• Jim Morgando
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I'm trying to create a Test Apex class but getting a
Error: Compile Error: Expression cannot be assigned at line -1 column -1
public class ICNFILL {
Public static void validate() {
       BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c.ICN_Circuit_No__c ='02ELP-NW5.2646';
The trigger that is for this auto filles fields on the Incident ticket in Remedyfoce.

we are wanting to do a lookup on a field on a form and then copying all of the fields values from that form to the another form.
Question: I need to be able to hide the different sections of the Incident Ticket in Remedyforce based on Permissions and Roles. Can this be done and if so what version do I need?
I'm trying to create a Test Apex class but getting a
Error: Compile Error: Expression cannot be assigned at line -1 column -1
public class ICNFILL {
Public static void validate() {
       BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c.ICN_Circuit_No__c ='02ELP-NW5.2646';
The trigger that is for this auto filles fields on the Incident ticket in Remedyfoce.

we are wanting to do a lookup on a field on a form and then copying all of the fields values from that form to the another form.