• Daniel Shaheen
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  • Member since 2014

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We are facing a strange issue with some users when their salesforce session is expired and the leave their computer in idle state, the browser doesnt re-direct them to the logout URL setup under the SSO setttings and instead is keeping them at the same page with one of the home page comp9oennets keeps refreshing every 2 seconds as it showing here.
 User-added image

Of course the issue that this is causing uncessary flood of login requests to our Identity provider.
I was wondering if this is a known issue or someone faced it before?
Could it be that IE send old cookie for the second logout??
The following relationship SOQL query was working fine in my Java app at API 34
select id, UserType, Contact.Id, Contact.AccountId, Contact.Name, Contact.Email, Account.Type, Account.Name from user where FederationIdentifier='1234'
Now is giving me an exception and compalining about This : -
No such column 'Type' on entity 'Account'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c'

The running user and profile is fine and have access to the field.
Also I ran the query as the user from Dev console and Wrokbench and is running fine.
Any ideas?
Trying to find a way to send custom account activation links to inactive accounts via email.
The inactive user can activate the account when clicks on the specified link.
I was wondering if someone had to deal with this before and if it's feasible using the Rest API.
Also how the link can be encrypted.

The following relationship SOQL query was working fine in my Java app at API 34
select id, UserType, Contact.Id, Contact.AccountId, Contact.Name, Contact.Email, Account.Type, Account.Name from user where FederationIdentifier='1234'
Now is giving me an exception and compalining about This : -
No such column 'Type' on entity 'Account'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c'

The running user and profile is fine and have access to the field.
Also I ran the query as the user from Dev console and Wrokbench and is running fine.
Any ideas?
Unable to complete the challenge for the Apex Trigger using Bulk
error:Executing against the trigger does not work as expected.

Trigger code:

trigger ClosedOpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (before insert,before update)
  List <task> taskinsert= new List<task>();
   for(Opportunity o: Trigger.new)
     if(o.StageName=='Closed Won')
         Task t= new Task();
         t.Subject='Follow up Task';

    insert taskinsert;
Hey guys,

I have created a custom object and respective tab. When I go to the tab and create a list of the objects, only the object ID can be clicked to link to the detial of that object.

For example, with a standard object (say Lead), I can pull a leads list, then click on any of the fields (first name, last name, company, etc...) to link to the record detail. For this custom object/tab, I don't seem to have that behavior. Is there any way to force such a behavior?

Thanks in advance!!!!!

Out standard Case page layout is being overridden with another visualforce page. In that visualforce page, we are using the apex:detail to display the fields on the page layout.

However, when I add an embedded Visualforce Page to the standard layout, no data is displayed. The embedded page works fine alone or in other standard pages which are not being overridden, but in this page, it doesn't show any data, even simple text.

Here is the Case page override:

<apex:page standardController="Case" action="{!if($Profile.Name != 'Community Partner User',null,urlFor('/apex/case'))}"> 
    <style type="text/css">
        .data2Col, .dataCell { max-width:600px; word-wrap:break-word; }
        .data2Col div, .dataCell { width:700px\9; }
    <apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.project_cloud__jquery_js}" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function esc$(id) {
            return jQuery('#' + id.replace(/(:|\.)/g,'\\\\$1'));
    <project_cloud:tree workableId="{!Case.Id}" projectId="{!Case.project_cloud__Project_Task__r.project_cloud__Project_Phase__r.project_cloud__Project__c}" />

    <apex:pageMessages />

    <apex:form >
        <apex:detail subject="{!Case.Id}" inlineEdit="true" relatedList="true" showChatter="true" />

And here is my very simple Visualforce page:

<apex:page standardController="Case"

        <b>Hello!!! This is the embedded page.</b>


The text doesn't show. Any ideas on why the embedded page doesn't operate under these conditions would be appreciated.


I'm using Data Loader v21 to load in new customer portal users.  I'm getting the error mentioned in the subject for about 1% of my 12,000 users I'm loading in.  What might cause this error?

I'm trying to use the current merge function of Salesforce but I want to initiate the merge process from an Account record I'm on instead of going back to the accounts tab, click on the merge link, type in the name. 


Here is my current code below however I'm getting this error: http://screencast.com/t/oub5ql4u6B



<script type="text/javascript"> top.location.href ="merge/accmergewizard.jsp?retURL=%2F001%2Fo&srch={!Account.Name}"; </script>