• Chandra Prakash
  • 38 Points
  • Member since 2013

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I want to synchronize Google Calendar with SalesForce calendar.

if any one have any idia please share with me


I have write code for Google Map integration there is Google_map__c is Custom object
i wnat to desplay Google map in Custom object but it not working

below you can see code.

<apex:page standardController="Google_Map__c">

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function initialize() {
var map;
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 13,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,mapTypeControl: false
var mapMarker;
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var address = "{!SUBSTITUTE(JSENCODE(Google_Map__c.BillingStreet__c),'\r\n',' ')}, " + "{!Google_Map__c.BillingCity__c}, " + "{!Google_Map__c.BillingPostalCode__c}, " + "{!Google_Map__c.BillingCountry__c}";
geocoder.geocode( {address: address}, function(results, status)
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && results.length)
if (status != google.maps.GeocoderStatus.ZERO_RESULTS) {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"),mapOptions);
mapMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: results[0].geometry.location,map: map,title: "{!Google_Map__c.Name} " + address});
document.getElementById("map").innerHTML = "Unable to find or display a map for {!Google_Map__c.Name}'s billing address : " + address;
<div id="map" style="width:100%;height:300px"></div>

If any buddy done this code please share with me ...

I have two custom object
First : Emplyee List
Second : Sal Increment

In Employee_list__c there is some custome fields [Department(picklist type),Emplyee Name(text), Employe Sal(Number), Total year(Number) ]
In Sal_Increment__c there is some custome fields [Department(picklist type), Tot_year(picklist), Increment(number)]

When Sal_Increment Fill all values(Slect tot_year =1, Increment=10% ) and save then all  Emplyee_list who have one year in this orginaization salery increase 10%. 

how to do by usng Apex Class..   


I have on picklist it store some number EX: (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
i want to get this number by using Formula Field..
I have two date fields Start_Date__c and Close_Date__c
and one picklist Field Status

My Requairment is
Example :
       Start Date : 15/04/2014
       Close Date : 18/04/2014
       Status : open

If Close Date is 19/04/2014 
Status should be change
Status : Close

How to chnge this picklist Status please help me..

Thanks ....

How to create web site on Salesforce like this domain..
force.mydomain.com Ex:(force.bispmy.com)

If is it possible,

Please any help me how do this..


I have Admin profile and ond user profile User license is (SalesForce Platform) and Profile is Standard Platform User

when I create custom object( Tab[Employee]) for  user1 it is not visible

any one help for how to visible this tab in user account...

If any one solution please with me..


Is it posible we have picklist name is country it store some country name (india, australia,canada,brazil)
i want to user1 Asst. Manger 1 login it see only some  country like : (india, australia)
and User2 Asst. Manager2 login and it see only (canada,brazil)

I have a developer.force.com account

Problem : have to two user account User1 and user2 administrator create one app(Ex :- CMS). for both user
In this app there is three tab (Employee Detail, Employee Sal, or student Detail)

i want to when user1 login it see only tow tab (Employee Detail, student Detail)
or When usser2 login it see only two tab (Employee Sal, student Detail)

what user license i use, and what profile .?

please if any buddy is done help me .


i am trying to SalesForce integrate with Mysql..

if any budy done please help how to integrate...


I have write code for Google Map integration there is Google_map__c is Custom object
i wnat to desplay Google map in Custom object but it not working

below you can see code.

<apex:page standardController="Google_Map__c">

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function initialize() {
var map;
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 13,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,mapTypeControl: false
var mapMarker;
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var address = "{!SUBSTITUTE(JSENCODE(Google_Map__c.BillingStreet__c),'\r\n',' ')}, " + "{!Google_Map__c.BillingCity__c}, " + "{!Google_Map__c.BillingPostalCode__c}, " + "{!Google_Map__c.BillingCountry__c}";
geocoder.geocode( {address: address}, function(results, status)
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && results.length)
if (status != google.maps.GeocoderStatus.ZERO_RESULTS) {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"),mapOptions);
mapMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: results[0].geometry.location,map: map,title: "{!Google_Map__c.Name} " + address});
document.getElementById("map").innerHTML = "Unable to find or display a map for {!Google_Map__c.Name}'s billing address : " + address;
<div id="map" style="width:100%;height:300px"></div>

If any buddy done this code please share with me ...

How to create web site on Salesforce like this domain..
force.mydomain.com Ex:(force.bispmy.com)

If is it possible,

Please any help me how do this..

I have a developer.force.com account

Problem : have to two user account User1 and user2 administrator create one app(Ex :- CMS). for both user
In this app there is three tab (Employee Detail, Employee Sal, or student Detail)

i want to when user1 login it see only tow tab (Employee Detail, student Detail)
or When usser2 login it see only two tab (Employee Sal, student Detail)

what user license i use, and what profile .?

please if any buddy is done help me .


I have on picklist it store some number EX: (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
i want to get this number by using Formula Field..
I have two date fields Start_Date__c and Close_Date__c
and one picklist Field Status

My Requairment is
Example :
       Start Date : 15/04/2014
       Close Date : 18/04/2014
       Status : open

If Close Date is 19/04/2014 
Status should be change
Status : Close

How to chnge this picklist Status please help me..

Thanks ....
how to add a column to my table on a text field the user will fill the text field isnt bounded to any object and i want to transfer its data to controller
I have two tables -
accounts                                            products
id    acct name   weight           acct_id    product #           name        status
a1    raju                  25                   a1              p1                  nut              hold
a2    john                 15                   a2              p2                  bolt             open
a3    ajay                 10                    a3              p2                  screw         open
a4    ravi                   05                   a4              p2                  cam            hold
                                                          a2              p3                  amy            hold
I have a developer.force.com account

Problem : have to two user account User1 and user2 administrator create one app(Ex :- CMS). for both user
In this app there is three tab (Employee Detail, Employee Sal, or student Detail)

i want to when user1 login it see only tow tab (Employee Detail, student Detail)
or When usser2 login it see only two tab (Employee Sal, student Detail)

what user license i use, and what profile .?

please if any buddy is done help me .

Visualforce page : Export Results to Excel or CSV

I have created a VF page which fetch the records from object based on the critirea selected by user. Based the critirea I have created a results section in VF page which shows all the relevant information. I have added a custom button " export to excel". Whenever users click this button , it should export all the RESULTS to excel. In order to achieve this , I have created a 2nd VF page same as my original page but with "contentype " attribute. When i click the button , It is exporting the results but It is also exporting the some irrelevant data .
VF Page:
<apex:page controller="Fetchsiteplacement12" tabStyle="Site_Placements__c" sidebar="True" contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel#filename.xls"   language="en-US" cache="True">

    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:messages />
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="Both">
            <apex:commandButton value="Fetch" action="{!FetchSPRec}"/>
            <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!CancelSPRec}"/>
              <apex:pageBlockSection title="Results">
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!spRec}" var="site" columnsWidth="500px, 500px" >
                    <apex:column value="{!se.Name}"/>
                    <apex:column value="{!se.Placement__c}"/>
                    <apex:column value="{!se.Level_Max__c}"/>

APex class:

And, in the apex class , I am using this :

public PageReference FetchExcelReport() {
        PageReference nextpage = new PageReference('/apex/ExcelReportPage');
return nextpage;

Below is irrelevent info:

if(!window.sfdcPage){window.sfdcPage = new ApexDetailPage();} UserContext.initialize({"networkId":"","locale":"en_US","labelLastModified":"1393912808000","isDefaultNetwork":true,"today":"3/5/2014 4:23 PM","timeFormat":"h:mm a","userPreferences":[{"index":112,"name":"HideInlineEditSplash","value":false},{"index":114,"name":"OverrideTaskSendNotification","value":false},{"index":115,"name":"DefaultTaskSendNotification","value":false},{"index":119,"name":"HideUserLayoutStdFieldInfo","value":false},{"index":116,"name":"HideRPPWarning","value":false},{"index":87,"name":"HideInlineSchedulingSplash","value":false},{"index":88,"name":"HideCRUCNotification","value":false},{"index":89,"name":"HideNewPLESplash","value":false},{"index":90,"name":"HideNewPLEWarnIE6","value":false},{"index":122,"name":"HideOverrideSharingMessage","value":false},{"index":91,"name":"HideProfileILEWarn","value":false},{"index":93,"name":"HideProfileElvVideo","value":false},{"index":97,"name":"ShowPicklistEditSplash","value":false},{"index":92,"name":"HideDataCategorySplash","value":false},{"index":128,"name":"ShowDealView","value":false},{"index":129,"name":"HideDealViewGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":132,"name":"HideKnowledgeFirstTimeSetupMsg","value":false},{"index":104,"name":"DefaultOffEntityPermsMsg","value":false},{"index":135,"name":"HideNewCsnSplash","value":false},{"index":101,"name":"HideBrowserWarning","value":false},{"index":139,"name":"HideDashboardBuilderGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":140,"name":"HideSchedulingGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":180,"name":"HideReportBuilderGuidedTour","value":true},{"index":183,"name":"HideAssociationQueueCallout","value":false},{"index":194,"name":"HideQTEBanner","value":false},{"index":193,"name":"HideChatterOnboardingSplash","value":true},{"index":195,"name":"HideSecondChatterOnboardingSplash","value":true},{"index":270,"name":"HideIDEGuidedTour","value":true},{"index":282,"name":"HideQueryToolGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":196,"name":"HideCSIGuidedTour","value":true},{"index":271,"name":"HideFewmetGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":272,"name":"HideEditorGuidedTour","value":true},{"index":205,"name":"HideApexTestGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":206,"name":"HideSetupProfileHeaderTour","value":true},{"index":207,"name":"HideSetupProfileObjectsAndTabsTour","value":true},{"index":213,"name":"DefaultOffArticleTypeEntityPermMsg","value":false},{"index":214,"name":"HideSelfInfluenceGetStarted","value":false},{"index":215,"name":"HideOtherInfluenceGetStarted","value":false},{"index":216,"name":"HideFeedToggleGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":268,"name":"ShowChatterTab178GuidedTour","value":false},{"index":275,"name":"HidePeopleTabDeprecationMsg","value":false},{"index":276,"name":"HideGroupTabDeprecationMsg","value":false},{"index":222,"name":"TouchExternalLinkReminderSuppression","value":false},{"index":224,"name":"HideUnifiedSearchGuidedTour","value":true},{"index":226,"name":"ShowDevContextMenu","value":true},{"index":227,"name":"HideWhatRecommenderForActivityQueues","value":false},{"index":228,"name":"HideLiveAgentFirstTimeSetupMsg","value":false},{"index":232,"name":"HideGroupAllowsGuestsMsgOnMemberWidget","value":false},{"index":233,"name":"HideGroupAllowsGuestsMsg","value":false},{"index":234,"name":"HideWhatAreGuestsMsg","value":false},{"index":235,"name":"HideNowAllowGuestsMsg","value":false},{"index":236,"name":"HideSocialAccountsAndContactsGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":237,"name":"HideAnalyticsHomeGuidedTour","value":true},{"index":238,"name":"ShowQuickCreateGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":245,"name":"HideFilePageGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":250,"name":"HideForecastingGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":242,"name":"TouchHideOptoutHover","value":false},{"index":251,"name":"HideBucketFieldGuide","value":false},{"index":263,"name":"HideSmartSearchCallOut","value":true},{"index":265,"name":"HideSocialProfilesKloutSplashScreen","value":false},{"index":273,"name":"ShowForecastingQuotaAttainment","value":false},{"index":280,"name":"HideForecastingQuotaColumn","value":false},{"index":301,"name":"HideManyWhoGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":284,"name":"HideExternalSharingModelGuidedTour","value":false},{"index":298,"name":"HideFileSyncBannerMsg","value":false},{"index":299,"name":"HideTestConsoleGuidedTour","value":true},{"index":300,"name":"HideNetworkSetupOverlayGettingStarted","value":false},{"index":302,"name":"HideManyWhoInlineEditTip","value":false},{"index":303,"name":"HideSetupV2WelcomeMessage","value":false},{"index":312,"name":"ForecastingShowQuantity","value":false},{"index":313,"name":"HideDataImporterIntroMsg","value":false},{"index":314,"name":"HideEnvironmentHubLightbox","value":false},{"index":316,"name":"HideSetupV2GuidedTour","value":false},{"index":317,"name":"HideFileSyncMobileDownloadDialog","value":false},{"index":318,"name":"HideHelpBannerQuickActionList","value":false},{"index":321,"name":"HideCustomEntityQuickActionCallout","value":true},{"index":322,"name":"HideEnhancedProfileHelpBubble","value":false},{"index":328,"name":"ForecastingHideZeroRows","value":false},{"index":330,"name":"HideEmbeddedComponentsFeatureCallout","value":true},{"index":340,"name":"HideS1BrowserUI","value":false}],"orgPreferences":[{"index":257,"name":"TabOrganizer","value":true}],"startOfWeek":"1","isAccessibleMode":false,"ampm":["AM","PM"],"renderMode":"RETRO","userId":"00570000002Nayk","dateTimeFormat":"M/d/yyyy h:mm a","dateFormat":"M/d/yyyy","uiSkin":"Theme3","language":"en_US","siteUrlPrefix":""});

function twistSection(twisty, sectionId) { var parentDiv = twisty; while (parentDiv.tagName != 'DIV') { parentDiv = parentDiv.parentNode; } var div = parentDiv.nextSibling; var elemWasOn = false; if (div.style.display != 'none') { div.style.display = 'none'; twisty.className ='showListButton'; twisty.alt = twisty.title = 'Show Section - '+twisty.name; elemWasOn = true; } else { div.style.display = 'block'; twisty.className = 'hideListButton'; twisty.alt = twisty.title = 'Hide Section - '+twisty.name; } return !elemWasOn; } var registeredSections = new Array(); function registerTwistableSection(headerId, mainTableId) { var obj = new Object(); obj.headerId = headerId; obj.mainTableId = mainTableId; registeredSections[registeredSections.length] = obj; } function twistAllSections(on) { for (var i = 0; i < registeredSections.length; i++) { var obj = registeredSections[i]; var img; img = document.getElementById('img_' + obj.headerId); if (on && 'showListButton' == img.className) { twistSection(img, obj.headerId, obj.mainTableId); } else if (!on && 'hideListButton' == img.className) { twistSection(img, obj.headerId, obj.mainTableId); } } } function toggleSection(headerId, on){ var sectionHead = document.getElementById('head_'+headerId+'_j_id0_j_id1_j_id2'); var body = sectionHead.nextSibling; var disp = on ? 'block' : 'none'; sectionHead.style.display = disp; body.style.display = disp; } function registerTwistableSections_j_id0_j_id1_j_id2() { registerTwistableSection('j_id0_j_id1_j_id2_j_id7', 'j_id0_j_id1_j_id2'); registerTwistableSection('j_id0_j_id1_j_id2_j_id22', 'j_id0_j_id1_j_id2'); registerTwistableSection('j_id0_j_id1_j_id2_j_id27', 'j_id0_j_id1_j_id2'); } registerTwistableSections_j_id0_j_id1_j_id2();

Kindly help me.
Hi -

I created this VF page. There is an input field (amount__c), a commandbutton {!save}, and a Outputtext field "" with a formula {!amount__c*0.04521}. So when I click "save", the formula would calculate and input the sum into the output text field and stay on that vf page. That works but...

When I transfer all that to a new vf page in a custom object. When I click the save button to calculate, the page will go to the Home page of that custom object.

Can someone help me figure this out?


  • March 05, 2014
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Hi everybody,
I created two custom objects in master-detail relationship: "Operation"(master) and "Activity" (detail).
In activity, among the others, there are two fields: "start date" and "close date". I need a way to prevent that "start date" of "activity n" can't be set before "close date" of "acitivity n-1".
I tried with validation rules and creating two different record types for activity but I didn't get it.
Do you have any idea?

Many Thanks!
Site.com pages can be added to communities using a web tab. In the community this will be displayed under one of salesforce tabs along with top salesforce header, global search box etc.

Is it possible to display the site.com page in full frame of browser without any of the default community tab bar and above area?  Any answer to this question and details about how to achieve it will be highly appreciated.
I have sobject called Shipment in that city is one record in that already data entered throw staticly contains 'Mumbai''Chenni''Bengalore'and some other cites. In that want to change 'Mumbai' into 'Bombay' 'Chenni' To 'Madras' and 'Bengalore' To 'Bangalore'. Can some body help me how to update the names.
Hello All

I have a requirement of taking a csv and uploading records into a object, no validations required. Just parsing the csv and inserting records.
 Could anyone point me to any blog/website where I can find this stuff. Any help is appreciated.
i want to update salutatieon at my name, i have gender__c check box =true ,that needs to be update 'Mr.'     if it is false need to updated with 'Miss.'
im achieving that but while updating the existing record i cant replacing 'Mr.' with 'Miss.'
like gender__c=true;
kindly check this 

thank you.

trigger genderupdate1 on stdnt__c(before insert,before update)
list<stdnt__c> st_list=trigger.new;
for(stdnt__c st:st_list)
Lead comments field:  hakke&trade, polylab&trade
actually fron end sending hakke with trade mark(TM) symbol, the value is diplaying in salesforce field value as hakke&trade

i want remove the &trade after the hakke and the value should be display as "hakke".

please help me out solve the problem

thanks for your help in advance.

Please suggest how to maintain Universal picklist?

I have one picklist which is having 50 values and this picklist present in various objects. My requiremnt is when ever user get change the value (Insert,delete,update) particular value should be updated in other picklist fields present in various objects.

Please give me the code if you done in your projects

I've created a flow using Visual Workflow, whose purpose is for web users to sign up for one of a series of upcoming events (tracked as Campaigns in our org).  On the main screen for the flow, I've created a picklist populated by a Dynamic Choice, which contains the campaign options.

All works well when logged into Salesforce.  I can run the flow, and the campaign options I want show up in the picklist.  I can embed it in a Visualforce page, and view that page within Salesforce, and everything is fine. The problem is when I create a force.com site and put the Visualforce page there.  Then everything shows up except the dynamic choices.

I am aware of Public Access Settings on sites, and yes, I did remember to make Campaigns available (read-only) to the users of the site I created.  Incidentally, I did further testing and experienced the same issue with a custom object as I did with campaigns (the dynamic custom-object choices I defined displayed everywhere except on the force.com site, despite my public access settings adjustments).

Thanks so much in advance for any help you can provide!

I am building a custom VF page to show the ideas. I want to get the list of categories that are assigned to an idea zone. For ex: I have created 3 zones: zone A, zone B, zone C for ideas. I have assinged Categories

Categories 1, 2, 3 to zone A,

Categories 4, 5, 6 to zone B,

Categories 3, 5, 6 to zone C.


If I go to standard Ideas tab, somehow salesforce could show the correct list of categories drop down for each zone. where as I don't find any option in Apex to query the list of assigned categoried for each zone.


Any suggestions please?



  • December 08, 2013
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Can anyone help me to find this error. I have installed Salesfroce for outlook recently.Outlook crashes when it is started,


The error shows something like this


This error report includes; information regarding the condition of Salesforce for Outlook when the
ma problem occurred; the operating system version and computer hardware in  your Digital Product
ID, which could be used to identify your license; and the Internet Protocol [IP] address of your computer.


  • August 08, 2013
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  • 0

Hi All,


GotoMeeting/Goto Webinars integration to our salesforce is it possible???


If it is possible why salesforce not integrated those apps??


Can anybody suggest me..




  • July 13, 2012
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