• jharperJr
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Hi friends ,i am new to WSDL ,so Please give me on example on Rest API or SOAP API .its very helpfull for me.................

Hi all,


while trying to install a managed package into a new org, I am getting an internal server error. SF support sent me the following error message:


 Reservation__c-Reservation Layout: duplicate value found: %3cunknown%3e duplicates value on record with id: %3cunknown%3e: Reservation__c-Reservation Layout: duplicate value found: %3cunknown%3e duplicates value on record with id: %3cunknown%3e


Any idea where does the problem lie?



Hi All,

I have following 3 questions.


1. Is there a way to communicate between two packages which were installed from app exchange as manage packages.


2. What is the way of comminicating between two salesforce orgs.


3. Can we add chatter feeds for a user using apex codes from two different installed manage packages


Thanks in advance