• Hari Kundrapu
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I am getting the following error while trying the above Trailhead.


There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: WNXONMRA. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: MALFORMED_QUERY: When retrieving results with Metadata or FullName fields, the query qualificatio ns must specify no more than one row for retrieval. Result size: 2

Can anyone please suggest the process to rectify and finish this challenge?
I am getting the below error while working on the below trail head:


Expand Your Reach with Communities  Community Rollout Strategy
Create Sharing Rules
Error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Your user does not have a "Role" setup. Please make sure you have a role assigned to your user in Salesforce.

I am not able to assign a Role to the user Edna Frank as she is a Community User. Not able to surpass this challenge.

Please provide any possible solutions to resolve it in same dev org.

Hari Kundrapu
Hi Trailhead,

There is a step minor step missing in the following trail

In Create an Organization Account

There given steps
1.In the Nonprofit Starter Pack, navigate to the Accounts tab.
2.Select Organization from the Record Type picklist and click Continue.

If you can give a step in between 1 & 2 giving 'Click New' or create 'New Account'
then I think people wont wonder where did the 'Record Type piclist' went.

Though I know 2. Record Type picklist comes under Creating New Account. Just notifying to improve this trial.

Hari Kundrapu

I am trying to create my custion domain in Setup->Domain Management->My Domain

Provided url and clicked on 'Check Availability' Button. It is showing the url is available.
But while clicking 'Register Domain' It is giving message  The domain name "xxxx" is taken. Try another value.

Does this mean the 'Check Availability' Functionality is not working?

Hari Kundrapu
Learning Salesforce DX, have downloaded the DreamHouse project from gitHub site, made a new branch of my own.  Then, in the Unit of "Create and Test Our Scratch Org", at the beginning, it says "Enter cat config/project-scratch-def.json" to see some of the options available. When I did this in the command line, I got "cat not recognized as an internal or external command".  Online articles say that "cat" is a Unix code, can't be used in Windows system.  Now, my question is what should I use in Windows?

Guys we are getting multiple "Too many SOQL queries: 101" emails at the moment. We are using Classic.
We have not used any triggers just Process Builder for various functionality requirements. 
I have read on one of the ideas that this had been resolved and Process Builder is now "bulkified".
Can anyway guide me as to how we can resolve this
Would this only occur if there is a mass upload of records to the object where the Process Builder is built on?
  • August 17, 2017
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I am getting the below error while working on the below trail head:


Expand Your Reach with Communities  Community Rollout Strategy
Create Sharing Rules
Error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Your user does not have a "Role" setup. Please make sure you have a role assigned to your user in Salesforce.

I am not able to assign a Role to the user Edna Frank as she is a Community User. Not able to surpass this challenge.

Please provide any possible solutions to resolve it in same dev org.

Hari Kundrapu
I'm attempting to "Create a customer community user from Edna Frank's contact record."
I stuck at "An account owner must be associated with a role to enable portal users or transfer portal users to his or her account. " 

What step I'm I missing? 
User-added image

Hi Trailhead,

There is a step minor step missing in the following trail

In Create an Organization Account

There given steps
1.In the Nonprofit Starter Pack, navigate to the Accounts tab.
2.Select Organization from the Record Type picklist and click Continue.

If you can give a step in between 1 & 2 giving 'Click New' or create 'New Account'
then I think people wont wonder where did the 'Record Type piclist' went.

Though I know 2. Record Type picklist comes under Creating New Account. Just notifying to improve this trial.

Hari Kundrapu
Hi Everyone,

When I take a challenge in trailhead, there is no button to select a particular ans out of four choices. there is only bullet point at the place of radio button which is non selectable. Hence i am unable to complete my challenge.

Kindly solve my problem.

Hi there

Am I the only one that always seems to struggle with the rendering of trailhead pages on my Chrome browser?


User-added image
How can I see what I need to be certified on and where my team is on this metric?

I am trying to create my custion domain in Setup->Domain Management->My Domain

Provided url and clicked on 'Check Availability' Button. It is showing the url is available.
But while clicking 'Register Domain' It is giving message  The domain name "xxxx" is taken. Try another value.

Does this mean the 'Check Availability' Functionality is not working?

Hari Kundrapu

I'm having trouble checking the challenge, I've checked other discussions and I've done exactly what others have done to pass but everytime I click check challange it gives me this error message:

Looks like something went wrong, please try again later.

I've logged out of both Developer Edition and Trailhead acc, used another new Developer Edition to redo the challenge and it gives me the same message.

  I need to get all the user role and sub roles within sub role that are associated to a parent role using soql query. Below is the code which i am using to get role and sub-roles data. 

 /* Here I pass user name get the userrole id */
 user gurs = [Select UserRoleId,Email,ForecastEnabled 
                     from user where id = :runningUserId LIMIT 1];

/*  Here I pass the userrole id to see parentroleid */
 List<User> UsrList = [Select FirstName, Id, LastName, UserRoleId, UserRole.Name 
                            from User 
                            Where UserRole.ParentRoleId = :gurs.UserRoleId];

I am able to see below roles when i run the above soql code. 

 Example : 
     EMEA - Level - 1
          EMEA- Sub Level -2 

My new requirement is 

     EMEA - Level - 1
          EMEA- Sub Level -2 
              EMEA - Super Sub Level-3

If I pass user name I should be able to see all the 3 level hierarchy data if there are ever 4 I should be able to see all the 4 level 

Please suggest me apex experts how i can achive this requirement need you suggestion 


Hello. I want to know how can i create a Map<String, CustomObject> where the key will not be the Id of the custom field but the Name field and without using a list and going through each record and puting in the map a pair.

If I use Map<String, CustomObject__c> myMap = new Map<String, CustomObject__c>([Select z.Name, z.Id From CustomObject__c z]); i have a map where the key is my CustomObject.Id and I want it to be CustomObject.Name.