, Account.Total_My_SO_Sales_December__c }, 'Cash & Carry' => new list< schema.sobjectfield > { null, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c, Account.Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c } }; for(THD_Sales__c thdsales : [SELECT Id, Month_Year__c, POS_Order_Type__c, Amount__c, SFDC_Account_ID__c FROM THD_Sales__c WHERE SFDC_Account_ID__c IN :updateAccounts.keySet( ) AND POS_ORDER_TYPE__C IN ('Special Order','Cash & Carry') AND Month_Year__c != null]){ updateAccounts.get( thdsales.sfdc_account_id__c ).put(fieldmap.get( thdsales.pos_order_type__c )[thdsales.month_year__c.month()], ( Decimal )( updateAccounts.get( thdsales.sfdc_account_id__c ).get( fieldmap.get( thdsales.pos_order_type__c )[thdsales.month_year__c.month()]))+thdsales.Amount__c ); } // Update all the accounts with new values. Database.update(updateAccounts.values()); }
- Vasu@blr
- November 03, 2012
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System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101"
I am getting below error:
"System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101"
How can I optimize my code to avoid this exception?
Please, help me.
trigger My_AddCommissions_US on Account (after insert,after update) { List<Commission__c> insertCommission=new List<Commission__c>(); List<Commission__c> updateCommission=new List<Commission__c>(); set<ID> setupdate=new Set<ID>(); map<Id,ID> accownermap=new map<id,id>(); List<Commission__c> lstcom=new List<Commission__c>(); set<Id> Ownerset=new Set<Id>(); ID role; map<Id,User> usermap=new Map<Id,User>([select id ,Userroleid,ProfileId from user where IsActive=true]); //Start //End Userrole adminrole1=[select id from Userrole where Name='System Administrator']; //system.debug('OOOO'+adminrole1.id); Userrole chinarole=[select id from Userrole where Name='China Users']; Userrole ITDEVrole=[select id from Userrole where Name='IT DEV']; Userrole ProMktgadmin=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Mktg Administrator']; Userrole ProMktguser=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Marketing User']; Userrole ProSalesSVP=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Sales SVP']; Userrole RPSM=[select id from Userrole where Name='RPSM']; Userrole MyProRep=[select id from Userrole where Name='My Pro Rep']; if(trigger.IsInsert){ for(Account acc:trigger.new){ role=usermap.get(acc.OwnerId).Userroleid; if(role!=RPSM.id && role!=MyProRep.id && role!=adminrole1.id && role!=chinarole.id && role!=ITDEVrole.id && role!=ProMktgadmin.id && role!=ProMktguser.id && role!=null){ Commission__c com=new Commission__c(); com.Account__c=acc.id; com.Sales_Team_Member__c=acc.OwnerId; com.Percent_of_Sale__c=100; insertCommission.add(com); } } insert insertCommission; } if(Trigger.Isupdate){ for(Account acc:trigger.new){ if(trigger.newmap.get(acc.id).Ownerid!=trigger.oldmap.get(acc.id).Ownerid){ setupdate.add(acc.id); role=usermap.get(acc.OwnerId).Userroleid; if(role!=RPSM.id && role!=MyProRep.id && role!=adminrole1.id && role!=chinarole.id && role!=ITDEVrole.id && role!=ProMktgadmin.id && role!=ProMktguser.id && role!=null){ accownermap.put(acc.id,acc.OwnerId); Ownerset.add(trigger.oldmap.get(acc.id).Ownerid); } } } lstcom=[select id,Sales_Team_Member__c,Account__c from Commission__c where Account__c in :setupdate and Sales_Team_Member__c=:Ownerset]; for(Commission__c c:lstcom){ c.Sales_Team_Member__c=accownermap.get(c.Account__c); updateCommission.add(c); } try{ update updateCommission; } catch(Exception e){ system.debug('Update failed'+e.getmessage()); } } }
- Vasu@blr
- November 01, 2012
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- 0
System.LimitException: Too many script statements: 200001
My code is hittting governor limits incase of multiple records update or insert.
Please help me to reduce number of script statements in this code,
Sometimes eventhoug we are not updating anything regarding to account, this trigger is calling,
we have rollup summary fields for this filed from another object is that the reason?
rigger Behr_InsertAccountTeamMember_US on Account (after insert,after update) { List<AccountTeamMember> lstAcTeam = new List<AccountTeamMember>(); List<UserRole> lstrole=new List<Userrole>(); map<ID,set<ID>> usermap=new map<ID,set<ID>>(); map<Id,Id> maprole=new map<Id,Id>(); map<Id,Id> accmap=new map<Id,Id>(); map<Id,Id> mapownerrole=new map<Id,Id>(); List<User> ownerrolelst=new List<User>(); set<ID> setOwner=new set<Id>(); List<User> userList=new List<User>(); lstrole=[select id,ParentRoleId from UserRole]; set<ID> Parentlst=new set<ID>(); map<Id,Id> userproId=new Map<Id,Id>(); set<Id> TeamMember=new Set<Id>(); List<AccountShare> lstAccShare =new List<AccountShare>(); List<AccountShare> lstUpdateAccShare = new List<AccountShare>(); set<Id> accid=new set<Id>(); for(UserRole ur:lstrole){ maprole.put(ur.id,ur.ParentRoleId); } Profile p=[select Id from Profile where name='Standard User Level 2']; //Profile p=[select Id from Profile where name='System Administrator']; userList=[select id ,Userroleid,ProfileId from user where IsActive=true ]; for(User u1:userList){ userproId.put(u1.id,u1.ProfileId); if(usermap.get(u1.userroleid)!=null){ usermap.get(u1.userroleId).add(u1.id); } else{ set<Id> setuid=new set<ID>(); setuid.add(u1.id); usermap.put(u1.userroleid,setuid); } } for(Account acc:trigger.new){ accmap.put(acc.id,acc.ownerid); setOwner.add(acc.OwnerId); accid.add(acc.id); } ownerrolelst=[select id ,userroleid from user where id in:setOwner ]; Userrole adminrole1=[select id from Userrole where Name='System Administrator']; system.debug('OOOO'+adminrole1.id); Userrole chinarole=[select id from Userrole where Name='China Users']; Userrole ITDEVrole=[select id from Userrole where Name='IT DEV']; Userrole ProMktgadmin=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Mktg Administrator']; Userrole ProMktguser=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Marketing User']; Userrole ProSalesSVP=[select id from Userrole where Name='Pro Sales SVP']; for(User u:ownerrolelst){ mapownerrole.put(u.id,u.UserRoleId); } for(Id acccid:accmap.keyset()){ if((Trigger.isInsert ||(Trigger.isupdate && Trigger.newmap.get(acccid).Ownerid!=Trigger.oldmap.get(acccid).OwnerId))&& userproId.get(accmap.get(acccid))==p.id){ //Parentlst.add(mapownerrole.get(accmap.get(acccid))); id role=mapownerrole.get(accmap.get(acccid)); Id ParentRoleNext=maprole.get(mapownerrole.get(accmap.get(acccid))); system.debug('PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP'+role); if( role!=adminrole1.id && role!=chinarole.id && role!=ITDEVrole.id && role!=ProMktgadmin.id && role!=ProMktguser.id){ while(ParentRoleNext!=ProSalesSVP.id ){ system.debug('within if block'); if(maprole.containskey(ParentRoleNext)) system.debug('PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP'+role); Parentlst.add(ParentRoleNext); system.debug('IIIIIIII'+Parentlst); ParentRoleNext=maprole.get(ParentRoleNext); } system.debug('@@@@@@'+Parentlst); for(Id pid: Parentlst){ for(id uid1:usermap.get(pid)){ AccountTeamMember tm = new AccountTeamMember(); tm.UserId =uid1; tm.AccountId = acccid; tm.TeamMemberRole = 'Sales Manager'; lstAcTeam.add(tm); TeamMember.add(uid1); } } } AccountTeamMember tm1 = new AccountTeamMember(); tm1.UserId =accmap.get(acccid); tm1.AccountId = acccid; tm1.TeamMemberRole = 'Sales Rep'; lstAcTeam.add(tm1); // TeamMember.add(accmap.get(acccid)); } } if(lstAcTeam.size()>0){ insert lstAcTeam; lstAccShare = [Select Id, AccountId, OpportunityAccessLevel, AccountAccessLevel,ContactAccessLevel, UserOrGroupId , CaseAccessLevel From AccountShare where AccountId IN: accid AND UserOrGroupId IN: TeamMember] ; } for (AccountShare ash:lstAccShare ) { ash.AccountAccessLevel='Edit'; ash.ContactAccessLevel='Edit'; ash.OpportunityAccessLevel='Edit'; ash.CaseAccessLevel ='Edit'; lstUpdateAccShare.add(ash); } update lstUpdateAccShare; }
- Vasu@blr
- October 28, 2012
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System.LimitException: Too many script statements: 200001
My code is hitting governor limits, please help me how can I limit the number of statements,
Mainly while importing data using dataloader for upto 5000, I am getting this error,
please help me to reduce the code
trigger Behr_MonthsRollUp_US on THD_Sales__c (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) { Map<Id,Account> updateAccounts = new Map<Id,Account>(); Set<Id> updateAccountIds = new Set<Id>(); //Map<Id,THD_Sales__c> tmap = new Map<Id,THD_Sales__c>([select Id,SFDC_Account_ID__c from THD_Sales__c where id in : Trigger.newmap.keyset()]); // If we are inserting, updating, or undeleting, use the new ID values if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete) //Set<Id> mset = new Set<Id>(); for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:Trigger.new) updateAccountIds.add(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c); // If we are updating, some accounts might change, so include that as well as deletes if(Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isDelete) for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:Trigger.old) updateAccountIds.add(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c); // Do not create a record for null field updateAccountIds.remove(null); // Create in-memory copies for all accounts that will be affected for(Id accountId:updateAccountIds){ updateAccounts.put(accountId,new Account(id=accountId, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_January__c=0, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_February__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_March__c=0, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_April__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_May__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_June__c=0, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_July__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_August__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_September__c=0, Total_Behr_SO_Sales_October__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_November__c=0,Total_Behr_SO_Sales_December__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c=0, Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c=0,Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c=0 )); // Run an optimized query that looks for all accounts that meet the if/then criteria List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = [select id ,Month_Year__c, POS_Order_Type__c,Amount__c,SFDC_Account_ID__c from THD_Sales__c where SFDC_Account_ID__c in :updateAccountIds and Month_Year__c != null]; for(THD_Sales__c thdsales:thdlst){ //T SO January if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 1) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_January__c += thdsales.Amount__c; System.Debug('nnnnnnnnn'+string.valueof(thdsales.Month_Year__c).substring(5,7)); System.Debug('ccccccccc'+thdsales.Month_Year__c.month()); } //T SO February if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 2) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_February__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO March if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 3) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_March__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO April if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 4) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_April__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO May if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 5) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_May__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO June if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 6) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_June__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO July if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 7) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_July__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO August if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 8) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_August__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO September if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 9) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_September__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO October if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 10) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_October__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO November if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 11) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_November__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T SO December if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 12) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Behr_SO_Sales_December__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC January if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 1) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_January__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC February if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 2) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_February__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC March if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 3) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_March__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC April if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 4) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_April__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC May if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 5) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_May__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC June if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 6) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_June__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC July if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 7) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_July__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC August if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 8) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_August__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC September if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 9) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_September__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC October if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 10) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_October__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC November if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 11) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_November__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } //T CC December if((thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c == accountId) && (thdsales.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Cash & Carry') && thdsales.Month_Year__c.month() == 12) { updateAccounts.get(thdsales.SFDC_Account_ID__c).Total_Cash_Carry_Sales_December__c += thdsales.Amount__c; } } } // Update all the accounts with new values. Database.update(updateAccounts.values()); }
- Vasu@blr
- October 27, 2012
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Developer Console is not opening for my sandbox instance?
Is there any setting I need to change?
- Vasu@blr
- October 15, 2012
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Problem with typecasting from a aggregated query, Plese help me
trigger Behr_AmountOfMonths_US on THD_Sales__c (after insert,after update) { Set<Id> accset = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> thdset = new Set<Id>(); List<THD_Sales__c> thdlst = new List<THD_Sales__c>(); Map<Id,THD_Sales__c> thdmap = new Map<Id,THD_Sales__c>(); map<Id,Double> AccountMap = new map <Id,Double>(); for(THD_Sales__c thd : Trigger.new) { if(thd.POS_Order_Type__c == 'Special Order') { accset.add(thd.SFDC_Account_ID__c); } } for(AggregateResult q:[SELECT SFDC_Account_ID__c,sum(Amount__c)tot FROM THD_Sales__c where SFDC_Account_ID__c in :accset group by SFDC_Account_ID__c]) { AccountMap.put((Id)q.get('SFDC_Account_ID__c'),(Double)q.get('expr0')); } }
Error: Compile Error: line 15:69 no viable alternative at character '' at line 15 column 69
- Vasu@blr
- October 12, 2012
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