• prateek gandhi 3
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<apex:page standardController="Case">
<A HREF="#" onClick="testTabRefresh();return false">
    Click here to close this tab</A>
<apex:includeScript value="/support/console/22.0/integration.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function testTabRefresh() {
        //First find the ID of the current tab to refresh it
    var refreshSubtab = function refreshSubtab(result){
        var subTabId = result.id;
        sforce.console.refreshSubtabById(subTabId, true, refreshSuccess );          

    var refreshSuccess = function refreshSuccess(result) {
        //Report whether refreshing the subtab was successful
        if (result.success == true) {
            console.log('Subtab refreshed successfully');
        } else {
            console.log('Subtab did not refresh');

I'm trying to refresh case page in service console using javascript but its not working, can anyone tell me the issue with the following code? Also can anyone explain following usage condition mentioned in console API documents for tab refresh methods

"This method can't refresh subtabs with URLs to external pages or Visualforce pages"

Hi All,
I have to conditionally override standard Salesforce1 detail page for accounts but when I use nooverride=1, the salesforce1 still goes to the overridden page and enters an infinite loop. Can anyone put some light on why its happening and how can I fix this or is there any other approach to implement this?
I've tried navigateToURL and navigateToSObject as well but I couldn't get through.
Hi All,
I have to conditionally override standard Salesforce1 detail page for accounts but when I use nooverride=1, the salesforce1 still goes to the overridden page and enters an infinite loop. Can anyone put some light on why its happening and how can I fix this or is there any other approach to implement this?
I've tried navigateToURL and navigateToSObject as well but I couldn't get through.