• Rachel Linder
  • 40 Points
  • Member since 2014
  • Salesforce Administrator
  • Red8 an Insight Investments Company

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We have a WFR That changes the status of our Project Revenue Item to Completed and updates the revenue date after 10 business days. Here is the WFR and the Two field Updates:

Project Revenue WFR

Field Update to Completed

Field Update Revenue Date

We have new criteria for a specific customer. This custome "ABC Company" gets 30 days to respond to the CC. But at the end of the 30 days it does not automatically flip the status to complete. It needs to stay open.

How do I override this workflow rule for this specific customer? We want the process to be manual for this customer specifically.
This is a two part question:

We have a formula field that counts 11 business days from the date a Submitted date is added to our record. This field is called the CC Wait Date and looks like this:
MOD( CC_Submitted_Date__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7), 7),
5, CC_Submitted_Date__c + 16,
6, CC_Submitted_Date__c + 15,
CC_Submitted_Date__c + 14

We then have a workflow rule called "Project Revenue Status complete after 10 days" and it has to time dependendt Field updated actions.

The rule criteria is NOT( ISBLANK( CC_Submitted_Date__c ) )

Field Update one: "Update Project Revenue Date to CC Submitted Date" where the Formula value is "CC_Submitted_Date__c"

Field Update two: "Update Project Rev Status to CC Complete" where the new field value is "CC Completed" as it is a picklist field.

This process has stopped working and I am not sure where the disconnect is. I do know that they had me turn on the Business Hours for our org. Could that affect this rule if that was turned on after?

The other kicker is that I need to reither write a new WFR or update this one to include different timing. This is customer specific. so, if the customer name is Axis then it needs to be a 30 day count and at the end of the 30 day count DO NOT update the Revenue Date or the Revenue Status.

Should that one be a separate WFR and if so what would it look like?

I have the following trigger written to check a box on the opportunity if the opportunity has attachments. When trying to save the trigger I am getting the following error:

User-added image
Not sure what it is asking me to do.
We are trying to automate our monthly commissions report so that we are not manually having to change the dates in the report filter criteria below. I want to write a formula field to replace the following report filter (for the month of December as an example below) to complete a "Commission Date" field.
User-added image

This will allow us to have one report that we can group by Commission Date instead of 12 reports for each month.

Again we are looking for a report that can become cumulaitve so we can group on the commissio date. Here are the combinations of what we are trying to do (I believe this captures all the options above):

1. If the "ORD No" field contains "ORD" or "NA and the "Invoice Date" contains a date and the "Defer Commissions" checkbox is blank then the "Commission Date" is the sames as the "Invoice Date", OR
2. If the "ORD No" field contains "ORD" or "NA" and the "Invoice Date" contains a date and the "Defer Commissions" checkbox is not blank then the "Commission Date" is Blank, OR
3. If the "ORD No" field contains "SCH" and the "Lease Book and Bill Date" is blank then the "Commission Date" is Blank, OR
4. If the "ORD No" field contains "SCH" and the "Lease Book and Bill Date" is not blank and the "Defer Commissions" checkbox is blank then the "Commission Date" is the "Lease Book and Bill Date", OR
5. If the "ORD No" field contains "SCH" and the "Lease Book and Bill Date" is not blank and the "Defer Commissions" checkbox is not blank then the "Commissions Date" is blank.

We would like to set a default date for a Due date field as "Today plus 3 business days".
Is this possible? If so, what would the formula be?
I need to help writing a trigger as I am not a developer.

We have a parent object called "Projects" and a child object called "Project Work Products". On the child object we have a formula field called "Min Docs Formula" which places a 1 or 0 in the field.

On the parent object ("Projects") I would like a field that counts the project work products "Min Docs Formula" field output (1 or 0). Currently I can't accomplish this as the "Min Docs Formula" field is a formula. The output of the "Min Docs Formula" field needs to be converted into a number/value field called "Min Docs Value", which should allow me to have a field on the parent object ("Project") called "Min Docs Sum" that adds the values from the "Min Docs Value" fields.

Can someone help with writing the trigger to this conversion from "Min Docs Formula" to "Min Docs Value"?

I have a custom object called "Vendor Part Numbers" that has autonumber currently for the record name.I would like to use a Vendor field and a Part Number field together at the record "Name" instead of the current autonumber that is being placed there. Couple questions:

1. When adding/creating a new record it is required to put a name there. Can this be avoided?
2. I am thinking this would be a workflow rule with a field update?
3. For the records that are already have the autonumber should I do an export and import to update those?



I have a formula field called Revenue date field that is calculated based on 10 business days after a date being put into a field called submitted date. Once that revenue date hits that 10th day it populates the revenue date with a date. i would like to write a workflow rule that does a field update of a picklist field off of this revenue date field. I would like to update that picklist field from Submitted to Completed on that 10th day. Currently the way I have it written is the following:

  • Evaluation Criteria: Evaluate the Rule when a record is created, and any time it's edited to subnsequently meet critera
  • Rule Criteria: Business_Day_Count__c<=TODAY()
  • Time-Dependent Workflow Actions: 0 Days After Submitted Date

This isn't working...It looks like it should.
Any ideas on where to correct this?


We are trying to write a validation rule when moving an opportunity from the stage "Commit" to either the stage of "Closed Won" or "Closed & Booked". The scenarios are:

User-added image

Currently I have written the followng which I believe covers the first line and the last line when moving to "Closed Won". I will need to add an OR for the StageName to include "Closed & Booked":
AND((ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won")),

NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount > 100000,
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c >= Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c >= TODAY())))

I have tried building on this with the formuale below but I am getting an error stating something along the lines of "Expected 3, Received 1". I am not sure if I am even on the right path with the informaton below (again right now this is for the stage "Closed Won":
AND((ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won")),
(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c  >=  Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c  >= TODAY()))),TRUE,
NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount > 100000,
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c  >=  Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c  >= TODAY()))),TRUE,
NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount < 100000),TRUE,FALSE
AND((ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won")),
(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c  >=  Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c  >= TODAY()))),TRUE,
NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount > 100000,
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c  >=  Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c  >= TODAY()))),TRUE,
NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount < 100000),TRUE,FALSE

Any feedback on if I am going in the right direction? If I am 100% in the wrong or going down the wrong path what do we need to write for the rule? We have been working on this now for 2 days with no such luck.
Thanks in advance.

We have a custom object called Work products. It has the same idea as the Salesforce Products Object. On the Salesforce Products home page there is a "FInd Products" Button to search for a product. See screenshot below:

User-added image

We would like to create a button on the Work products page that performs the exact same functionality. Is this possible and if so how would this be done.


We currently use Opportunity Products for all our opportunities. I know that we currently cannot track changes on the opportunity product fields. I have seen posts about using APEX code for this. Is there something that someone has already created to do this or someone who could help me with getting this created?
I am looking for a full rich text editor for fields on standard and custom objects. I found this link but it looks like this is only available for visualforce pages: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9228900/how-to-convert-salesforce-rich-text-editor-to-a-full-mode-editor/9233618#9233618

This is a picture of what I would like to use:

Full Rich Text Editor

Is there anything available to have this functionality?
Ok I am wondering if the following is best to do with a trigger or a validation rule.
I have a custom object called "SE Approvals" that is a master detail relationship to the opportunity. It contains the fields:

Fields on SE Approvals Object
SE Approvals Object Fields
Manufacturer - Picklist Field
Quote Number - Long Text Area Field
SE Approval Date Field - Date/Time Field

What we would like is for the validation rule or trigger to happen when any of the fields above are blank and the opportunity is being changed to one of the following stages and one of these transacation types:

Opportunity Object Stage Fields
Closed Won
Closed & Shipped
Closed & Booked
Closed and Recurring
Closed & Recurring

Opportunity Transaction type fields
IIS (Buy/Sell)
IIS (Professional Services)
IFS/IIS (Lease Deal with Supply
IFS/IIS (Lease Deal with Supply and Rebill

Is it possible to tweak the rule above?
I am looking to create a trigger on attachments on the opportunity object. I want the trigger to look at the attachments area and if it sees attachment fill in the checkbox on the opportuntity for has attachments. This is what I have but I am receiving an error for line item 15 that says "expecting semi-colon received opptyids".. What does this mean and what would my fix be?

//Name : Does Opportunity Have Attachments
//Description : Completes the Attachments checkbox on opportunity to signify that
// there are attachments on this opportunity
//Created By : Rachel Linder (rlinder@insightinvestments.com)

//************************Version Updates**********************************************
//Version Updated Date Updated By Update Comments
//1 10/22/2014 Rachel Linder Initial creation of trigger
trigger AttachmentTrigger on Attachment (before insert) {
List opportunityList = new List();
Set opptyIds = new Set()
for(Attachment : trigger.New){
//Check if added attachment is related to the Opportunity or not
if(att.OpportunityID.getSobjectType() == Opportunity.SobjectType){
opportunityList = [select id, Has_attachments__c from Opportunity where id in : opptyids];
if(opportunityList!=null && opportunityList.size()>0){
for(Opportunity oppty : opportunityList){
oppty.Has_attachments__c = true;
update opportunityList;

I am looking to create a trigger on attachments on the opportunity object. I want the trigger to look at the attachments area and if it sees attachment fill in the checkbox on the opportuntity for has attachments. This is what I have but I am receiving an error for line item 14 that says Unexpected Token: 'List". What does this mean and what would my fix be?

//Name             : Does Opportunity Have Attachments
//Description      : Completes the Attachments checkbox on opportunity to signify that                    
//                   there are attachments on this opportunity
//Created By       : Rachel Linder (rlinder@insightinvestments.com)

//************************Version Updates**********************************************
//Version Updated Date     Updated By          Update Comments
//1   10/22/2014  Rachel Linder  Initial creation of trigger
trigger AttachmentTrigger on Attachment (before insert) {
        List opportunityList = new List();
        Set opptyIds = new Set()
            for(Attachment : trigger.New){
            //Check if added attachment is related to the Opportunity or not
                if(att.OpportunityID.getSobjectType() == Opportunity.SobjectType){
            opportunityList = [select id, Has_attachments__c from Opportunity where id in : opptyids];  
    if(opportunityList!=null && opportunityList.size()>0){
        for(Opportunity oppty : opportunityList){
        oppty.Has_attachments__c = true;  
        update opportunityList;

Trying to find out if it is possible to have an opportunity automatically created when we have an event that gets taggged as qualified?
Hi There,
We have a related list on the opportunities to cases. What we would like to do is have people click a button called "New Case" that shows on the case related list. Can this be done? And if so how is it done? Do I need to create a lookup to the opportunity and do i need to write some special code to do this. Thanks.
I understand that notes and attachments can only be deleted by the person who "created" the note and/or attachment. But we have a specific porfile that process all orders associated with opportunities and they cannot delete any old documents off an opportunity if it is not owned by them. Is there a way we can provide that profile with access to deleted so they don't have to go to the administrator or creator everytime.
I am trying to write a rule that will prevent someone from moving the stage of an opportunity to Closed & Booked if the IIS Cost is not approved for a specific opportunity product called IIS - Professional Services - PS.These are the fields I am working with

OPPORTUNITY Stage - Picklist Value - value would be Closed & Booked
OPPORTUNITY PRODUCT NAME - Picklist Value - value would be IIS - Professional Services - PS
OPPORTUITY PRODUCT APPROVED BY - Picklist Value - value would be Blank

If the last field is blank then you cannot move the stage to closed and booked. What wwould this rule look like. And would it be on the opportunity or opportunity product?

AND (ISPICKVAL(Opportunity.StageName, "Closed & Booked"),
(Product2.Name  = 'IIS - Professional Services - PS'),   ISBLANK( IIS_PS_Cost__c ))
I have a formula field called Revenue date field that is calculated based on 10 business days after a date being put into a field called submitted date. Once that revenue date hits that 10th day it populates the revenue date with a date. i would like to write a workflow rule that does a field update of a picklist field off of this revenue date field. I would like to update that picklist field from Submitted to Completed on that 10th day. Currently the way I have it written is the following:

  • Evaluation Criteria: Evaluate the Rule when a record is created, and any time it's edited to subnsequently meet critera
  • Rule Criteria: Business_Day_Count__c<=TODAY()
  • Time-Dependent Workflow Actions: 0 Days After Submitted Date

This isn't working...It looks like it should.
Any ideas on where to correct this?


I have the following trigger written to check a box on the opportunity if the opportunity has attachments. When trying to save the trigger I am getting the following error:

User-added image
Not sure what it is asking me to do.
We are trying to automate our monthly commissions report so that we are not manually having to change the dates in the report filter criteria below. I want to write a formula field to replace the following report filter (for the month of December as an example below) to complete a "Commission Date" field.
User-added image

This will allow us to have one report that we can group by Commission Date instead of 12 reports for each month.

Again we are looking for a report that can become cumulaitve so we can group on the commissio date. Here are the combinations of what we are trying to do (I believe this captures all the options above):

1. If the "ORD No" field contains "ORD" or "NA and the "Invoice Date" contains a date and the "Defer Commissions" checkbox is blank then the "Commission Date" is the sames as the "Invoice Date", OR
2. If the "ORD No" field contains "ORD" or "NA" and the "Invoice Date" contains a date and the "Defer Commissions" checkbox is not blank then the "Commission Date" is Blank, OR
3. If the "ORD No" field contains "SCH" and the "Lease Book and Bill Date" is blank then the "Commission Date" is Blank, OR
4. If the "ORD No" field contains "SCH" and the "Lease Book and Bill Date" is not blank and the "Defer Commissions" checkbox is blank then the "Commission Date" is the "Lease Book and Bill Date", OR
5. If the "ORD No" field contains "SCH" and the "Lease Book and Bill Date" is not blank and the "Defer Commissions" checkbox is not blank then the "Commissions Date" is blank.

We would like to set a default date for a Due date field as "Today plus 3 business days".
Is this possible? If so, what would the formula be?
We are trying to write a validation rule when moving an opportunity from the stage "Commit" to either the stage of "Closed Won" or "Closed & Booked". The scenarios are:

User-added image

Currently I have written the followng which I believe covers the first line and the last line when moving to "Closed Won". I will need to add an OR for the StageName to include "Closed & Booked":
AND((ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won")),

NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount > 100000,
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c >= Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c >= TODAY())))

I have tried building on this with the formuale below but I am getting an error stating something along the lines of "Expected 3, Received 1". I am not sure if I am even on the right path with the informaton below (again right now this is for the stage "Closed Won":
AND((ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won")),
(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c  >=  Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c  >= TODAY()))),TRUE,
NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount > 100000,
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c  >=  Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c  >= TODAY()))),TRUE,
NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount < 100000),TRUE,FALSE
AND((ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won")),
(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c  >=  Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c  >= TODAY()))),TRUE,
NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount > 100000,
NOT(ISPICKVAL( Credit_Status__c , "Approved")),
NOT(Credit_Approved_Amount__c  >=  Amount ),
NOT(Credit_Expiration_Date__c  >= TODAY()))),TRUE,
NOT(ISBLANK(Account.GP_Customer_Id__c )),
Amount < 100000),TRUE,FALSE

Any feedback on if I am going in the right direction? If I am 100% in the wrong or going down the wrong path what do we need to write for the rule? We have been working on this now for 2 days with no such luck.
Thanks in advance.
Ok I am wondering if the following is best to do with a trigger or a validation rule.
I have a custom object called "SE Approvals" that is a master detail relationship to the opportunity. It contains the fields:

Fields on SE Approvals Object
SE Approvals Object Fields
Manufacturer - Picklist Field
Quote Number - Long Text Area Field
SE Approval Date Field - Date/Time Field

What we would like is for the validation rule or trigger to happen when any of the fields above are blank and the opportunity is being changed to one of the following stages and one of these transacation types:

Opportunity Object Stage Fields
Closed Won
Closed & Shipped
Closed & Booked
Closed and Recurring
Closed & Recurring

Opportunity Transaction type fields
IIS (Buy/Sell)
IIS (Professional Services)
IFS/IIS (Lease Deal with Supply
IFS/IIS (Lease Deal with Supply and Rebill

Is it possible to tweak the rule above?
I am looking to create a trigger on attachments on the opportunity object. I want the trigger to look at the attachments area and if it sees attachment fill in the checkbox on the opportuntity for has attachments. This is what I have but I am receiving an error for line item 14 that says Unexpected Token: 'List". What does this mean and what would my fix be?

//Name             : Does Opportunity Have Attachments
//Description      : Completes the Attachments checkbox on opportunity to signify that                    
//                   there are attachments on this opportunity
//Created By       : Rachel Linder (rlinder@insightinvestments.com)

//************************Version Updates**********************************************
//Version Updated Date     Updated By          Update Comments
//1   10/22/2014  Rachel Linder  Initial creation of trigger
trigger AttachmentTrigger on Attachment (before insert) {
        List opportunityList = new List();
        Set opptyIds = new Set()
            for(Attachment : trigger.New){
            //Check if added attachment is related to the Opportunity or not
                if(att.OpportunityID.getSobjectType() == Opportunity.SobjectType){
            opportunityList = [select id, Has_attachments__c from Opportunity where id in : opptyids];  
    if(opportunityList!=null && opportunityList.size()>0){
        for(Opportunity oppty : opportunityList){
        oppty.Has_attachments__c = true;  
        update opportunityList;

Hi There,
We have a related list on the opportunities to cases. What we would like to do is have people click a button called "New Case" that shows on the case related list. Can this be done? And if so how is it done? Do I need to create a lookup to the opportunity and do i need to write some special code to do this. Thanks.
I am trying to write a rule that will prevent someone from moving the stage of an opportunity to Closed & Booked if the IIS Cost is not approved for a specific opportunity product called IIS - Professional Services - PS.These are the fields I am working with

OPPORTUNITY Stage - Picklist Value - value would be Closed & Booked
OPPORTUNITY PRODUCT NAME - Picklist Value - value would be IIS - Professional Services - PS
OPPORTUITY PRODUCT APPROVED BY - Picklist Value - value would be Blank

If the last field is blank then you cannot move the stage to closed and booked. What wwould this rule look like. And would it be on the opportunity or opportunity product?

AND (ISPICKVAL(Opportunity.StageName, "Closed & Booked"),
(Product2.Name  = 'IIS - Professional Services - PS'),   ISBLANK( IIS_PS_Cost__c ))

I have a custom object named Consultant that holds contact information for consultants of our company.  FirstName and LastName are the two fields within this custom object that represent the consultants name.  My issue, is that when running a lookup to this Consultant object, the record name is the value that comes up.  I can add fields to the lookup so you could see the FirstName and LastName but there is still a problem.  The object that is related to Consultant, will only show the record name in the lookup field in the record.  I want to make my record name for Consultant a formula field that is a concatenation of First Name and LastName.  The standard object Contact has a setup like this and I want to replicate it.  I don't see how to handle this if it's even possible.  Can this be done and if so, how?



