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Hi all,

I have a Force.com Site, for which some customers are getting the Unauthorized Page. The debug logs show that a query on the Lead Object is not returning any rows, so I supposed that the Guest user does not have rights to read some fields from Lead. Unfortunately, everything seems to be set right. Besides, I tested the site from three different browsers on three different pcs in three different countries and the site works perfectly. Nevertheless, some customers are still not able to open it and always get the Unauthorized page. Do you have any ideas what the reason could be?

Hello everyone

I would want to ask you, if it's possible, the actionStatus to be triggered without the attribute rerender on actionSupport?


<apex:inputFile id="file_test" value="{!att.Body}" filename="{!att.Name}" rendered="{!showFile}" />
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!upload}" status="loadingstatus" rerender="loadingstatus"/>
	<apex:actionStatus id="loadingstatus">
		<apex:facet name="start" >
			 <img src="{!URLFOR($Resource.loading)}" />
In this case, the acionStatus is working, but if I delete the reRender attribute on actionSupport, then it's not working. I don't want to use reRender, because inputFile is not working in conjunction with rerender attribute :)

Hi everyone, 

could you tell me how to set the guest user's permissions or site's permissions, so that a guest user will be able to read the standard fields(such as firstName, LastName, TItle, etc.) of the object User?


Hi everyone,

I implemented a trigger 4 months ago, which worked perfectly during this period. Now I am facing the issue, that the trigger is not working properly.

The trigger is base on a Status of the object License as you can see in the code:

trigger XXX on License (before update) {

			for(Integer i=0;i<trigger.new.size();i++){
				if(trigger.new[i].Status__c == 'Request Received'){
						//call future function, 
							//create a serial number, 
							//create an asset for it, attached to the License object. 
							//Then change status to "License Created" and update the object;
				if(trigger.new[i].Status__c == 'License Created'){
                	// send the license to a user                             
					trigger.new[i].Status__c = 'License Sent';

When a new request is received, the trigger is fired, the future function is called and the status should have been changed, because after that, the trigger is fired again and it tries to send the mail. When this happens, I receive the following exception:

first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, XXX: execution of BeforeUpdate
caused by: System.EmailException: SendEmail failed. First exception on row 0; first err

When I take a look at the object, the License Status is still "Received" and no asset was created. Moreover, the object history says, that the status hasn't been changed at all. Strange right? After that, I commented the entire if statement for the mail sending and then after receiving a new request, the future function was called, the status was successfully changed to "License created" and the asset was also created.

The problem is, that I cannot realize, why this is happening. I believe, that the reason is the new rellease 14.

Could somebody tell me, how to fix this issue?

Hi everyone,
I have a problem with the apex:actionsupport.

Here I have an actionsupport within a radio input:

<input  type="radio" name="selectedRadio">
          <apex:actionsupport action="{!function1}" oncomplete="jsFunc();" event="onclick" rerender="someId">
                <apex:param name="someName" value="{!acc.ID}" assignTo="{!Account}"  >

when a radio button is clicked, the actionsupport is started and the function1 (apex) has to be executed. The account in apex from the apex:param is successfully assigned.

void function1(){
      booleanValue = true;

the oncomplete function - jsFunc() is also called:

      var bool = {!booleanValue};
           alert('Here is the problem');
The problem is that the "bool" variable is here false and so the alert is not started, although it had to be previosly set to true by the function1 in apex. I guess that the oncomplete is not started at the right time?

Could someone tell me, what the problem is? 

Hi everyone, 

I'm developing a visualforce page with a couple of questions. Every question has a few possible answers, which I control with checkboxes(apex:inputCheckbox), and a text field(apex:inputText) next to the answer for additional information. I added an action support to the textfields, which controls the checkbox and changes the flag "isTextFIeldFulfilled". If a textfield is fulfilled then check the checkbox and set the flag to true, if not uncheck and set to false. I added also an outputText to debug the flag.The problem is that somehow the flag is not changed in the apex code, when the user writes something in the checkbox, but it's changed in the visualforce page.


I type something in the inputText, result: checkbox is checked and the outputText shows me that the flag is setted to true. When I call another function in the apex code later, the flag is false, although in the outputText it's shown as true.

Could someone tell me, what the problem is?


Hi everyone,
I have a problem with the apex:actionsupport.

Here I have an actionsupport within a radio input:

<input  type="radio" name="selectedRadio">
          <apex:actionsupport action="{!function1}" oncomplete="jsFunc();" event="onclick" rerender="someId">
                <apex:param name="someName" value="{!acc.ID}" assignTo="{!Account}"  >

when a radio button is clicked, the actionsupport is started and the function1 (apex) has to be executed. The account in apex from the apex:param is successfully assigned.

void function1(){
      booleanValue = true;

the oncomplete function - jsFunc() is also called:

      var bool = {!booleanValue};
           alert('Here is the problem');
The problem is that the "bool" variable is here false and so the alert is not started, although it had to be previosly set to true by the function1 in apex. I guess that the oncomplete is not started at the right time?

Could someone tell me, what the problem is? 

Hi everyone, 

could you tell me how to set the guest user's permissions or site's permissions, so that a guest user will be able to read the standard fields(such as firstName, LastName, TItle, etc.) of the object User?