• Rupali Pophaliya
  • 502 Points
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How do I write a SOQL Query to get all Knowledge Article Types?
  • April 11, 2016
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What are the ways to call a function on the Page Layout apart from the constructor calling.

Kindly help me on this.


I have a Custom Object "Object_X__c", I have added a Custom Field "field__c" on Activity, and hence i have added a related list on the page layout.

I checked the profile permissions for Activity, task, event and Object_X__c, the user has all permissions.

I get option to create new Event or Task but once saved, the activities are not visible on the  pagelayout of Object_X__c
  • April 05, 2016
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Hi - There is a requirement to contatenate a bunch of filed on an object and compare it against contactnation on another object. The issue I am facing is that when Number field is updated via DataLoader (or Developer Console) it has additional 1 decimal place. Is this expected behavior ? 

Value when updated on Edit page of the record (SF UI) => pav.Additional_Applications__c =0
Value when updated via Dataloader => pav.Additional_Applications__c =0.0

Please let me know. 

Hi ,

I am facing below issue when i am parsing wsdl file.

Failed to parse wsdl: Found more than one wsdl:portType. WSDL with multiple portType not supported. 

and WSDL Have below code:  so what is the solution to it.How can i put within single porttype Pla Help on this
and the WSDL code is :
 <portType name="OrganizationQueryService">
  <operation name="getOrganization">
   <input message="tns:getOrganization_Input"></input>
   <output message="tns:getOrganization_Output"></output>
 <portType name="OrganizationService">
  <operation name="createOrganization">
   <input message="tns:createOrganization_Input"></input>
   <output message="tns:createOrganization_Output"></output>
  <operation name="updateOrganization">
   <input message="tns:updateOrganization_Input"></input>
   <output message="tns:updateOrganization_Output"></output>
  <operation name="deleteOrganization">
   <input message="tns:deleteOrganization_Input"></input>
   <output message="tns:deleteOrganization_Output"></output>
 <portType name="OrganizationMergeRequest">
  <operation name="OrganizationSubmitMergeRequest">
   <input message="tns:OrganizationSubmitMergeRequest_Input"></input>
   <output message="tns:OrganizationSubmitMergeRequest_Output"></output>
  <binding name="OrganizationQueryService" type="tns:OrganizationQueryService">
  <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"
  <operation name="getOrganization">
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>
 <binding name="OrganizationService" type="tns:OrganizationService">
  <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"
  <operation name="createOrganization">
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>
  <operation name="updateOrganization">
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>
  <operation name="deleteOrganization">
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>
 <binding name="OrganizationMergeRequest" type="tns:OrganizationMergeRequest">
  <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"
  <operation name="OrganizationSubmitMergeRequest">
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>
    <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>

how can we by pass the trigger for certain users ?
  • February 01, 2016
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Does anybody know if it is possible to get the code of lightning components in a local file system?
We have to work in a project where the developers have to share their developments using an external source control repository. It is possible?

I am not able to see how to work with ligthning component in Force.com IDE...

Which statement about changeset deployments is accurate? Choose 3 answers

1. They require a deployment connection
2. They can be used only between related organisation
3. They use an all or non deployment model
4. They can be used to transfer contact records
5. They can be used to deploy custom settings data

Is it 1,2,3 or 1,2,5 ?

documentation states Custom settings but not custom settings data....Please clarify....
Hi everyone,
i am having a issue.. 
let if i have two record type of Leads A and B 
 and two record types for Accounts A nad B ..
so how it is possible to convert lead into account B record type when lead B record type is selected ,
same for A record type of both objects .

Thanks in Advance 

I have two communities and a user (profile) which has access to both communities. I would like to allow them to login once and when they want to transfer to the other community just click a link or a button and be redirected to the other community without the need to re log in. How can i do that?


We have used lightning:recordEditForm to create the Lead record, When we have added the any Picklist field of Lead object on lightning:recordEditForm, it will not be appeared on the form. We have checked all Picklist field-level security and accessiblity. Despite this, the pick list is not appearing on the form.

Any help appreciated.



We are working on ListView Metadata API to get all list views, displaying records of selected list view, custom create new and all other controls of list view ( like sharing settings, rename, select fields to display etc. )

We are facing an issue while getting sharing settings of particular ListView. 
  • We have checked ListView Metadata API but it's response does not contain information regrading with which users or groups a particular list view is shared.
  • We have also checked if ListView object column holds any information regarding it but there also we are unable to get relevant information.

We are able to save sharing settings while creating new list view, but unable to fetch the same for edit purpose.

Is there any way to get this information?



We have installed CPQ application and using Generate document button on Quote detail page. We're referring custom VF page to generate the document. This page contains the markup to be shown on the document and there're some text area fields in the markup and images as well as.

But in the generated document, it ignores the new line characters and also the conditions to hide/show the images(section) are not working. Is there any reason behind this?


While accessing package, we are receiving internal server error. Due to that, we are unable to view or add new components to the package.

An error has occurred while processing your request. Thesalesforce.com support team has been notified of the problem. If you believe you have additional information that may be of help in reproducing or correcting the error, please contact Salesforce Support. Please indicate the URL of the page you were requesting, any error id shown on this page as well as any other related information. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Thank you again for your patience and assistance. And thanks for using salesforce.com! 

Error ID: 1242529936-42123 (-47604952)

Why is this happening? Is there any reason behind this?


We are trying to show details of Person Account on force.com site by using standard Account controller and <apex:detail> tag on Visualforce page. We are using person accounts in our org. But the page does not show any information if we provide Person Account record Id. It works as expected with normal business account. Following is the code that we are trying to use on my VF page.
<apex:page standardController="Account" cache="False" showChat="False" showHeader="False" sidebar="False">

In our one of appexchange app, we have exposed REST webservice. Here, user just passes the SOQL string to our expose REST API and in the form of response we are returning records.
As this is a part of appexchange, so its mandatory to do FLS checking, but as per our application scope SOQL string is generating outside Salesforce and user just passes SOQL string to my Salesforce Webservice, so I am wondering how we can do FLS checking for dynamic SOQL string.



We are trying to generate apex classes by converting WSDL. While doing this, we are getting the following error.  What is the supported type for a unsignedByte?

Error: Unsupported schema type: {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}unsignedByte

How to fix this?


We are trying this : Sforce.one.navigateURL("/001/e") in salesforce1 but getting error like this "The page you are trying to access is not supported on mobile device"

We are trying following code:

    function MyApp () {
        this.createAccount = function () {
            sforce.one.navigateToURL ("/ 001 / e");

    var app = new MyApp ();

    btnCreateAccount function () {
        app.createAccount ();
</ Script>
<input type="button" value="Create Account" onclick="btnCreateAccount()" id="btnCreateAcct"/>
We are referring this salesforce1 document:


We have 2 scheduled jobs which are executing hourly basis in our app. In few of our client's org, they stopped executing unexpectedly.

They are shown in Setup->Monitoring->Scheduled Jobs

But, the next scheduled run of both the jobs is null.

What can be the reason of this kind of behavior?


We have a managed package that makes use of chatter feed object in one of our apex class.
We would like to know if it is possible to develop a managed package that leverages Chatter but can be installed in organisations
that don't have chatter enabled?

In case if there is no such standard way to achieve this, we have thought of a work around. It is to release a later version with all mention of chatter stripped out of apex.
Then later again putting the chatter code back to our apex.

We would like to know if there are chances of any problem with this work around. Or if there are any better work arounds?


We want to fetch standard report data in apex so we are using following approach but we are just getting 1st column of standard report data.
How can we get all standard report data in apex?

Our approach:

Step -1
<Salesforce instance>/servlet/servlet.ReportList
From above link we are getting list of all reports with their report id and url.

Step - 2
sample response:

<report foldername="My Personal Custom Reports" name="Contact-Account Report">
<![CDATA[ <ID>?isExcel=1 ]]>
<report foldername="Administrative Reports" name="All Active Users">
<description>Who are the active salesforce.com users?</description>
From above response we are just fetching "All Active Users" report url i.e
This url we are appending with &export=1&enc=UTF-8&xf=csv, by using this we can download file in csv form.

step -3
We are using following code to fetch standard report("All Active Users") data.
PageReference page = new PageReference('/00O?rt=32&retURL=%2Fservlet%2Fservlet.ReportList&t=active&c=FN&c=LN&c=RO&c=PR&c=UN&c=LL&duel0=FN%2CLN%2CRO%2CPR%2CUN%2CLL&details=yes&export=1&enc=UTF-8&xf=csv'); 
system.debug('response data=='+page.getContent().toString());
When we are executing above code then in response we are just getting 1st column data.
You can see column names in above url whose parameter name is "&c". In above case 1st parameter column name is &c=FN so I am just getting "FN" data.

If we are trying above url directly in browser then we are getting csv file with all data but in pageReference we are just getting 1st column data.
If we are removing all column parameter i.e "&c" param then in pageReference code we are getting all data for all columns but We don't want that because we want selected column data.

Instead of pageReference we have also tried with Http callout but there we are getting authentication failure.
We have also added session Id but facing with authentication failure.

How can we fetch standard report data in apex?



We have set up Email to Case functionality. We are getting this error at least once in a day and the case is not opened:

UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW : unable to obtain exclusive access to this record

We have gone through this knowledge Article: https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewSolution?urlname=Email-to-Case-error-UNABLE-TO-LOCK-ROW-unable-to-obtain-exclusive-access-to-this-record&language=en_US (https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewSolution?urlname=Email-to-Case-error-UNABLE-TO-LOCK-ROW-unable-to-obtain-exclusive-access-to-this-record&language=en_US)

But, when case is created, we are not updating any parent record of it.

What is the reason of this issue?

Our customers were using our managed package. Later on, we added few custom fields into the Account object. We then pushed the upgrades to our Client's orgs. But, after the push upgrade, the newly created custom fields were set us hidden.

What is the reason behind this? What can we do to solve this?


We are trying to make a callout to "https://support.breadwinnerhq.com/bwpayment/v1/accounts/00Db0000000b9t" from Salesforce. But, we are facing an exception:

System.CalloutException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative DNS name matching support.breadwinnerhq.com found.

The domain has a valid SSL certificate.

We have checked from SSL shopper: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com (https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com)

But, still we are facing this issue.

We don't understand why is Salesforce not allowing us to make callouts to this domain when it has a valid SSL certificate and the browsers allow it.


In our one of appexchange app, we have exposed REST webservice. Here, user just passes the SOQL string to our expose REST API and in the form of response we are returning records.
As this is a part of appexchange, so its mandatory to do FLS checking, but as per our application scope SOQL string is generating outside Salesforce and user just passes SOQL string to my Salesforce Webservice, so I am wondering how we can do FLS checking for dynamic SOQL string.



We are trying to make a callout to "https://support.breadwinnerhq.com/bwpayment/v1/accounts/00Db0000000b9t" from Salesforce. But, we are facing an exception:

System.CalloutException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative DNS name matching support.breadwinnerhq.com found.

The domain has a valid SSL certificate.

We have checked from SSL shopper: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com (https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com)

But, still we are facing this issue.

We don't understand why is Salesforce not allowing us to make callouts to this domain when it has a valid SSL certificate and the browsers allow it.


We have used lightning:recordEditForm to create the Lead record, When we have added the any Picklist field of Lead object on lightning:recordEditForm, it will not be appeared on the form. We have checked all Picklist field-level security and accessiblity. Despite this, the pick list is not appearing on the form.

Any help appreciated.



We are working on ListView Metadata API to get all list views, displaying records of selected list view, custom create new and all other controls of list view ( like sharing settings, rename, select fields to display etc. )

We are facing an issue while getting sharing settings of particular ListView. 
  • We have checked ListView Metadata API but it's response does not contain information regrading with which users or groups a particular list view is shared.
  • We have also checked if ListView object column holds any information regarding it but there also we are unable to get relevant information.

We are able to save sharing settings while creating new list view, but unable to fetch the same for edit purpose.

Is there any way to get this information?


hi, I want  to count the records of every user, who had maximum no of records that user will be the owner of remaining records any one please suggest me.
  • April 26, 2016
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Hi All ,

Am new to Apex programmin , with some help ive written the following Apex trigger but I need to write the test class and I got the code covereage error as 0% , any help would be much appreciated.

trigger TaskTrigger on Task (after update , before insert) {
    set<string> Emails = new set<string>();
    list<contact>ContactList = [select id, email from contact];
    for(contact c: [select id, Email from contact])
    list<contact>NewContactList = new list<contact>();
    for(task t : trigger.new)
        if( t.Type == 'Visits') //This IF conditions checks whether task type is Meeting or not

    if (t.New_Key_Contact_s_Email_address__c <> null)
        if((Emails.contains(t.New_Key_Contact_s_Email_address__c) == true) )
            t.New_Key_Contact_s_First_Name__c.addError('This contact already exists');
            t.New_Key_Contact_s_Last_Name__c.addError('This contact already exists');
            t.New_Key_Contact_s_Email_address__c.addError('This Email already exists');
            contact c = new contact();
            c.FirstName = t.New_Key_Contact_s_First_Name__c;
            c.LastName = t.New_Key_Contact_s_Last_Name__c;
            c.Position__c = t.New_Key_Contact_s_Position__c;
            c.Email = t.New_Key_Contact_s_Email_address__c;

public class emailsend

public string subject{get; set;}
public string emailbody{get;set;}
public list<string> emails=new list<string>{'dubeykhushbu131191@gmail.com'};
public string attachment{get;set;}
public pagereference send()
messaging.singleemailmessage email=new messaging.singleemailmessage();
messaging.sendemailresult[] r=messaging.sendemail(new messaging.singleemailmessage[]{email});
// Messaging.EmailFileAttachment attachfile= new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
// attachfile.setbody(attachment);
return null;
list<document> doc=new list<document>();
document d=new document();
public pagereference save(){
insert d;
 doc=[select  folderid  from document where Folderid='00l28000001ELDU' ];
return null;}

Hi All,
 I have a string whose value will be like
String a = abc_12345; or
String a= a_1234; or
String a= abcd_23;

In String b = I need to capture the values only after the underscore.
Like b=12345
or b=1234
or b=23
Please let me know how it can be achieved.
  • April 16, 2016
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Hi guys, 
I want to add custom save button on edit page of layout. How is it possibel? Can anybody help me out ?
Hi All,

Is it possible to send out a notification email when a custom settings record is modified? Eg. I have a custom setting with a number of records. One of the field on those records is 'Active' (checkbox). Would it be possible to send out an email when a record is activated/deactivated.
How do I write a SOQL Query to get all Knowledge Article Types?
  • April 11, 2016
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I am trying to add a new validation rule ISNUMBER(number) on a custom phone  field.
but it seems like its accepting  symbols like + at the first position
ISNUMBER('12345') --> no error 
ISNUMBER('+1234')--->no error(this needs to be avoided )

ISBLANK(Phone_c) , false , ISNUMBER(Phone_c))
Hi All,

I'm very new to Saleforce Enterprise via the web.
I have been setup as a user, and performed the first time verification code request, but I'm required to do this everytime I log in from varoius devices ( iPhone , iPad , Mac , Windows PC etc ..) It looks like this is required when you pick up diifference IP address ?

This will be an issue as I will be logging in using mobile 3G and variuos hot spots etc... ( + Home etc )
Does anyone know how to turn this security feature off... As other members dont appear to have this issue ?

Many Thanks ...Paul

please let me know what is difference between URI and Url in REST APIs?i am confusing most ofthe times.
What are the ways to call a function on the Page Layout apart from the constructor calling.

Kindly help me on this.

Why do we need a custom extension when we are using a custom controller .
Please help me on this.


I have a Custom Object "Object_X__c", I have added a Custom Field "field__c" on Activity, and hence i have added a related list on the page layout.

I checked the profile permissions for Activity, task, event and Object_X__c, the user has all permissions.

I get option to create new Event or Task but once saved, the activities are not visible on the  pagelayout of Object_X__c
  • April 05, 2016
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My Dear Salesforce users,

Here is my question: 
I have created Email2Case while giving routing information as per the salesforce but after saving the i can find the Email Services Address is lenghthy as similar like this:
I would like to know reason why the salesforce has providing this lengthy Email Service Address.

I appreciate you answer 

Want to modfiy formula field to show AM or PM. Thank

Current Value -  Formula: 2016-03-04 16:05
Desired Value - 2016-03-07 03:35 PM

IF (DATEVALUE(Date/Time Field__c) >= 
DATE ( YEAR (DATEVALUE(Date/Time Field__c)),3,1) 

CASE( MOD(DATE ( YEAR (DATEVALUE(Date/Time Field__c)),3,1) - DATE (1900,1,7),7) , 
0,7,MOD(DATE ( YEAR (DATEVALUE(Date/Time Field__c)),3,1) - DATE (1900,1,7),7)) 

DATEVALUE(Impact_Start_Time__c) < 
DATE ( YEAR (DATEVALUE(Date/Time Field__c)),11,1) 

CASE( MOD(DATE ( YEAR (DATEVALUE(Date/Time Field__c)),11,1) - DATE (1900,1,7),7) , 
0,7,MOD(DATE ( YEAR (DATEVALUE(Date/Time Field__c)),11,1) - DATE (1900,1,7),7)) 
LEFT ( TEXT (Impact_Start_Time__c - 7/24 ), 16), 
LEFT ( TEXT (Impact_Start_Time__c - 8/24), 16) 
How can I enable API Access in professional edition .
I want use SOAP API . But in professional edition, it seems I cannot use API.
Please give some Idea how to do this.