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Hi all,

I am using Google Geocoding api v3 to get latitude and longitude of the address present on my record and I am able to do so but
sometimes I get "OVER QUERY LIMIT" as error message even though I am not exceeding the api limits which is 2500 request per 24 hrs.
And I am requesting geocode for 1 address only i.e. not running a loop. I am not able to figure it out why this so

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Below is the class using which I make callouts

public Class LocationCallOuts {
     *  DESCRIPTION   :    This method will create Address to be passed to get Latitude and Longitude of Address provided.
     *                     This method will also check that street name is not null, If street name is null then request is not made
    public static void checkAddress(List<Risk_Location__c> riskLocationList) {
        List<Risk_Location__c> locationList = new List<Risk_Location__c>();
        List<Risk_Location__c> addressNotFound = new List<Risk_Location__c>();
        String streetValue;
        LocationCallOuts riskLocCall = new LocationCallOuts();
        for(Risk_Location__c riskLoc : riskLocationList) {
            streetValue = riskLocCall.GetStreetName(riskLoc);
            if(streetValue != null && streetValue != '') {
            } else {
                riskLoc.Address_Not_Found__c = true;
        if( addressNotFound.size() > 0) {
            update addressNotFound;
        if( locationList.size() >0 ) {
     *  DESCRIPTION :       This method will be called to return Street Number.
    @TestVisible private String GetStreetNumber (Risk_Location__c locStreetNumber) {
        String streetNumber = '';
        if(locStreetNumber.Street_Number__c != null && locStreetNumber.Street_Number__c != '') {
            streetNumber += locStreetNumber.Street_Number__c + ',';
        return streetNumber;
     *  DESCRIPTION :       This method will be called to return Street Name.
    @TestVisible private String GetStreetName (Risk_Location__c locStreetName) {
        String streetName ='';
        if(locStreetName.Location__c != null && locStreetName.Location__c != '') {
            streetName += locStreetName.Location__c + ',';
        return streetName;
     *  DESCRIPTION :       This method will be called to return Suburb.
    @TestVisible private String GetSuburb (Risk_Location__c locSuburb) {
        String suburbName = '';
        if(locSuburb.Suburb__c != null && locSuburb.Suburb__c != '') {
            suburbName += locSuburb.Suburb__c + ',';
        return suburbName;
     *  DESCRIPTION :       This method will be called to return State.
    @TestVisible private String GetState (Risk_Location__c locState) {
        String stateName = '';
        if(locState.State__c != null && locState.State__c != '') {
            stateName += locState.State__c + ',';
        return stateName;
     *  DESCRIPTION :       This method will be called to return Country.
    @TestVisible private String GetCountry (Risk_Location__c locCountry) {
        String countryName = '';
        if(locCountry.Country__c != null && locCountry.Country__c != '') {
            countryName += locCountry.Country__c + '}';
        return countryName;
     *  DESCRIPTION   :    This method is called to make request to Google with the address and get the Latitude and Longitude and update Risk Location records
     @TestVisible private void GetLocation(List<Risk_Location__c> riskLocationList) {
         double lat = null;
         double lng = null;
         String address = '';
         String formattedAddress = '';
         List<String> splitAddress;
         Risk_Location__c riskLocation = new Risk_Location__c();
         for( Risk_Location__c riskLoc : riskLocationList ) {
             splitAddress = new List<String>();
             address += '{';
             address += GetStreetNumber(riskLoc);
             address += GetStreetName(riskLoc);
             address += GetSuburb(riskLoc);
             address += GetState(riskLoc);
             address += GetCountry(riskLoc);
             Http h = new Http();
             HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
             try {
                 HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
                 JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(res.getBody());
                 system.debug('********* Resquest Body ********' + res.getBody());
                 Boolean addressFlag = false;
                 Boolean latlngFlag = false;
                 while(parser.nextToken() != null ) {
                     if((parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME) && (parser.getText() == 'formatted_address') && addressFlag == false ) {
                        formattedAddress = parser.getText();
                        addressFlag = true;
                     if ((parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME) && (parser.getText() == 'location') && latlngFlag == false ) {
                           while (parser.nextToken() != JSONToken.END_OBJECT) {
                               String txt = parser.getText();
                               if (txt == 'lat')
                                   lat = parser.getDoubleValue();
                               else if (txt == 'lng')
                                   lng = parser.getDoubleValue();
                               if(lat != null && lng != null)
                                    latlngFlag = true;
                           } // End of Inner While Loop
                 }// End of while Loop
                 splitAddress = address.split(',');
                 // If Lat and Lng is not Null and Formatted address is same as Provided, populate Google Address, Address_Not_Found__c and Approximate_Address__c on Risk Location
                 if( lat != null && lng != null ) {
                     // If Formatted address from Google is same as Address on Risk Location, populate Lat, Lng, Google Address and Uncheck Approximate_Address__c and Address_Not_Found__c
                     if((formattedAddress.toUpperCase()).contains((splitAddress[1].toUpperCase())) && (formattedAddress.toUpperCase()).contains((splitAddress[2].toUpperCase())) &&
                        ((formattedAddress.toUpperCase()).contains(('AU')) || (formattedAddress.toUpperCase()).contains(('AUS')) || (formattedAddress.toUpperCase()).contains(('AUSTRALIA')))) {
                        riskLoc.Geolocation__Latitude__s = lat;
                        riskLoc.Geolocation__Longitude__s = lng;
                        riskLoc.Google_Address__c = formattedAddress;
                        riskLoc.Approximate_Address__c = false;
                        riskLoc.Address_Not_Found__c = false;
                     // If Formatted Address is not same as Address on Risk Location then Polpulate Lat,Lng,Google Address and Check Approximate_Address true and Address_Not_Found = false
                     else {
                        riskLoc.Geolocation__Latitude__s = lat;
                        riskLoc.Geolocation__Longitude__s = lng;
                        riskLoc.Approximate_Address__c = true;
                        riskLoc.Address_Not_Found__c = false;
                        riskLoc.Google_Address__c = formattedAddress;
                 // If Lat Lng is Null then Clear Google Address, Lat, Lng and Check Address_Not_Found = true and Approximate_Address = false
                 else {
                    riskLoc.Geolocation__Latitude__s = lat;
                    riskLoc.Geolocation__Longitude__s = lng;
                    riskLoc.Google_Address__c = '';
                    riskLoc.Approximate_Address__c = false;
                    riskLoc.Address_Not_Found__c = true;
             } catch( Exception e) {
                 system.debug('== Exception Occured ====' + e.getMessage());
             address = '';
         } // End of For Loop
         update riskLocationList;
     } // End of Method

Please help me with this