• taralex
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I can easily bulk load INSERT into a junction object without issues.

However, I want to (UPSERT) with the Bulk API 2.0, into a many-to-many JUNCTION object (Custom object with 2 master detail records).

However, it appears that I need to use a externalIdFieldName that is WITHIN the JUNCTION object.  It doesn't sound like I can use the Master Detail record references.

What are some suggestions on how to upsert into a junction object using the Bulk Api 2.0?

Some thoughts or work-arounds that are not good are:
1. Create a new field on the JUNCTION object that is an External ID, and is simply a concatonated STRING from both of the "External ID"s from the other two objects
2. First download all the ID's for the Master records on both sides of the many-to-many Junction object, and then use those to "upsert" if needed.

Any help is apprecitaed, Salesforce documentation on the Bulk Api 2.0 is lacking and misses any notes about JUNCTION objects.

string.indexof returns -1 even though the source string definitely contains the target string according to the logs.
the source string is being read from an uploaded file, so I'm wondering if there can be any encoding issues involved.
I'm getting the source string from Blob.ToString() method and the target string is hard coded.
When I'm trying to Insert a Lead with an Address field, or update Address field on the Lead I'm getting the following error: 
A first chance exception of type 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException' occurred in System.Web.Services.dll

Additional information: Unable to create instance of the deserializer shared.xml.soap.serialization.BeanDeserializer for type: class common.api.soap.wsdl.Address and element: null Error Id: 628527420-103086 (1031368374)

I was surprised that the Address fields comes up in WSDL as a separate field, not as MailingStreet, MailingCity, etc. set of fields. Is that a change in v31.0 that has not been implemented correctly?

If so, what do you think of it ?

Good  / relaible / safe ?



I'm using Salesforce.com Webservices API in my .NET application and I noticed that when I send my first query after log in, it takes an enormous amount of time. About one minute passes before I receive the reply. And sometimes it even times out.

However, when I do exactly the same query the second time around, it comes back in under 1 second...

Is there anything I could do work around this?


RSSBus Excel Add-In for Salesforce provides the easiest way to view and modify Salesforce data. Users simply supply their account credentials via the connection wizard to create a connection, and can immediately begin working with live Salesforce tables of data. The Excel Add-In is completely self-contained; no additional software installation is required. (http://www.rssbus.com/excel/salesforce)


Advanced Import/Export and Visualization

RSSBus Excel Add-In for Salesforce is useful for cleaning and mass-updating Salesforce data from within Excel. With the Excel Add-In for Salesforce, users have unlimited access to commonly used Salesforce constructs like Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Accounts, Products, Custom Objects, and more.


Perfect for mass imports / exports / updates, data cleansing & de-duplication, Excel based data analysis, and more!

  • Modify and delete Records.
  • Quickly export and back-up data.
  • Operate on data with Charts and Pivot Tables.



Does anybody know a way to find the layout names per an sObject.

I have looked at describeLayout but that gives you everything but the name - very weird.






I am trying to get the list of all Reports defined in salesforce.com using webservices/metatdata APIs. To get the report list,  I am using metadata APIs to first retrive the list of Report Folders ( looks it is needed to get the list of reports).


When I run my program, I am only getting the list of folders that I have created and "unfiled$public" folder. I am not getting folders like "Activity Reports" Folder, "Lead Reports" etc. I have verified that the permisions on these report folders are same the folder created by me, i.,e. "accessible to all users."


Please let me know if I need to enable any other particular settings or if the following way to get this lists incorrect.





String component = "ReportFolder";
         ListMetadataQuery query = new ListMetadataQuery();
          FileProperties[] results = metadatabinding.listMetadata( new ListMetadataQuery[] {query}, 20.0);
          if (results != null) {
           for (FileProperties n : results) {
                System.out.println("Component fullName: " + n.getFullName());
                System.out.println("Component type: " + n.getType());
        }  else {
            System.out.println(" results is null");