• Radhika M
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​Hi All,
I have a schedule class which invokes the batch class to insert / update records.
Due to this DML operations another apex class is getting called by Trigger.
In this apex class I have soql query (which is doing some aggregations) hitting the governor limit.
In debug log the aggregation query is returning 2270 rows, but salesforce is throwing an exception like System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001
My log is below
09:55:21.430 (42430723507)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[550]|Aggregations:0|SELECT SUM(Total__c) totalAmt, SUM(Total_Lifts__c) totalLifts, Service__c serviceId, Invoice_Start_Date_New__c invStartDate, Invoice_End_Date_New__c invEndDate FROM Purchase_Invoice_Line_Item__c WHERE (Service__c = :tmpVar1 AND Total__c != NULL AND Invoice_Date__c != NULL AND Invoice_Start_Date_New__c != NULL AND Invoice_End_Date_New__c != NULL) GROUP BY Service__c, Invoice_Start_Date_New__c, Invoice_End_Date_New__c
09:55:21.766 (42766218603)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[550]|Rows:2270
09:55:21.766 (42766286835)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[550]|System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001
09:55:21.766 (42766462757)|METHOD_EXIT|[11]|01pw0000000FM3g|TGH_ILI_Helper.createInvoicePurchaseLineItem(List<Purchase_Invoice_Line_Item__c>, Boolean)
09:55:21.766 (42766563397)|FATAL_ERROR|System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001
Hope someone can help me to overcome this limit exception

Would you please give clarity on both of those.

how to query records let us say  from 6 to 10 like that...

list<account> lst=[select id ,name from account  limit 10];


how can I get solution for this problem.Every time when i make a query on Account ,it gives an error like  "illegal assignment from LIST to LIST". how can i remove this problem...........?

Uesr "A" creates a account record and attach a doc in this record. now user "B" wants to delete those attachment created by user "A", so what permission need to give User "B" in her/his profile or permission set.............?
​Hi All,
I have a schedule class which invokes the batch class to insert / update records.
Due to this DML operations another apex class is getting called by Trigger.
In this apex class I have soql query (which is doing some aggregations) hitting the governor limit.
In debug log the aggregation query is returning 2270 rows, but salesforce is throwing an exception like System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001
My log is below
09:55:21.430 (42430723507)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[550]|Aggregations:0|SELECT SUM(Total__c) totalAmt, SUM(Total_Lifts__c) totalLifts, Service__c serviceId, Invoice_Start_Date_New__c invStartDate, Invoice_End_Date_New__c invEndDate FROM Purchase_Invoice_Line_Item__c WHERE (Service__c = :tmpVar1 AND Total__c != NULL AND Invoice_Date__c != NULL AND Invoice_Start_Date_New__c != NULL AND Invoice_End_Date_New__c != NULL) GROUP BY Service__c, Invoice_Start_Date_New__c, Invoice_End_Date_New__c
09:55:21.766 (42766218603)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[550]|Rows:2270
09:55:21.766 (42766286835)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[550]|System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001
09:55:21.766 (42766462757)|METHOD_EXIT|[11]|01pw0000000FM3g|TGH_ILI_Helper.createInvoicePurchaseLineItem(List<Purchase_Invoice_Line_Item__c>, Boolean)
09:55:21.766 (42766563397)|FATAL_ERROR|System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001
Hope someone can help me to overcome this limit exception

Would you please give clarity on both of those.

list<account> lst=[select id ,name from account  limit 10];


how can I get solution for this problem.Every time when i make a query on Account ,it gives an error like  "illegal assignment from LIST to LIST". how can i remove this problem...........?


I have a multi-currency enabled org. Using the VF outfield tag , we are displaying a currency on Sites - The default currency of the the guest user is set of EUR- but the pricelist that applies to this usecase is in  CHF (Swiss Franc) , So the price is displayed as in this format  "CHF 308.00 (EUR 308.00)" - 


Is there a way to hide the EUR portion of the price, and just display the price in CHF?


Note that, I do not want to use outputText as i want to take advantage of the currency formatting provided by outputField tag...

