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I need to know what Timezone all of my Contacts are in for when my reps call them.  Is there any code that can take the area code from the phone number or the zipcode from the address and then process it and push back what Timezone the Contact is onto the page in a field I create?
  • January 08, 2008
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I am trying to do an image formula that opens a report.  This will be on the Accounts tab,  when you click on the image it will open up a report page to a report that will be generated just for that Account.  The problem is that the merge field for Account Name is Name,  it is placing into the report crieteria the word Name not the merge value of the Account Name.

Formula Code:
HYPERLINK("https://na1.salesforce.com/00O30000001FJ9W—pv0=Name&pv1=0",IMAGE("https://na3.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer–oid=00D300000006F9s&id=01550000000K1DO", "Click Here to go"))


  • May 29, 2007
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I have created a Validation rule on the User record to make the Company field required.  I have noticed that with Managed Packages a User is created.  Will this validation rule stop my from downloading these Applications?
  • May 18, 2007
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I need to know what Timezone all of my Contacts are in for when my reps call them.  Is there any code that can take the area code from the phone number or the zipcode from the address and then process it and push back what Timezone the Contact is onto the page in a field I create?
  • January 08, 2008
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Does anyone know if it's possible to recreate the Opportunity Stages picklist?

What I'd like to do is based upon a users choice from a picklist, populate another field with a percentage. Exactly how the Opportunity Stages picklist works, but with my own custom names and percentage values.

I really appreciate any insight or guidance anyone can provide.

In case you haven't heard, we've added some cool new functions in the Spring '08 release to help you write more powerful validation rules.
  • VLOOKUP Function: Similar to its Excel counterpart, the VLOOKUP function lets you use data in another object as a basis for validation.  For example, to validate the zip code in a contact address, you could use the VLOOKUP function in a contact validation rule to search for a match in a custom object containing a list of valid zip codes.
  • ISNUMBER Function: The ISNUMBER function provides a simple way to tell if data entered in a text field only contains numbers, which is required for many types of identification numbers like credit cards and account numbers. 
  • REGEX Function: Regular expressions are a powerful tool used by programmers to find patterns within bodies of text.  The REGEX function gives you access to regular expressions in your validation rules.  This may be useful to validate complex number formats, like IP addresses, country-specific postal codes or phone numbers, tax IDs, and so on.
Check out the Advanced Validation Rules page on successforce for more information.
For your reference, here are links to the function documentation in the online help.
VLOOKUP function
ISNUMBER function
REGEX function

Eric Bezar
Force.com product management

  • February 13, 2008
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I keep reading that it is possible to put product photos in the product catalog but I can't seem to figure out how. I have hundreds of products in my product catalog how do i create a formula field so that each product has it's own picture? Is that even possible?
When trying to creat a formula which, adds the totals of 2 other fromulas I get the following error message
"Error: Compiled formula is too big to execute (7,760 characters). Maximum size is 5,000 characters". Which I find confusing since the formula it's self is  "TA1__c + TA2__c". the formula format is number with 3 decimal places. So I guess the crux of my problem is how the systems counts characters when compiling a formula?  Any one have any ideas/clues/suggestions?
  • February 12, 2008
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I'm trying to implement an "upcoming birthdays" report as described here:


except that

1. the images in that blog post are broken, and
2. i don't want to install the entire appexchange package (9 components) when all I really need to see is the formula field definition for "Next Birthday."

Anyone have this package installed already and willing to share the formula? Thanks!

  • February 11, 2008
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Does anyone know how to create a validation rule for contact role in the opportunites. I was able to do this for products but not contact role object.
  CASE( StageName,
     "Won-Engagement in Process", 1,
     0) = 1,
Hi all

         I want to create a custom object " Order " , but getting an eror " Error: The custom object name you specified matches a Salesforce name. You must specify a unique name ". There is no bject in my salesforce instance with this ( Order ) name. Is this name is any reserved keyword. If anyone have any idea then please reply. Thanks in advance.


  • November 08, 2007
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I need some help regarding creating and hiding username and password fields on an account without creating new profiles.

Our solution already has >20 profiles and if I would create a new profile for each user that should have access to these new fields, I need to create at least 10 more.

I thought about hiding the username and password for all users except the sysadmin and then create a Formula field (text) which shows the information based on a checkbox in the userrecord.

IF( $User.Password_active__c = true, Password_c , ""), i.e. shows the content of the field "Password" if the checkbox is marked, otherwise it shows nothing.

Is there another way of doing this, and are there any security implications of this approach that I should know of?


  • October 30, 2007
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Can anybody help me get the formula for putting the date at the top of mail merge letters automatically.


November 2nd 2007

Tom Smith
Anywhere Street

I was given this formulat which is not working:

{ DATE \ @ ‘’ dd MMMM yyyy ‘’ \ * MERGEFORMAT }


I'm trying to embed a graph from compete.com as an image formula for an account.  The URL is always displayed at a unique URL like this:


where you see google.com should be replaced with "& Website", but I think the _uv.png at the end of the URL is causing me problems.  This looks like it should be very simple, yet I keep getting syntax errors. 

If anyone can provide me with the correct formula I'd appreciate it.

  • September 23, 2007
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My organisation is a consultancy, and we have a number of different "rate sheets" which we use to price jobs. 

We record in Salesforce which rate sheet applies to each Opportunity.

We also record in Salesforce the projected margin which we expect to make on the Opportunity if we win it.

For each different rate sheet, we have estimated what a typical/average margin would be.

What I'd like to do is this.  When an Opportunity is created, the margin will be set automatically within Salesforce as a function of the rate sheet which has been selected.  But then the user can over-write the margin - typically, when the bid is submitted - with a number that has been calculated specifdically relating to that Opportunity.

I know I can use the CASE statement in a Custom Formula field, but I don't think that can be made editable.

I know I can create default values for Custom Fields, and I know that the default value can be calculated using a formula, but I don't think the formula can refer to other Opportunity fields.

Have I overlooked something?
Thanks in advance for your help.

I'm tring to write a formula that calculates the age of a case based on it's priority as defined by TL9000 standards for Fix Response Time (FRT).
Here's the formula that I put together and the it passed the checked syntex but fails to issue a "flag".
IMAGE( CASE ( Priority,
"P2 (Major)", Age__c, "720", "/img/samples/flag_red.gif",
"P3 (Minor)", Age__c, "4320", "/img/samples/flag_red.gif",
"P1 (Critical)", Age__c, "24", "/img/samples/flag_red.gif",
"Priority Flag"
I've even considered doing a stop light so if the case age is for the priority is below the required time it would have a green light. When the work around time expires it would change to yellow and then when the Fix response time (final fix) expires it would then change to red.

I already have work flow rules in place to trigger emails around these guidelines and now I'm just trying to put a cosmetic layer to the page layout.
Any idea's?
I am new to salesforce (using for 4 months now) and I need to add my first validation code.  I have not done this as of yet and I do not understand the coding language. 

I am looking for a code which will require an entry into another field on the same object when a different field is checked (it's a checkbox field).  I have two of these instances and would like the code rather simple.  For example:

If the Returned to Manufacturer (Field: Returnmfg; API name: Returnmfg_c) field is check, then I want to require the entry of a Return Authorization number in the additional custom field provided (Field: RMA; API name: RMA_c).  Also, when the Received back from Manufacturer field is checked, then I want to require a date entered into the custom field provided.

I've already created the fields.

Thank you!
I have a text field that I would like to add a validation rule to.  I would like the rule to require the text be entered in uppercase.  Has anyone done this before?
I am trying to do an image formula that opens a report.  This will be on the Accounts tab,  when you click on the image it will open up a report page to a report that will be generated just for that Account.  The problem is that the merge field for Account Name is Name,  it is placing into the report crieteria the word Name not the merge value of the Account Name.

Formula Code:
HYPERLINK("https://na1.salesforce.com/00O30000001FJ9W—pv0=Name&pv1=0",IMAGE("https://na3.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer–oid=00D300000006F9s&id=01550000000K1DO", "Click Here to go"))


  • May 29, 2007
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I have created a Validation rule on the User record to make the Company field required.  I have noticed that with Managed Packages a User is created.  Will this validation rule stop my from downloading these Applications?
  • May 18, 2007
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I'm struggling to link one pick list to another, for example when our stage reached "Won" I want another picklist to be mandatory however the ISNULL option isn't working.
Can anyone give me a pointer here?
If I have a field that lets someone enter a start date, and another field that lets someone enter total #of months on a project, how can I make it so my custom field displays the end date of the project based on this information?  I can't come up with a formula that is under 5k characters (I have gotten down to about 5210).
Here is the formula i tried last.

DATE(YEAR( SD__c )+FLOOR((MONTH(SD__c )+  TotalC__c  )/12),( (MONTH(SD__c )-((FLOOR(((TotalC__c )+YEAR(SD__c ))/12)*12)-TotalC__c ))),DAY(SD__c ))


SD = start date.  TotalC is the total length of contract.


Thanks for any help!

03-13-200701:01 PM  
  • March 14, 2007
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I would like to create a custom field on the Account tab that calculates a customer's total expenditure. The only way I can think of doing this is to add all the Amounts for the Closed Won Opportunities related to the Account. When I try to create a formula in a custom field I only seem to be able to reference field on that tab (Accounts). Does anyone know how to made this work or suggest an alternaltive method?
We do not currently use Products so I would be interested to know if this gives us the functionality I'm after.
Thank you
  • September 19, 2006
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