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I don't have the "New" button under the "Authentication Settings for External Systems" setting in my developer edition. Can someone please help me with this? 
I am trying to display the data from certain records in columns instead of rows so I am facing issues with it. The records will never be the same in quantity so the number of coulmns will vary based upon the number of records. Lets say that the name of the records is Record 1, Record 2, Record 3, so I would have 3 columns for these 3 records but if there are 5 records I would need 5 columns and also have to read all the data from these records and display those in the different rows of the corresponding columns. Is there any functionality like <Apex:Repeat> that can be used to achieve this? Here is how I want it to look like.

User-added image
I am trying to display a text field ,'RESOURCE', from the master object (this text field is manually entered on the VF page associated to the master object). This needs to be displayed on another VF page associated to the child object. So, I have written a code like this on the VF page(related to child object):

<apex:pageBlockSection id="DetailsSection" columns="1"><apex:outputField id="Resource" value="{!Child_Object__c.Master_Object__r.Resource__c}"/></apex:pageBlockSection>

But, when I open the VF page, the value doesn't appear however once I save the page after entering the rest of the details and reopen it the value appears.
I am working on customizable forecasts. Within the reports, I see the Period Overidden, Forecast Category Overridden, Amount Overridden fields but how can I access these fields for some other purpose? Is there any API for these fields? I can't find anything.

I am trying to create a trigger on the Opportunity object so that whenever a particular field (e.g. ProdType) gets updated or is inserted, the value of the field should be copied to a field within a custom object (lets say CusObj.ProdType). The CusObj has a lookup relation with Opportunity.
Can somebdoy help me with this please?
I tried creating a simple formula earlier but that doesn't seem to help because the field ProdType is a multi-select picklist so there can be more than one selections at a time. I could have written an IF condition had it been just a simple pick-list because there could have been only one selection at a time. But, since there can be lot of permutations and combinations, I don't think that would work so the only option left for me is to create a trigger.

I am trying to convert the Opportunity Amount using the ConvertCurrency function in a formula. I used ConvertCUrrency(Amount), but I am getting "Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'convertCurrency()'. Expected Currency, received Number" even though the type of Amount field is Currency. Any idea why is it so and how can it be fixed? Multi-Currency is already enabled for my organization.

I want to compare forecast from two different dates e.g. I want to compare today's forecast and tomorrow's forecast and see if the forecast category has changed for any of the records and highlight it. I want to do it on a daily basis so want to automate it. Is it possible and if so then how?
How can I insert the DisplayName of OrgWideEmailAddress in the email template like how we can access the fields of other objects? E.g. I can access the name of the user by using {!User.Name}. I tried using {!OrgWideEmailAddress.DisplayName} but it doesn't work. I even tried creating a custom label but even that didn't seem to help. I am using HTML template. Any help regarding this is really appreciated.

I am trying to display a text field ,'RESOURCE', from the master object (this text field is manually entered on the VF page associated to the master object). This needs to be displayed on another VF page associated to the child object. So, I have written a code like this on the VF page(related to child object):

<apex:pageBlockSection id="DetailsSection" columns="1"><apex:outputField id="Resource" value="{!Child_Object__c.Master_Object__r.Resource__c}"/></apex:pageBlockSection>

But, when I open the VF page, the value doesn't appear however once I save the page after entering the rest of the details and reopen it the value appears.

I am trying to convert the Opportunity Amount using the ConvertCurrency function in a formula. I used ConvertCUrrency(Amount), but I am getting "Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'convertCurrency()'. Expected Currency, received Number" even though the type of Amount field is Currency. Any idea why is it so and how can it be fixed? Multi-Currency is already enabled for my organization.

I want to compare forecast from two different dates e.g. I want to compare today's forecast and tomorrow's forecast and see if the forecast category has changed for any of the records and highlight it. I want to do it on a daily basis so want to automate it. Is it possible and if so then how?