• PoornaPrabhu Seenivasan
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Hello All,

I'm getting a System.UnexpectedException: null error while trying to unlock or lock the records from a Queueable Apex job.
I would need someone's advise to resolve this error as soon as possible.

My scenario is as below:

I want to update a set of opportunities out of which a few of them are locked by the approval process.
So I want to unlock these opportunities, update a particular field in the opportunity and lock the record again via apex.
I have used the standard approval process.

Please advise.
Hello All,

I'm getting a System.UnexpectedException: null error while trying to unlock or lock the records from a Queueable Apex job.
I would need someone's advise to resolve this error as soon as possible.

My scenario is as below:

I want to update a set of opportunities out of which a few of them are locked by the approval process.
So I want to unlock these opportunities, update a particular field in the opportunity and lock the record again via apex.
I have used the standard approval process.

Please advise.
Hi, I am a newbie to salesforce I want to know why we cannot cannot add atime trigger to the workflow criterie "created and edited"
Hi everyone,

This should be pretty easy but it's giving me bouts of grief.

I need to get the name of the person that approved a record into an HTML email template, as there are several possible approvers and they would all like to know who approved the record from an email sent on final approval/rejection, rather than logging into Salesforce (for various reasons - they'd like to know via email).

I tried using the LastModifiedBy name, which seems to be correct when I look at an approved record in the UI, but when I insert it in my email template as a field, it's blank when the approval/rejection takes place, and the email is sent- 

Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?

Thanks in advance.