• KerrySainsbury
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Hi Folks,


I've been using the ant-based deployment tool with great success, but am having issues deploying Custom Labels.


I have a custom label with a name of "Amazon_SQS_Access_Key", so I have put the following in my package.xml:




... but when I try to download I get this error:


[sf:retrieve] package.xml - Entity of type 'CustomLabels' named 'Amazon_SQS_Access_Key' not found.


My usual "trick" to help me figure out the specific incantation required to get the "right" value into the <members> element is to use Eclipse to make up a package.xml for me, but it dies with a null pointer exception if I try to select a single CustomLabel (and subsequently will die again with "com.salesforce.ide.ui.packagemanifest.CustomObjectTypeNode cannot be cast to com.salesforce.ide.ui.packagemanifest.ComponentTypeNode"


in summary:


Does anybody know what I need to put in the <members> element of package.xml in order to download a custom label with a name of "Amazon_SQS_Access_Key"?




We were developing on a trial instance, and just purchased platform licenses for our instance.


Upon doing so, all APEX Classes and Triggers were Inactivated.


This is a big mess now.  What can I do???


Thanks in advance. 

I've got a ~6 month old developer account that I'd like to enable Sites on.  I've tried some of the older links I found on the discussion board, but they didn't seem to do anything.


Thanks for any help,


Hi Folks,
I'm working on a project which is considering trying to use SFDC purely as a database -- nobody cares about its CRM abilities, or user interface.
The intention is to use (as yet undetermined) generic forms engines and generic reporting tools as the front end to this SFDC database.
A casual look at DBAmp (as a Linked Server in SQL Server) suggests that it could be used to glue these front end tools to SFDC, but a closer reading of the documentation suggests that this will incur large performance issues as the database grows in size -- because of the way that SQL Server will first pull down the entire content of the table being queried or updated.
I recognise that the solution to this is to rewrite the query to use the SQL Server's 'OPENQUERY' syntax, but it seems (to me) highly unlikely that an off-the-shelf forms engine or reporting tool would be capable of generating SQL with this 'OPENQUERY' syntax.
Have you encountered this sort of use of SFDC before? Is there something that I'm missing?
If there isn't any obvious solution to the issue above, I guess our options are:
- Using DBAmp to replicate data down to SQL Server, and just using the 'generic' tools against SQL Server
- Finding SFDC / DBAmp 'aware' tools for the forms and reporting engines (any pointers?)
- Not use SFDC like this
Has anybody been down this path before? Any suggestions?
I've done some search in the forum and managed to run queries without 'malformed' exceptions.
Although I cannot get the account's name in salesforce right:
Pdq \'&"\\he Rockies
For test's sake my primary string was:
Pdq '&"\he Rockies
I'm escaping it with:
               elementValue = elementValue.replaceAll("\\\\","\\\\\\\\");
               elementValue = elementValue.replaceAll("\\'","\\\\'");
Note: backslash should be escaped before apostraphe =), otherwise it won't work.
After escaping the java string in the debugger looks like:
Pdq \\'&"\\\\he Rockies
and that's what is sent in the query.
Hopefully you'll see that post like I wrote it. Otherwise  check out the screenshot:
