• bremmi
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how to retrive the heighest stored value of field in  group of records using soql from custome object

  • January 04, 2013
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hi i have two fields and one button like email ,password and 'sign in' in VF page .i have one more button like forgot. if the user click forgot button ,he needs to enter his email address and click on send button.when the user click send button automatically the password has to send his entered email address if it is registered email of user record in custom object(here we need to validate his email address
  • December 28, 2012
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hi i have two fields and one button like email ,password and 'sign in' in VF page . when i click the button after enter the values to the fields it is authenticating from existing records in a custom object and returning particular user details in the format of table on VF page . but i want to sign-out button on the same VF page after got result. when i click the sign-out button the details of particular user has to close . i don't want give permission for user to access his details after click the sign button . if he want to accesshis details again he need to enter email id and password.
  • December 28, 2012
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 i have two picklist  fields(single select ) in visualforce page like select _state and select_city. when i choose values  it has to disply total records list line by line   form the custome object by satisfying criteria otherwise throw an error like 'no records found for u criteria'. (using vf,apex,custom object)

  • December 23, 2012
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i have two fields on vf page like username and password. when i enter the correct username and password it has to pull up the the total information from custome object, related to that user . otherwise its throws an error like invalid useename and password.

  • December 22, 2012
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i  have two fields like username and password on vf page. i want  to validate the username and password form that is already stored in an custome objeect . when both values were matched it redirect to  another page

  • December 21, 2012
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i have two fields in visualforce page, one is manufacture date  field and another one is expired  date field.

when i enter date in manufacture date field, the second field should automatically be incremented by 3 years. is it hole thing  possible using visualforce and apex............?




  • December 01, 2012
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 I have two fields(field1,field2) in if page.

Suppose when I enter value in first field, the second field should get value with increment of first field value.

  • December 01, 2012
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i  have two fields like username and password on vf page. i want  to validate the username and password form that is already stored in an custome objeect . when both values were matched it redirect to  another page

  • December 21, 2012
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HI All,


       I have created  on vf page  to dispaly questions(records) from my custom object  and  provide result  for the questions  in same vf page.  Now  my senarios . I need to set time  for vf page. like supoose in  my vf page there are 20 questions. for 20 questions ineed to set 20 min time  . If end user could n't complete the test  with in 20 mins , that question should not appear automatically,   i am placing my vf page and controller, plz suggest me how to implement this  senario.


vf page:


<apex:page controller="Records20" sidebar="false" >
<apex:form >
<apex:outputpanel rendered="{!displayRecords}" >

<apex:pageblock Title="Answers the Questions">

<b><apex:outputText value="Your Time Starts Now: {!Timer}:00 Min" id="counter"/></b>
<apex:actionPoller action="{!incrementCounter}" rerender="counter ,button" interval="15"/>

<apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">

<apex:commandButton value="Submit" action="{!saveAnswer}" id="button"/><br/>
<apex:repeat value="{!items1}" var="it">
<apex:outputText value="{!it.intSerial}"> </apex:outputText>).&nbsp;<apex:outputText value="{!it.strQuestion}"></apex:outputText>
<apex:SelectRadio value="{!it.answer12}">
<apex:selectoptions value="{!it.itemsWrap}"/>
YOUR RESULT IS:&nbsp;&nbsp;<apex:outputText value="{!intCount}"></apex:outputText>





public class Records20{

public Integer Timer;
public boolean displayRecords{set;get;}
public string answer1{set;get;}
public List<selectOption> selItems {get;set;}
public integer intCount{get;set;}
list<wrapperQuestions> objwraplst = new list<wrapperQuestions>();
list<Questiuons__c> ques=new list<Questiuons__c>();

public Records20()
list <Questiuons__c> ret=[SELECT id,Question__c,Answers__c,Correctanswer__c FROM Questiuons__c LIMIT 20 ];
ret = ObjectRandomizer.randomizeList (ret);
integer serial=0;
for(Questiuons__c a :ret )
String s = a.Answers__c;
list<string> st =s.split(',');
wrapperQuestions objWrap = new wrapperQuestions();
objWrap.strQuestion = a.Question__c;
selItems = new List<selectOption>();
for(String str:st)
selItems.add(new SelectOption(str,str));





public void saveAnswer()
for(wrapperQuestions objwrap:objwraplst)
//intCount = intCount+1;



public PageReference incrementCounter() {
return null;

public Integer getTimer() {
return Timer;
public list<wrapperQuestions> getitems1()
return objwraplst;

public class wrapperQuestions
public string strQuestion{get;set;}
public integer intSerial{get;set;}
public List<selectOption> itemsWrap {get;set;}
public string answer12{set;get;}
public string correctAnswer{set;get;}



  Any one can help me


  • September 03, 2012
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