• Richard Cave09035942158259942
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  • Member since 2014

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I have a trigger on the feed Item, I want to be able to find out in that feed if someone has @mention someone.  I did think of searching through the body of the feed item to search for @[firstname lastname] but they have seemed to have removed the brackets from the feeditem body.

Are the @mentioned stored in any salesforce table?

I am trying to write an ios app for our customer community.  Within our community i can connect to an https website in an iframe, when I point to this website via the hybrid app it doesn't work that page is just blank.

Is this possible.

I am trying to add a visual force page to a custom object, its possible to add it to a standard salesforce object via the page layout.

The option doesn't seem to be there, do you know if this is possible.


We run tests that have to create multiple objects for example  we insert an account and a contact to then insert another object which we want to test calling a trigger on that object.  As we have triggers on account and contact it also calls those triggers which calls other classes and therefore the tests take longer to run.  

Any ideas on doing trigger management as the more triggers that get added in, it will get more complicated and the tests will take longer.

Just a general question, how do you plan a project in salesforce if you quite new to the language.  What do people generally do, do they keep it in house or go to a third party company.

Do you spend a week planning, looking at what is risky etc.


I have a trigger on the feed Item, I want to be able to find out in that feed if someone has @mention someone.  I did think of searching through the body of the feed item to search for @[firstname lastname] but they have seemed to have removed the brackets from the feeditem body.

Are the @mentioned stored in any salesforce table?


I am trying to add a visual force page to a custom object, its possible to add it to a standard salesforce object via the page layout.

The option doesn't seem to be there, do you know if this is possible.



Just a general question, how do you plan a project in salesforce if you quite new to the language.  What do people generally do, do they keep it in house or go to a third party company.

Do you spend a week planning, looking at what is risky etc.

