• bombo
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I am currently trying to change the "Send" button that is displayed in a Live Agent Chat with a customer.
I found information in the documentation (http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/pages/Content/pages_compref_liveAgent_clientChatSendButton.htm), but I do not know where I can access the VF code to customize the chat window. Can anyone help me out? 

  • April 07, 2014
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I am currently trying to change the "Send" button that is displayed in the Live Agent Chat Window. I guess I'm just being dumb somehow, but I cannot find the component where I can change this. Can you help me out with a detailed description of where to find that component so I can exchange the existing send button with a picture?
  • April 04, 2014
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I am currently trying to change the "Send" button that is displayed in the Live Agent Chat Window. I guess I'm just being dumb somehow, but I cannot find the component where I can change this. Can you help me out with a detailed description of where to find that component so I can exchange the existing send button with a picture?
  • April 04, 2014
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Start a discussion button is not working in internet explorer. But in other browser such as chrome, mozilla its working fine

It is not rendering to another page if I clicked. Even I have logged in to salesforce.com.

Any suggestions.
